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The chapter is coming along nicely, but the revision process needs some prime early morning hours to really dial it in to where it needs to be. When I write at night (and thus am tired) quality tends to drift a bit. About to leave on vacation so some of the final revisions might need to be done from a hotel room. In the meantime, enjoy this teaser!


"Using our dimensional travels and the experience we have obtained with such phenomenon, I have compensated for the interference and have completed a scan of the system," the attractive Vulcan reported with urgency. "Please note that sensor accuracy is currently at 63% with the gravimetric interference present in system."

Looking over the sensor scans, I could understand why else it had been so hard to get an idea of what was going on in the Sol System. It was a war zone. The gravimetric interference being thrown up by an active, huge, and open dimensional rift, coupled with dozens of starships fighting to the death, had hidden a lot from our sensors in the cacophony of energetic readings. When modern starships were destroyed, after all, their warp cores did not often go quietly. Active scans were picking up at least forty Starfleet ships of many different classes in pitched battle with thousands of Hur'q fighters, a dozen cruisers, as well as a class of Collector ship that I'd never seen before, something about the size of an escort ship, and there were well over fifty of them. There were probably just as many destroyed or adrift Starfleet vessels in the battle area.

“Red alert. All crew to battle stations,” I called out calmly, my thoughts racing. We had been thrown right back into the fire, it seems, which neatly explained the feeling or urge that I had had previously to return home, rather than continue on my profitable dimensional journey.


Austin T

I hope to see some use of the Holographic Soldiers gothic has on board his ship. Maybe deploying some type of mobile holographic emitter onto space stations or ships that are of critical importance to Starfleet. Let’s see some Space Marines destroying collectors!

Shane Cawley

Earth of this time period isn't used to being on the front lines of an alien attack. If any weapons fire hits the surface I don't know if the Federation will be able to accept the sleeping giant that has awoken crying for vengeance.

War sage

I think Earth may have some planetary shields not sure but even if they do there probably from like the 23rd century. And I don't even want to think what would have if they focus the orbital bombardment on fault lines, or if they have already sent landing ships down as it's likey they the Hur'q know enough that San Francisco and Pairs are prime targets.