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Greetings Fappers and friends!

May of been absent from the your emails as i've been working like a crazy man going through these GIF's and significant progress has been made. 

Working on some fluid dynamic adjustments to look more...well...cum like. 

Having yet another issue with the rigging system with Samus character in which i'm going to have to get in contact with the developer again, everything is fine until it needs to bind, the old solution was to make the character much larger like I did with 2B, but doesn't seem to want to play ball tonight. 

Other news got the main animation computer a new Razor Chroma Blackwidow V1, works like a charm ^_^.

Thank you renders will most likely continue tomorrow depending on how much work is able to be completed tonight.

Really want to get this on render to move onto the next GIF. 

Some exciting developments in the VR front as well but more on that on its own update as there is quite a bit to cover. 

Brilliant having you all on board and loving some of the suggestions you guys are emailing me, please keep doing so they do help generate new directions for us. 

Director/Goblin King



Who's the goblin king?


Been listing waaay to much Gloryhammer recently, must be my alter ego coming out xD, its no one.


Grant me the power to fight my foes, and defeat the lords of the mooooooon......!*Cough* You have some great taste in music ;) Anyway, I really like these detailed updates, more gear is always good ^_^


haha, glad im not the only one to have heard of them xD, if i need a pick me up they are the number one choice.