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I’m doing some roadmapping for the Kill Contract Series and would like to hear some suggestions and ideas on what you’d like to see.

The goal for each KILL CONTRACT episode is to have a new thematic aesthetic, target (targets), and outfit/loadout.


(Since it was removed, I am retconning it as nothing more than a proof of concept video, so it’s no longer Canon).

In the new Kill Contract I’d like to establish Reznya’s occupation and her daily life very clearly by showing the process one would take to meet up with Reznya and hire her. I also want to show off the daycare/orphanage that she runs and really flesh out the duality of her character.

TARGET: For the target in KC1 I’m thinking either a hulk-like Shrek or a monstrous mutated Thomas the Flesh Engine would be fun choices.

OUTFIT/LOADOUT: For the remake I’m thinking it’ll be a contrast of what Reznya would wear when she’s around the kids, as to what she’d change into when going to work. I also want to put an emphasis on how Reznya uses her environment as a weapon.

Ex: uses a table to steel table to crush someone, and then use the same table to decapitate people and then throw it like a massive shuriken.

2. KILL CONTRACT 2: Once Upon a Time in Uganda

KC2 is very westerny and not much to discuss about here since it’s still on youtube no problem. 

Target: Roblox

OUTFIT/LOADOUT: Dressed in a poncho and armed with a variety of revolvers and firearms

3. KILL CONTRACT 3: Necrotubbies

For necrotubbies, I’m thinking of making it an open contract, where many other characters will get a moment in the spotlight. A very large scale hunt to purge an infestation. It’ll be a lot of body horror and focus on variety of different Hunter-Killers going up against a variety of monstrous Teletubbies.

TARGET: Necrotubbies are what I call my mixture of Necromorphs and Teletubbies. A lot of the enemies for this draw influence from the classic and iconic necromorphs from Dead Space series.

OUTFIT/LOADOUT: So for this one, I’m paying homage to my love of bloodborne and berserk, so I’m thinking of dressing reznya in my own variation of a Hunter’s outfit, and arming her with an absolutely massive sword, which will be her primary means of dealing with necrotubbies. 

(And Stomping on them of course)

4. Kill Contract 4: _____________?

While I know for sure Kill Contract 5 is going to feature Elsa, I’m stuck on what direction I should take in 4. Initially it was gonna be “Hotline Bikini Bottom” and feature gangster sponge bob characters (like Majin Buu as Patrick star). The premise was that Spongeblyat is distributing a new drug, an aggression based combat stimulant, and the production of this requires organ harvesting or something. 

But anyway this was just a thought.

I’m very open for suggestions if you have ideas. My Little Pony, Five Nights at Freddy’s and Fortnite are viable contenders for this contract

5. Kill Contract 5: Elsa

I want this last Kill Contract episode to be one where Reznya leaves the spotlight (and no I don’t mean that she’s going to die). The story in this one will wend in a way where Reznya will figuratively pass the torch to another character to begin a new story.

What kind of threat will Elsa be? IS she a super powerful ice sorceress? Does she have the massive Disney assets at her disposal? Does she gain leverage over Reznya in a different way? I’m looking to see what makes her a viable threat.

I’m also open to suggestions on this one.

Anyway, all of this can change, I could be influenced by different things or the ideas you pitch. I just thought it’d be fun to think tank together.

Let me know what you think in the comments!



I know you mentioned a while back that you weren’t particularly a 40k fan, but for Kill Contract 4 have you considered maybe using the Bandai Space Marine figurine once it’s released? Ever since your “Moondalorian” showed up i’ve been wondering how another armoured warrior would fare in the Shrapnel universe. I don’t think that a Space Marine would necessarily go on a killcrazy PURGE THE HERETICS rampage as many people assume - hell, the Imperium counts literal catgirls among its subjects (the felinid abhuman strain!) so even the Fenri might get a pass and be tolerated if the Marine squints a bit - but how a doctrinal and religious warrior-monk copes in an outlaw world where he has no Brothers, no crusade and no orders would be interesting. One idea that occurred to me is that he starts building his own tiny little Imperium, kicking over bandit camps and abducting their engineers and scientists. Eventually he pisses off enough people that everyone, even rivals, chips in to make one of the biggest bounties ever posted to finally take him down. Reznya gets involved, but the Marine claims he’s building a portal - but is he just trying to go home, or bring through his Chapter to start the purging in earnest? Dealing with a cross-world character would also be a way to reincorporate elements of your cancelled BMO video and make sure it doesn’t go to waste.


I do like the idea of Kill Contract 3 being an ensemble piece. You summarised loads of characters in the cutaways of your kitbashing how-to video, it'd be cool to see what they can do. What's the deal for Monika's book club this month? 8)