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You know what really sucks, it's a burst of inspiration when you're doing the final revision of the last chapter on a Wednesday night, on July 3, while you're on vacation, sitting uncomfortably in the dark on a hotel bed, typing away on your laptop and failing repeatedly to find a comfortable position, while your wife and kids have been soundly sleeping for 2 hours already. It sucks because you get this last minute inspiration for 2 or 3 new scenes that would have been perfect in this chapter, BUT YOU'VE GOT NO TIME TO WRITE IT! You're on freaking vacation and you've got to get the chapter out the door and uploaded, after all. But....because you want to add these new scenes, at least in the next chapter, which you've resigned yourself to doing, probably by using a god forsaken 'flashback' (cringe) you're doing some last minute rejiggering of the fucking chapter (which was pretty much done and locked) by adding dialogue and other pieces and parts at the last fucking minute to set the stage for those new scenes you haven't even written yet. Sigh... deep breath.

It's been a weird night, my friends, but at least I've got a head start on 3 cool scenes I think you'll like in the next chapter. I know I'm complaining and being silly, but thank you so much for your support of my writing. The reviews of all those people who read my story for free are great, but I'm so overwhelmed with gratitude to the people who monetarily support this story and keep me motivated. As always, let's discuss in the comments! :-)


Daddy Ivan

Don’t worry about it man, I’m honestly of the opinion that a delay is better if the overall product will be improved. Just for future reference, I wouldn’t mind you just letting us know you decided to add some last minute shit and it got delayed a couple days


Yeah a delay is preferable to something you feel isn't there yet, great chapter, i'd love more views of what others think of gothics actions 👍


Can you uploaded as text so that I can have safari refer speak it ?

Jared Nelson

Great chapter! If you’re feeling froggy, I won’t shed any tears if you hit us with a revised chapter in a week or two.keep up the great work and have a great vacation with the family!

War sage

I have to say this was an awesome return and the Enterprise saves the day lol. Yea I can't say I'm surprised the destruction was worse then Wolf 359. Ahh politics never change. I unfortunately expect some of treasure to be lost. Hell not only does we have the return of Annika but she may be coming alone. Hmm Gothic going to make a decent amount of cash for providing planetary defense. Also I'm really curious who the options are I'm assuming one may be Annika

stephen lyman

Not a bad chapter but it felt rather meh in comparison to others it just felt like nothing happened and that Gothics ship was just sitting in place I couldn't visualise the Temptresses actions in the battle since we got so little information this chapter felt very transitional

Mr Mouse

Yeah, no, I recently reread the whole story and I'm drawing a blank on his other potential Earth recruit

War sage

Well it may be a good to look at to see who Gothic hason his crew and what their positions are, Gothic/captain, T'Maz science/first officer, B'Elanna/Chief engineer, Neela /assistant engineer now technical the three holograms can count as the medical officer for now so in theory that would leave maybe tactical/security officer

War sage

Wait a god damn second....did Gothic just knock up Annika, I mean we know Gothic hasn't been taking his injections for some time and I doubt he just randomly took one before Annika came to see him


I'm guessing Annika and Scotty for the recruits

Mr Mouse

I could see him wanting to talk with Scotty, but Scotty is fairly old, fairly Starfleet, and would be a 3rd dedicated engineer after Torres and Neela, not to mention Gothic's own abilities


I dono about how Star Fleet he is, he seemed fairly disillusioned in relics. But I agree on his skill set being potentially redundant.

red demon

I just finished the chapter and I loved it. I liked that the battle showed Gothic glaring weaknesses he'll need to work on. The aftermath of the battle was interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if news shows had retired Starfleet officers on their shows explaining how this happened. Hopefully this battle will give the more martial minded officers a greater voice. Gothic is going to be even richer if that's possible. Not just the GDN, if I remember correctly, doesn't Gothic own shares in a lot of defense companies? I noticed a small mistake. Laren reported that the ship was in weapons range. I think you meant T'Maz.

Durdens Wrath

So I assume the good Doctor was safe? Considering he had quarters, and Gothic didn't give him any particular warnings or anything

James Wise

I enjoyed the chapter!! Still, that was quite light on details while so much was going on. Gothic is now nearly a capsuleer of EVE Online lore. So I have experience playing that game and being able to sort of overlay my gaming experience with what I am reading here giving my perception of things a bit more flavor than what is written out. I am also perfectly fine with something being given another week if it needs it to come together. Still glad to see Annika back in the story and potentially joining! Also, I forget if Belana has joined the harem yet or not... Yay! A chance to go back and reread things!

