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Just done a rough calculation and on a pretty decent scale render (2000 samples and 1920x1080) the rendering will take under a day........under 24 hours..... that blows my god damn mind.

Firstly I got to say thank you and I mean that and also proves that the system is working, YOU magnificent contributing people have made that 24 hour render time possible not anyone else YOU have. 

So a high five and a butt slap from me.

Right so this means im waiting on the ladies unless anything rears its ugly head in the mean time. 

Now on to paid commission GIF number 2!

Which is a threesome with a POV solider 76 with widow on her back whilst shes getting it in her pussy but also have Mercy grinding her pussy on her face. 

Sounds good to me and a bloody break from tentacles and hey I love tentacles as the next guy but from an animators point of view.....that's a lot of work sugar tits!

Going Live shortly for you $15 upward guys, Got the competition winner requests to do a 2B tentacle scene, so I will see you lovely fappers there. 





Lol, omg


Hahaha, the picture xD This guy has great taste you know.