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This weapon was a game changer for warfare, but of course the Federation fools were too stupid to realize it, so it just became a one-off episode idea, like so many things.


Then I remembered one of the most innovative and creative episodes from DS9’s run, where someone had already figured that out. That episode had involved a mentally disturbed Vulcan Starfleet officer who had replicated an experimental weapon called a TR-116 rifle and used it to murder the happiness he saw in people onboard the station. Crazy might be a better way to describe that Vulcan. That weapon had been developed by Starfleet Security for use in dampening fields or radiogenic environments where conventional energy weapons would be useless.

It was designed to fire a specially designed, chemically propelled, tritanium bullet. That crazy Vulcan, though, had taken that weapon and made it infinitely more dangerous by adding a micro-transporter to the barrel. By using an exographic targeting sensor he could look through walls and kill people anywhere on the station by transporting the fired bullet to hit and kill a target. It was displaced targeting with a 24th century flare. You could essentially kill your enemy from a great distance without them ever seeing you. I wanted that ability!!


TR-116 rifle

The TR-116 rifle was a hand-held projectile weapon developed by Starfleet Security during the 24th century. The rifle was developed by Starfleet Security as a contingency for use in dampening fields or radiogenic environments where conventional energy weapons would be useless.


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