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Weren't these supposed to be a monthly thing? Oh well.
I've got six slots for free sketches available- if you want one, leave a comment with a brief description of what you'd like. At the end of the week I'll choose which ones to draw.

The only rules are: only one request per patron, and no more than two characters per sketch request, and no fetish stuff beyond basic nudes/suggestive material.
All requests must be made before April 24th.
This Sketchy's theme is... Snakes! Slithery, slippery serpents of all sizes! Any kind of snake goes- from regular snakes, to nagas, to anthros with legs, if it's snakey, it's good to go!

So post your snake-themed requests below!  




Ok! So my idea would be gorgon from God of war ascension game https://youtu.be/cB23tXCuBsI?t=147


Snakes? Oh my~ Do moray eels count as sea snakes? And yeah, you know the one I'm thinking about. X3


Mmm, I dunno, eels are technically fish, not snakes. I guess it depends on what you'd want. If theres an eel WITH a snake, I'd be down with that. And I'm guessing its Queen Oriale?


You bet! The younger sexier version of Queen Oriale and Seti together in some teasing way would be my idea. Maybe Seti could be in a pool with just the top out of water to use her chest as a pillow for the queen lying near the pool with a drink.


I know you've drawn her a bunch of times already but I wanna see Torque from X-COM Chimera Squad being a badass.


I have no qualms against drawing her again! Though her outfit is surprisingly hard to draw.

W C Purdy

Ikki the Goblin Wizardess (as seen here: https://sta.sh/0cx2lgrdb8s ) has made the mistake of casting yet ANOTHER spell that she found in the pervert-wizard's old library (as described in Kimmy's bio here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kimmy-for-wc-35232581 ). This time, she's accidentally managed to turn Tripp the Kobold Swashbuckler (as previously depicted here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tripp-for-wc-35232446 ) into a distressingly female, distressingly busty, Kobold-Lamia hybrid. A sexy Kobold woman with a snake tail, basically. She-Tripp is NOT happy about the sudden round of gender and species change, and Ikki is desperately searching the spellbook for a counterspell before Tripp gets it into "her" head to constrict the life out of her.


Honestly I loved your take on Chrysalis' Ophiotaurus form here: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2021/3/13/2570574.png so that's the inspiration for this sketch request! Would it be possible to get some Naga Chrysalis belly dancing? I think it might be fun to request a cobra or other snek with a hood but the body shape of something like a ball python. Was thinking lewd and/or nude, depending on how / if you want to dress her.


Awela is a coral naga princess character of mine, and one of unprecedented size for her species, at that. Why not a comical sketch of her disgruntled, crammed into an outlandish dress she’s clearly outgrown, causing her to stiffly stick her arms out to the sides while her father (off-screen) tries to console her that “Look, see? It still fits..!” Awela pic: https://d.furaffinity.net/art/snekemia/1611102450/1611102416.snekemia_25dc970a-46b2-417d-9756-c87d5f428a21.png


Mmm, how about the the male version of Kaa meeting the female version (from the Disney remake live action version) as nagas? Never seen that before. Would be a funny reaction between the two.


Hmm, you know, I don't think I've ever seen a naga-fied version of Kaa, come to think of it.

Cedric Moon

I thought of Tuki the naga, in the game Shantae, who offers us a dance, or, trade with us.

Cedric Moon

I'm not an expert on the genre, but why not her to go with Tuki? https://img.livraddict.com/covers/260/260519//couv16996276.jpg