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So the future is bright and full of new things. 

The current way how Firebox is having to work is very different from where it  needs to be. 

As there is a back log of GIF's and other work, the interaction and polls have suffered to a large degree, I started this to put you guys in control.

On the other hand the kickstart these initial GIF's, thank you  renders & pledges have boosted Firebox 18 months ahead where I initially predicted which is freaking AWESOME!! and thank you greatly to those people, you are truly an inspiration to me. 

So..... the balancing act. 

Over the next few weeks im pretty much going to be solely pumping out GIF's which have already been bought and paid for (7 at last count).

Now obviously this is going to take time, but you are still going to get content obviously similar to what you have seen, so in reality things wont change straight away. 

For the future Im going to be more focused on single GIF a month, then working on a larger project showing constant updates (VR projects, Episodic narrative porn 3-5 minutes) and giving snippets to the right tiers etc.

This isnt for a while and format of how i've been posting daily wont change, but the end result will be greater and the interaction between us will be superior.

Any questions or misunderstandings please put in comments below to help your fellow Fappers out who might have the same question. 




Antonio B.

Speaking for myself I understand the change up just fine, when I first joined, I think I was one of 4 people, then everything went from zero to 100mph in a week. So you have my thanks for providing quality over quantity. : )


And long may it continue! Been here pretty much from the beginning and looking forward to seeing where this little journey leads 🙂


I'm very happy you get this, was one of my fears that people wont understand the waiting time as we live in a instant society (everything wanted immediately).


Yes you have haven't you! glad you are joining the journey with me :). hope you enjoy the next lot of upcoming content just as much.


This setup seems like a very good plan, these longer animations were the main focus all along right? Been amazed over all the high quality content you have made since I came here. The interaction has been really great all along aswell, I have to say ^_^ I recall being number 8 (sounds like an agent from Spectre in the 007 movies) xD


Yeah it was the original focus defiantly, thank you do enjoy talking to everyone and love what people have to say too. 8 sounds about right yeah been here from the get go haha. do want to get back to the longer animations as soon as I can but wont rush other peoples work to do so.