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I have terrible news guys. While i was sleeping, I was also rendering Seraphine 4 then some error occurred, dont know what caused it. I just woke up, saw a blue screen and now windows wont boot up. I tried System restore, system repair, etc and nothing seems to work... Im gonna try and save my files somehow but after everything that ive tried... im not hopeful. I dont know anymore...


Bradley Boivin

You might need another computer/drive with a windows install, and hook your drive up not as the boot drive. Hopefully it's just the windows install and not a bad drive. Good luck!


I tried it but i can't install windows 11 without deleting my files... It can only work if windows boots up.

Bradley Boivin

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ You don't have access to a second computer, maybe not at home but a friend's for family member's that you can try hooking up the drive to?

Tommy Zeng



I'll be here, even if I don't see anything for I while, I get it, sh*t goes wrong, and sometimes you gotta cut your losses, as unfortunate as that is. Don't give up, maybe try working on something else until the sting fades. The other day I dropped a part worth about $250, one part turned into about six, I kicked the pieces under my bench and started working on something else, until today, I've come to the conclusion that the part is irreversibly damaged, I'm going to have to buy a new one, and I'm not going to be lucky enough to get the deal I did the first time. I know sometimes it can feel like this sh*t only happens to you, it doesn't, every once in a while sh*t goes wrong, and sometimes you can't do anything about it. The British had a phrase in WW2 "keep calm and carry on" (yup, that's from 1939, the beginning of the war) and it serves as well today as it did back then, panic and anger won't help anything, occupy your mind until you can return with your wits about you. Good luck.


could be graphic card burned or something, i have similar experience like you said when the graphic card is broken, so maybe check it


That's awful! I hope you figure out a solution, computer problems are the absolute pits. Good luck, and we'll of course be here still even if the worst happens