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After consuming only what can be described as my own weight in chocolate Easter eggs and now able to see sounds. I've managed to get to the initial render point where I can see all the flaws in the render before it goes to the final big boy render. 

I must say I really really enjoyed doing this one, lots of complexity in the animations and getting the scene to be able to loop 4 or 5 times and you will still see something new. 

I'm going to stick my neck out there and say it tops the tentacle animation, but only you can be the judge of that. 

Hopefully you will have the final version before the end of the week. 

Back to thank you image renders tomorrow, got the day off so with any luck get a few out :D




Maybe it's just me, but I automatically add sound to these with my mind when I watch them xD It will be amazing for sure.


Do want to add sound, might give it a go but ill be honest im not that great at audio. suppose I got to learn sometime.


Adding convincing voice and sound effects is no easy task, a proper skill to master.


Sometimes it's better without sounds than poor one. But like Crescent said, I imagine the sounds in my head while watching :)


You are quite right, I have seen some good animations ruined by poor audio, plus got enough on my plate at the moment than sticking that on top of it. would be nice though....


I think at the moment may be the wrong time as there is a silly amount of work to be got through currently. I'm hoping to get the GIF out the way this week, Episode one of the Overwatch series and a host of thank you renders too. I'm kinda hoping people will appreciate the 3d quality and don't mind not having sound.


Like you said it may be not the moment and for my part I came here for the amazing animation and 3d render, so not having sounds doesn't bother me. If you had sounds, it will only be a plus. I'm not a pro in animation, but is it possible to had sounds to an animation that is already finished and render?


Yes it is possible just difficult as you got to break down and source sound to its bare component, no background noise and no other influencing sounds. pain in the ass as I have done it for a none porn related animation.


You are such an awesome person for making this content. Please dont mistake my excitement for lack of appreciation. We are all grateful for the lovely things you give us ;)


Oh what i said wasn't a gripe at you, no defiantly not. problem with reading text as I can talk very blunt sometimes. anyway im glad you are enjoying it. cant wait for the reactions of the Mercy widow bj scene. Test animation render will be done at about 4am GMT so ready for me to see whats buggered up and get on render properly tomorrow :)