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So just now electricity had a 2 seconds short circuit, and my drive D is gone. I believe it has been completely fried and I just lost all my comic files and my vtuber files as well. 😔 sigh…



Oh my gosh! That’s awful to hear.


Oh no, that sucks


You might be able to take it to a data recovery place? Pretty sure they can get way more data back than one would expect.


Yea do what Lax said. Most companies big or small that can make computers should be able to recover your HD.


There are data recovery services that may be able to retrieve most of your data from the drive but they are expensive and don’t guarantee you will get anything back..


If it's just the board of the HDD that died, a recovery should be fairly easy doable, and not THAT expensive


Here’s hoping the computer technicians can get your data back.


I'm sorry that happened. ;w;


That sucks


I'm sorry my guy that must suck


Wow! No backups? ouch!


Oh no

Diana Primley

Crud, I hope it wasn't too big of a loss.....


To update on the situation, all my files are permanently gone because my harddisk is SSD ZATA and none of it can be recovered. I had a back up but the files are too old to be used. My harddisk is fried and the warranty is long over. I’m buying a new Harddisk and a UPS to prevent future incidents like this and learning from this experience, I prob will save everything online in a dropbox as well.


at the moment, im just quite depress that all my logos and designs are completely wiped. Including my other alter ego vtuber as well that was quite expensive to rigged.

NicoH (NPSao)

I'm sorry to hear. :( Happened to me one time too, since then I keep several copies of all my important files.


I'm so sorry that this has happened the only solution i can think of is power cycling the ssd that may help but if not I am so sorry that you lost those kinds of files


ohh noo back up done?


Best Save to Cloud !!! I Hope You Recover Something MY WORK HAS EVER LOST ONE OR THE OTHER WORK !!!


you do great work we love it can wait quietly


I thought ssd was easier to recover lost data did you reach out to any recovery experts there are places that specialize in data recovery.


Oh hell! So sorry to hear Meow. Even moreso that it's not recoverable.


might be able to fix if it's a power issue. found this online - Power cycling the SSD. If the SSD drive becomes corrupted through power failure, this method may be the solution. First, unplug the SATA data cable, but leave the power cable in. Leave the power on for half an hour, then turn it off for 30 seconds. Turn the power back on again for another half hour. Finally, turn it off for another 30 seconds. Turn the power back on and reconnect the data cable. If power cycling has been effective, the SSD will be back up at this point.


This is exactly what Surge Protectors are for. People always say these things, but you never really *care* until it happens. Like always properly ejecting your USB drive before yanking it- didn't really care until the drive I had my entire portfolio on got corrupted because I yanked it instead of ejecting it. Lost literally every project I'd ever worked on for years because of that, since the drive data was unrecoverable.


I am not normally one to recommend or promote business especially Cloud based backup services (says the person now recommending services /irony), but I suggest taking a look at Blackblaze. You could also buy a NAS system (basically a shell PC for network storage) and configure the dries in it to a RAID configuration. I use both for the 3+TB of photography I have


Seconding Backblaze. It's literally just "install it and forget it" level of convenient to use, and only $5 per month.


I'm sorry to hear about this Meow. Here's to you coming back even better, though.

patsy jj

Terrible news, try not to get too down, easier said than done, I know. Can't give any better suggestions than you have already.