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this is the Thursday's update, after the incident I took a day to grieve and got back to drawing. I had to redraw the pages so it took awhile. Okashina and All Prince will most likely be done by tomorrow.
thank you everyone who were worried and commented on the last post and giving me advice. I will be more careful with the files and backup from now on.
line art by: Ciel.Zeven

*Karma will be heavily NSFW, I will upload both censored and uncensored version for
readers who are not comfortable reading 18+ content.

Karma (Reboot) update every: Tuesday/Thursday




Nice for a little while there I thought maybe the hard drive issue you had would delay this for even longer.


It’s nice you recovered from the setback so quickly


I am still abit gloomy from it. But I realized that the things I lost are drawn by me, i can just draw it again if I want it back.