Mr Mouse

You have no idea how much I hope you're right; Because it makes sense, because she was an interesting and attractive character, and because it would make the anti-Augment hardliners like the good Admiral Pressman of Starfleet Intelligence, simultaneously stroke out

War sage

Agreed, however considering Annika is a Federation citizen the ban on the creation of Augments still applies to her, so I'm curious to see how that works as technically Gothic and Annika didn't alter the kids gens but would still be an Augment

maddsloth II

Once again you took a very good chapter and made it great. In audition to saving the council Gothic also saved Picard's whole family. Maybe he can invite Gothic to the vineyard to thank him and Gothic can point out the need for some smoke detectors in the house. (saving them a second time) Paris, Chakotay, Benjamin Maxwell, maybe Tom Riker, a young Harry Kim, just a few I can think of that are or will be recruitable in the near future.

maddsloth II

I'm thinking Paris (not the one he just saved but the guy) and maybe Chakotay, depending on if they are still on Earth. Maybe Benjamin Maxwell could be paroled in to the custody of Gothic, Him and the Bajorans have a few things in common and he proved he is willing to do what needs to be done to keep the Cardassians in check.

maddsloth II

The ship actually did quite a bit more the in the original version of the chapter. It also has to be keep in mind the ship is far from fully repaired and probably carrying far more weight then is optimal, possibly around 1/2 the ships wight extra. Also what keep him out of the thick of it was he saw the situation with the cargo ships close to Earth that was as big a threat to the planet as the main enemy fleet, but only had runabouts to deal with. Would it have been cooler to see him take the ship in to the middle of the main battle? Sure, but there will be time for that against the Dominion.

War sage

I have to admit the description of the rift tearing the planet ship apart reminded me of the secen in transformers dark of the moon where the rift Cybertion is traveling through closes destroying it

Joseph Orlando

Appreciate that, Ivan. Unfortunately, with being on vacation, finding the time to actually write was the problem.

Joseph Orlando

I'll think on that more. Having a few alternate perspectives could add something, I'm just not sure who would be the best option.

Joseph Orlando

Thanks, Jared! I've committed myself to adding those scenes I envisioned during the next chapter. I took notes so that I'd remember them.

Joseph Orlando

You'd be right about Annika. The planetary defenses will earn him a lot of money, but it'll also provide him with valuable intelligence (given the backdoors he's installed) and influence with the Federation that would not have been accorded to a Bajoran Admiral.

Joseph Orlando

Let's just assume that either the stars did not align, the EMHs gave him his injection, or Annika just wasn't at the right time in her cycle...and Q didn't put his finger on the scales this time.

Joseph Orlando

Scotty would be an interesting choice given Gothic knows his transwarp beaming formula only requires moderate tweaks to work. The Transwarp beaming is OP as fuck, though, as we saw in Into Darkness which is why I've been keeping it out of the story. Bringing in Scotty would make that a lot harder. Plus Gothic prefers female crew that he can bang and old Scotty might not be up for crew serving naked during their duty shifts. His old heart might give out! :-)

Joseph Orlando

He's going to learn from this battle, but one of the lessons will be not to overload his ship. That is a good idea. I rather like it. I'm going to have to think on that more. Scotty might even be a good voice for that panel since he's a Federation officer that actually fought a war against a true peer opponent in the Klingons. He does. That was one of his early purchases and his AIs have been investing his money for him too on an ongoing basis as he gets richer. I've been semi-quiet about it because I don't want to emphasize too much that Gothic is already pretty freaking rich. Thanks, I'll fix that in the master copy. As always, thank you for your support, Red!

Joseph Orlando

Interesting thought! I hadn't really considered it or fact checked it till you said it, but Picard's family is from La Barre, France. La Barre is 434.5 km away from Paris, so I suspect they'd have been ok by the destruction of Paris. That said, maybe Picard could invite him to the vineyards after Gothic invites him to dinner on the FT. I've been toying around with writing that scene next chapter. All good options.

maddsloth II

The most valuable thing Gothic got during his multiverse trips in my opinion is all the genetic data, historical archives, and food samples from other Earths. He does not even have to let on that he has dimensional travel capability. It is already known he is a person of interest for Q so just telling about the probe taking them to that space station, then Q for his own entertainment helped him get home after sending him on a few trips. Earth would probably be willing to fund construction of a new Starbase in the Bajorian system for that. It would be kind of funny to see a Earth Space Dock class station at the mouth of the wormhole, and the current station moved back to Bajor orbit. It would be interesting to see if the Dominion could overwhelm that at the start of the war.

andrew regalado

After watching YouTube shorts about nova squadron and red squad, will they be considered potential crew for gothic? Maybe even the augments on earth but I think you would have gothic save them after the dominion war.

red demon

That would be great. I've been wanting a scene like that. Sisko regularly has his officers over for dinner.

red demon

That sounds nice but I can't see the Federation building a starbase at Bajor especially as the Cardassians would probably scream bloody murder. I also can't see them moving DS9 back to Bajor. It was risky enough moving it to the wormhole in the first place. I do think Bajor needs an orbital station but they are either going to have to build it themselves or partner with a company in the Federation to build it.

