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It's finally ready, my friends! :-)  Lot of ship design this chapter, a glimpse of one of the rooms on the island, and a good start on constructing the new Flighty Temptress, which will be needed in the future.  As always, let's discuss in the comments!


maddsloth II

Another nice chapter, I never really understood how Odo keep his job after the Cardassians were kicked out. He has to have lead to the deaths of countless Bajoran as he enforced Harsh Cardassian laws and slavery. I did see two minor details that stuck out to me. Page 8 “I hope we’ll get the chance to see (each)other before we’re forced to part once again.” Page 29 I think the very first thing on the page should have been a quote mark before the word “Second”.

Joseph Orlando

I've asked myself that same question several times in the past. I know there were a few lines of dialog here and there in various episodes which supposedly indicated the Bajorans felt like he did the best he could, where he served justice, but it really does make little sense that they'd allow him to keep that job, especially if he was following Cardassian law. You can still appreciate the work he did, acknowledge the conditions he had to work under, and still thank him and THEN shuffle him off somewhere else so that some Bajoran who wasn't tarnished by the horrors of the Occupation could take that job. In my opinion, he would have been replaced. Thanks, I've now made those corrections in the master document.

stephen lyman

Could you upload pictures of what characters look like? I know you said that they will look different to what they did in Canon so I'd like to see what you have in mind mate

Joseph Orlando

This is a great question/request since it gives me an opportunity to clarify something. Of the main, canon characters that have appeared in the various Star Trek shows that Gothic has actually seen when he transitioned to the Star Trek universe in 2016, only 1 character's appearance has been changed, and that's Dr. Crusher. That was something that my co-author for the first 3 chapters thought up, and to my regret, I went along with. In hindsight, I feel like changing her was a mistake. The minor, one-off episode characters, I don't feel so beholden to, though, to clarify. I can and have messed with them a bit at one point or another. To clarify, again, all the characters, except Dr. Crusher, have the same appearance as the actors/actresses that appeared in canon. What I do stress with each one when they're introduced in-story, is that these are real people who are the product of their times, meaning they have access to centuries more advanced medical care and the ability to tailor, to the molecular level via replicators, the best food for them to grow healthy and strong from birth, along with a whole slew of other factors like a better planetary environment with better air and water quality, etc., etc. Factor in the cumulative effect of generations of ancestors with better health and there has to be an effect on them too down the line. So all of them will be healthier, fitter, younger looking, etc., but otherwise look like better versions of the actors/actresses that played them on TV. Does that make sense?