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WOW. I take memes too far. Need to stop doing that.

2 months of filming and half a month of editing and here we are.

The public upload will be going up this coming friday with proper credits and along with animated patron credits, so if your perk qualifies for an end card, do let me know if you want anything particular to be your end card character.

Otherwise, please enjoy.




Logan Johnson

I really can’t think of anything for an ending card so just probably put few bullets around mine


As someone who requested a Ugandan Knuckles for his end-card skit, I appreciate your dedication to sale memes Moon. ;) Some thoughts: -0:44 The minimum wage gag was an entertaining way to bring an over-portentous speech back down to earth, -1:20 Same wtih "okay, you can go!", it wrong-foots you and raises a chuckle. -1:58 I'd hold the title card for a few more seconds before fading out, currently you barely notice "wae" before it's gone again. -2:08 I recognise that door and outside, is this the same set that was used for Scrooge McDuck's hideout in the Goofy's Trial skit? Good to know that Moonshine Animations is keeping it green. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! ;) -3:04 I like the idea of this shot, but maybe this could do with a little more light in the background. Until the focus change I couldn't tell that there was anything at all there, so it just seemed out of place for a while. -3:40 Cool looking effects! I like how the flamethrower has depth to it too, it's not just a flat overlay. -4:13 BWAAAAAANG! Title Drop! 8D In all seriousness, it's a good moment - the different intonations of "the way" helping to elevate the silly meme into something dramatically significant. -5:24 The shiver here is a great way to show emotion even into a faceless action figure. -5:31 Sinister lighting on the baddie here. -5:57 Good attention to detail on the shaking cables here, it helps to make the storm a little more convincing above and beyond the fog filter. -6:06 I know it's difficult to make those Knuckles figures do anything, so good effort trying to show him being blown back by the storm, although I'd have slowed him down a bit to match Brin's pace and make it seem more authentic. -6:40 Loved the layered lighting in this shot, great depth. -7:04 I welcome that you don't tell us what a "Rail Runner" is. A lot of inferior works would immediately stop the story and swerve into ten minutes of tedious exposition on every article and clause in the Rail Runner charter but you have the confidence in your audience to trust that we'll pick it up as we go along. It also maintains the integrity of the setting to not have characters explain things that they themselves would know in-context. -7:22 I like how Brin doesn't reply straight away. More reflective and regretful. -7:55 It's actually nice to see a Cecilia that isn't just slicing things up the moment she appears. I enjoy her movement in the flicker too. -8:14 is that one of the unicycles used by the Jonas Brothers in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust? Huh, I never realised that they made merch for that movie. -8:30 Young Alouette going on a caffeine high was worth a smirk and added a bit more character too. Brin's paternal "I think you've had enough tea" hand was also reinforcing his attitude with the knuckles and segues neatly into his "you look a bit young to be going by yourself" when we return to the present. -8:53 I couldn't make out Knuckles' line here. "The **** are known to have super-long lifespans". What's Serval supposed to be? -8:58 Nicely understated reading of the "yeah, well, it fucking sucks" line from the voice actress here. -9:50 Good lighting here. Interesting that it remained consistent between moving frame as well, no obvious jump-cuts in the lights' positions as characters moved their arms. Was this lighting a post-processing effect or was it done live on the set? -12:14 Let's pump hardbass! 8D -12:34 While the sudden jump cut to a freaky mutant Tellytubby is a good shock gag, personally I would have thought it more impactful if there was an extra shot here where we follow the casts' own sight - the arms dealer points it out, and then we zoom in on the monster from a distance. -13:05 I like the guy's wary side-eye here. Was that a face-plate supplied with the original model or have you repainted it? -14:30 It's fun seeing the Roblox guys back. It helps to stop the action from getting too serious. -15:06 The music motif you've had running through the whole video is effective. There's been three or four different arrangements of the same theme but it never feels repetitive and it always suits the mood of the scene. -15:49 I like how Brin bends around the rocks here. He looks ragdoll'd, appropriately for the heavy hit he's taken. -16:20 It wasn't quite clear what was going on here. Did Brin just slip or did a return shot from Pickles' pistol knock him down again? I think it'd be better if it was the latter, to show how Pickles isn't pinned by the fire like the other gangers and can shoot back through Brin's blasts. Put in a ricochet effect off Brin's chest here to show it. -17:10 Farewell Cuddles, we hardly knew ye. I have to admit given the detail in her design I was expecting Cuddles to be an MC and a longer-lasting character than this. Ah well, shows we are in a high-lethality setting! -17:29 Cool effect showing Pickles' high-impact suit deforming here. -19:23 Seeing Rezyna's face through Knuckles' fogged goggles is much more original than a conventional discretion shot like looking at her from behind. As we are seeing it from Knuckles' perspective we can also feel his spirit reaching out and trying to grasp at her. All in all, great stuff!


Man I had to open a word document to make you a proper response. -1:58 . Yeah it’s always been a bit tricky for me to find the right balance for title card durations. But for me personally, I hate videos or seeing anything where the video is like 50 second along, and 20 seconds happens to be the damn opening text titles, so for me quicker is better~. -2:08 . I reuse A TON of assets that I make for my animations. That door probably is the same door, but I also have a lot of very similar looking doors, also made of popsicle sticks and balsa wood. -7:04 . I’m sure you could tell from all my previous works but I’m definitely a SHOW not tell type of story teller, so it’s always nice to see viewers piece things together later on. -8:14 . I have watched Bloodlust and I know of the unicycle you speak of. I was given this vehicle as a part of a huge “giving away my figures” box so I’m not quite sure of its origins. -8:53 “Fenri” the inworld species name I use for any animal person, anthro , or kemonomimi character. Derived off the name of the Norse wolf Fenrir. -9:50 I don’t do any kind of simulated lighting effects so all lighting you see in my work is done live. -13:05 yeah that face plate came with the original figure. -16:20 So this was probably not my strongest shot, but I was trying to portray Brynn being thrown off by the recoil of his own gun, kinda to show just how disoriented he’s become after taking such a hit. -19:23 Glad you liked the Reznya face scene. It was going to be the first time any viewers would see Reznya’s face so I really wanted to portray it in a special and memorable way.