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I know its in portuguese, but you can slap a translator on it. Second time already, and this time I'm scared.
Please, do NOT subscribe to me. If you're already subbed and want to help, keep your subscription, I'll pause the billing cycle for as long as I can't draw.
I'm sorry. It's all just too much right now.




I know covid is scary sounding but just take a deep breath, my sister in law had it and she’s just fine. Just be careful you don’t give it to anyone else. A bit of patience and clarity in mind go a very long way


Oh crap. Well, hopefully you'll recover just fine, as most people do. I'm not going anywhere.


First you lost you gramps and then you got Covid. This is NOT funny at all. I hope you get better soon. You don’t deserve to be like this.


Sorry to hear man, I hope you recover without any major or serious complications.


Hope you recover soon