maddsloth II

Yeah I was exaggerating a bit, know they wouldn't, like Gothic told Sisko, the Federation is spends to much time worrying about the opinions of third rate powers. Not to mention they are not Federation members. My point was what he has is the type of thing people would sell their soul for so he could get nearly anything. Probably crap ton of credits and latinum and even a small fleet of fighters for Bajor would not be off the table. "I also can't see them moving DS9 back to Bajor. It was risky enough moving it to the wormhole in the first place. " The danger was not in moving it but moving it fast, like hours rather then months fast From DS9 Emissary script: KIRA: Mister O'Brien, what would it take to move this station to the mouth of the wormhole? O'BRIEN: This isn't a starship, Major. We've got six working thrusters to power us and that's it. A hundred sixty million kilometre trip would take two months. KIRA: It has to be there tomorrow. O'BRIEN: That's not possible, sir. KIRA: That wormhole might just reshape the future of this entire quadrant. The Bajorans have to stake a claim to it. And I have to admit that claim will be a lot stronger if there's a Federation presence to back it up. DAX: Couldn't you modify the subspace field output of the deflector generators just enough to create a low-level field around the station? O'BRIEN: So we could lower the inertial mass? DAX: If you can make the station lighter, those six thrusters will be all the power we'd need. O'BRIEN: This whole station could break apart like an egg if it doesn't work.

maddsloth II

I thought about them a well but for all their hype they come off as pretty stupid. They help with a coup, then the next time we see them they think they can take on the Dominion all on their own. Maybe that is just the Arrogance of youth combined with being told they are the best. Basically they bought in to their own hype. I did not think about the Augments, they sure do seem to be some type of political prisoners at this point. Only the one is any kind of potential danger to people cause he seems a bit too impulsive. Hopefully that alien augment shows up at DS9 at some point.

War sage

Yea for being the best at the Academy they buy waay to much into their own hype and arrogance

red demon

Fair enough. I do see your point. A few chapters back I commented on ways Gothic could improve the Bajoran fleet without buying weapons. If I was Gothic I would look for a company in the Federation. One that maybe takes contracts from Starfleet but isn't a primary vendor. Then I would show them some of the some of the data I got, not everything mind, just enough to wet their appetite. Then leverage it in having said company help build up Bajor orbital infrastructure.

andrew regalado

The alien augment from ch. 1 or 2 would be great to fight alongside gothic. Yet I guess most of them don't want to fight since they were forced to fight by their government to fight their wars. Gothic wants loyalty first and he can get that from the ns-5s. Still, it would be nice to see a small group of augments join the fight with gothic and see what crazy things they could do together.

Joseph Orlando

The Cardassians would return to Bajor and happily go to war if the Federation built a new space station at the mouth of the wormhole. They'd see it as a provocation they couldn't ignore, especially since the Bajorans are not actually Federation members yet. They'd come back and stake a claim to the wormhole if DS9 moved back to Bajor's orbit too. As much as Cardassia is a third rate power, the Federation suffered too many losses against the Collectors and they need time to rebuild. The Cardassian/Federation peace treaty might even have provisions exactly for this situation.

Joseph Orlando

MaddSlothII - The question, what is the most valuable thing Gothic brought back from his dimensional travel, is a great question. Value is a matter of opinion, after all. I might make that a dedicated post.

Joseph Orlando

I strongly considered those Augments, but I have a different couple of people in mind. The NS-5s will fill in the gaps in any positions that a living crewmember isn't serving in.

War sage

Thinking about it considering how well Gothic is doing on Bajor, it's possible some Augments may consider Bajor to be safe zone of sorts...and I can only imagine the reaction of Starfleet hardliners if Gothic has a group of Augment followers, not to mention what it can do for Bajor

red demon

Oh I agree that any attempt to build another space station at the wormhole is a bad idea. I was thinking more of civilian industry. Something in Bajor's orbit to handle the increased trade Bajor is seeing. Some kind of small yard to help service freighters, especially Gothic's new merchant fleet. Things like space mining. It would also be a way to train up Bajorans for jobs in the space industry.

War sage

Also considering Scotty had to deal with Khan and his followers twice of the few people that has a right to be weary of Gothic Scotty is one of them, however they could develop a similar to the one Gothic has with Data, also not sure how you feel about star trek novels and other Beta canon Scotty does rejoin Starfleet namely the corps of engineers

Joseph Orlando

That is probably something various Admirals and other people fear, because that's exactly what Khan did. He surrounded himself with other Augments and sought to carry out his revolution. Even those Augment kids in Enterprise basically did the same thing when they were freed.

War sage

Exactly, there is a precedent and under Gothic such a group may be seen as more dangerous as Gothic is not only a high ranking government/military position and he is adapting better then other Augments as they had to steal ships, Gothic built his own


security/Tactical office: Tasha Yar She is the best choice matches Gothic personality, but if she is alive in this version of Star Trek Helmsman: Could be good for Gothic take responsibility off Him operations officer