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So first is sort of good news...? I can still use my old laptop which I can use to make content still. Bad News is New laptop remains broken and it has the newer animations files which are:

- Seraphine 4 (Anim was done and I was rendering it when the newer laptop broke)

- Mileena 2

- Irelia 1

- Caitlyn 1

- Ahsoka 1

- Sona Poster 1

So this means if the newer laptop fails to be fixed and the files never recovered then these files will be lost forever. That also means i cant use these for vr videos in the future aswell. 

So whats the plan?

Well Im sending the laptop to a ASUS repair this monday, hopefully they can fix it but i dont know HOW LONG it will take. 

What about Seraphine 4?

All I can say is Im sorry especially to the Seraphine fans but there is nothing I can do until my laptop is fixed,... Again im sorry.

So whats the next anim then and when?

The next animation should be Kai Sa 2 which is a commission animation but I wont start animating it for a while. I got sort of burn out with Sera and when the laptop broke... well it made me really stressful as fuck. That Laptop is really expensive for me and it breaking in just 1 and a half month is really frustrating. So guys expect Kai sa and Sera 4 animation in early to mid September. 



I hope those ASUS guys are fans like me and do everything to save it 🥹 both for helping you with the burnout and for the Seraqueen 🙏



Mister Michael

Make sure to tell the Asus guys that your files are lewd animations. They'll work extra hard trying to recover them.