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So the render worked and has show me some little niggles that need to be worked out. I've done the math of the render time and is best part of 2/2 & half days.

This is what your patron money is going towards because whilst this is rendering the computer is off limits as its using all the GPU to render. 

So a dedicated rendering PC is very important i'm sure you can see now. 

I will stop the render to try and do a couple of thank you images and then stick it back on, hopefully wont slow it down to much. 

Hope you like what you see in the final lighting test image :D




When you get that rendering pc it will be a breath of fresh air for sure, being able to continue with other stuff while its working it's magic. The lighting you gave it is wonderful, makes it even easier to get really lost in an amination like this ;)


Yeah it will be far better, the computer needs to be mid spec generally with a highest spec money can buy gpu and about 4 gpu's in one pc. Will absolutely chew through anything. Thanks I spent some extra time on the lighting trying to get rid of the white on the floor.


1000 bucks, congratulationssss!