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Okay so from what i can see with my current set up has come to an end so what I do is a 30% render with a hell of a lot less samples (more samples = more rendering time but less quality) to see if I have missed anything.

This is usually the stage when I see it in the morning and go DUUUUUH how the hell did you miss that you tit!

Final adjustments then the full render shall take place, now will also be the first real run through with the new GFX cards so im hoping its not as much of a chore as it originally was.  up to 8 days before for 15 seconds which is heart breaking if you spot something wrong. 

Most likely be live streaming tomorrow to the $15 guys as I know you love them, will be corrections or working on the competition winner which you guessed it... more tentacles. think i must be drawing a crowd here lol. 

Contemplating running two community images a month as its getting thin on the ground for daily wank material for you guys. will see what happens. 

Night all from me!



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