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Despite the pervasiveness of Cardassian arrogance, some Cardassians weren’t entirely stupid or incapable of recognizing and adapting to changed circumstances, so in recent years a few of the smarter high-level officers, often ones who had managed to survive an assassination attempt or two by the Resistance, having learned that they weren’t actually immortal and that the Bajorans were a devious and dangerous lot to underestimate, had started using body doubles when in public situations where their safety couldn’t be guaranteed. Some unlucky bastard, oftentimes a low-level soldier forced to go under the knife and face the danger of getting killed in various high-risk situations, would take the risk for the more important and higher-ranking man.

While we felt it was unlikely in this particular case, nonetheless I'd spent some time studying detailed images of Gul Divoc so that no simple look-alike would fool me. Thankfully, the advanced electronic optics in the 24th century allowed me to zoom in to a ridiculous degree and spot the differences in a Cardassian that only semi-looked like the Gul. If the Gul had a surgically altered double, however, then I could still be fooled without a DNA scan to confirm, but we had no reason to believe that Divoc had gone to such great lengths. It took a lot of time, pain, effort and skill to make a perfect body double through surgery and while this guy was a Gul, he just wasn't yet high up enough in the chain of command or on the planet long enough to justify the great expense.


Alleged doubles of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

Toggle the table of contents From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nazi leader Adolf Hitler may have used look-alikes as political decoys, though there is no evidence that he did so during his life. The Soviet Union variously claimed that bodies resembling Hitler were found in the aftermath of the Battle of Berlin, during which Hitler committed suicide.


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