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Last week I wrote a post regarding fetish artwork, and how to best display it on my Patreon.

I've given it a lot of thought, and have finally come to a conclusion: I will continue to draw fetish-themed works and commissions, but they will be posted on my Furaffinity instead of on Patreon.

The reason I'm doing this instead of putting it behind a download wall as previously suggested, is simply a matter of audience. I've posted plenty of fetish-themed art on Furaffinity long before I had a Patreon, and thus the majority of people who watch me on FA expect to see fetish works moreso than on, say, DeviantART or Tumblr.

On Patreon, however, I have watchers from multiple sites who watch me for multiple reasons, and fetish artwork is a much smaller niche than artwork featuring simple nudes or even furry/MLP stuff. So, if I want to cast a larger net, I'll have to go for a more general appeal. I know that makes me sound more like a businessman than an artist, but that's the best way I can describe it.

I have experimented with creating a download wall, but nothing I've come up with feels satisfactory. I want a system that will, basically, allow everyone to see only what they want to see, but Patreon doesn't have anything that fits the bill. If you're not watching me for fetish artwork, I doubt you'd be eager to see a notification pop up on your email for, say, a foot fetish drawing, regardless if it's either a picture of feet or just a black box with the words "FEET PIC, DOWNLOAD BELOW" written on it. I have a Google Drive, but the space on that is limited. The only other method I could think of would be to put fetish artwork behind my $50 tier or some other larger paywall, which frankly doesn't seem fair at all.

With all that being said, if you have commissioned fetish artwork from me in past, or plan to in the future, let me make this perfectly clear: I am not doing this because I'm embarrassed of you. I have no qualms or grudges against any of you; this is purely a business thing. some of you are honestly my best customers, both in terms of how often you commission me and how polite and honest you've been in all our interactions. Besides, if I were judge others for having paraphilias, I'd be a massive hypocrite.

By the end of the week (Saturday Sept. 8), I will be removing all my fetish-themed artwork from Patreon and posting it on FurAffinity (if I haven't already). Until then, feel free to speak your mind on this topic. Depending on how everyone feels, I might change tactics by then. Do you think this is the best course of action, or is there something I might of missed? Please let me know below!



Your solution works best for you - you know your fans better than we do! I’ll just pop over to your FurAffinity for this stuff from now on. 😊