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This might be a bit random, but maybe you guys can help me out because im so bad with writing lmao.

How would you best desribe shal, think her personality is from everything you've seen on her thus far. Im really curious and this is for something.



So because I love thinking about Lore Things instead of doing house chores.. From what I've seen so far of the character's design, appearances etc, coupled with what you've shown us of her story so far: She's highly skilled and confident in her abilities, which can be misinterpreted as arrogance depending on the company she's with (its not ego when its just fact). Shal has a bit of a reckless air about her but it's realistically due to her breaking from many Witcher traditions- most everything she does is calculated and with purpose. She knows what it's like to have everything on the line and nothing to lose, so knows when to say "fuck it I'm gonna go kill a dragon or some shit." And when to retreat to a tavern instead. Shal enjoys what she does because it makes her reputation feared and formidable, which is what she needs it to be after everything that happened with her School. She has a penchant for bedding other wild/dangerous women, perhaps because it might be one of the few ways she can sleep easy of a night- if there's someone else there who can wield a weapon in case she's ever attacked again. Plus you know; What's a little danger before the little death. Beneath the rakish smile its suspected there is a dark anger, a wild rage burned into her from the past transgressions against her, and gods help you if you're the unfortunate fool stupid enough to let it out. And as per a previous mention, I still hear everything in Claudia Black's voice. At least that's the vibes I get when I spend too much time being a Lore Whore instead of working.. whoops.


Aloof, detached, always finds humor in life/living, bit of a smartass, and has an easy time meeting people, but rarely tries to maintain interpersonal relationships (business is a different story).

Banished Shadow

Thanks for all this input and delivering all this goodness for me to read. Seeing people put into words when i cant is awesome. And every since claudia black was mentioned, thats how i hear her too.