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Hey guys. So, I'm healing. Again. This time it was a lot worse. You might have known this already, but I live in Brazil, and in one of the regions that is suffering the worst with the pandemic. I think the NY Times actually made something about my region, as well. But anyways, I probably got one of the variations, at least that's what the doctor said. And catching the same disease twice is very rare and dangerous.

I was in bed for 5 days with a scary fever and feeling horrible. I could barely eat or get up to do anything. And it was only yesterday that I could finally say the fever was gone. I feel better, finally, and I wanted to let you guys know that. And know that some of you actually made me cry, when you said you weren't going to leave. It means so much to me. I mean it.

So, I'm not gonna post much this month, I don't think, in terms of new content. I am going to take things slow and focus on getting back to my usual, healthy self. You guys, as I understand it, won't have to pay anything for this month, which is perfect as I will try to post at least what was missing from last month.

Lastly, I will probably change the tiers for next month. But I'll see about that when we get there. For now, I'm finally strong enough to sit at my computer, and that's a relief that I wanted to share with all of you.

Thank you. I wasn't sure if I was comming back. Thank you all.



I didn't know you lived there but I have heard horror stories. I'm glad you got through alright, take all the time you need. And yeah, as you say, I wasn't charged, so that's working as intended.


I’m glad to hear you’re starting to recover buddy.


Hope you are alright