Inktober Junk, Day 1: The First Boss (Patreon)
2018-10-10 21:28:04
I'm actually going to post just this one today. The others came out like super garbage and I don't want to clog the feed with stuff that's not that great. I was happy with how this guy came out. I'm still going to work on them but I'm going to make them look better first.
The one I picked goes like this(it's a mix of three):
Day 1: The First Boss
Day 2: Paladin
Day 3: Witch
Day 4: Elemental
Day 5: Gnome
Day 6: Post Apocalyptic Survivor
Day 7: Dragon
Day 8: Mage
Day 9: Elf
Day 10: Half Breed
Day 11: Goblin
Day 12: Rat King
Day 13: Forest Guardian
Day 14: Gunslinger
Day 15: Vampire
Day 16: Lycanthrope
Day 17: The "Chosen" One
Day 18: Orc
Day 19: Barbarian
Day 20: Wise Old Man
Day 21: Familiars
Day 22: Kind King
Day 23: Evil Queen
Day 24: Rogue
Day 25: Demon
Day 26: Wandering Knight
Day 27: Horror Game Assassin
Day 28: Necromancer
Day 29: Cute Pet to Take Care of
Day 30: Despite Everything It's Still You
Day 31: The Final Boss