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Awesome art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brolaren/

Two weeks from the final day of the Fertility Festival and Kaahla was settling more and more into a daily routine. Architect druids had sculpted her a home high up in a massive tree near the grand library. The walk was much shorter than where she was living before, although it would be infinitely shorter if she was able to pass through the eye of the jungle.

She had to snap at herself when she had those thoughts and remind herself of where she was and how far she had come. During these times she always cradled her belly absently, as if expecting to feel a bump. So far she hadn't begun to show much at all, though she did begin to feel some of the more hormonal changes that came with pregnancy.

Every morning she began her day with a short meditation to try and converse with any jungle spirits that might be passing by at that time. She was always able to snag at least one, though they were often fleeting in their words and not very good at staying on topic, if there ever was one to maintain. The lioness for the most part just liked hearing some personal stories of those that once roamed the jungle in their mortal form before her time.

Kaahla had just settle into a crossed-leg position with her paws flat on the floor of what was the middle of her house when there came a commotion from outside the entrance. Druid homes were not too different than what she was used to living in on the Savannah. It was basically one large space that was bedroom, dining room, and pantry all combined into one. This meant that when her name was shouted from ground level, there was nothing keeping her from hearing the urgency.

The lioness leaped up from her place and dashed to the open hole that lead outside. She snagged her leaf woven robe on the way out and stopped at the balcony railing that attached to the network of catwalks that connected the homes of other druids. She searched the jungle floor for whoever had called for her and found Haepen standing at the base of her tree. Next to him were three other battle druids, their scarlet leaf robes denoting them as particularly dangerous in the art of jungle defense.

Kaahla knew right away that something was wrong, more so than before given the group that now greeted her. She dashed to the nearby ladder and practically leaped from it, knowing that a fall from so high wouldn't hurt a body like hers. Haepen strode up to her quickly almost as soon as she landed.

“We've got a major problem at the Western treeline. Your assistance is required for the matter,” Haepen said sternly.

“I can only be there as fast as my legs can carry me,” she replied.

“Understood, I'll lead you.” Haepen then turned to his trio of battle druids and addressed them. “Go and inform the others that we're on our way. We'll be close behind.”

They all nodded without word and dashed to the nearest tree and vanished into its bulk. Before the last one had disappeared from sight, Haepen was already sprinting towards their destination. Kaahla launched into a dead run right behind him and quickly caught up, her barbarian prowess on full display.

“What's going on?” Kaahla asked above the wind that whipped past her ears.

“Your recent actions in the jungle seemed to have gotten back to your old tribe,” Haepen called back over his shoulder. “There were threats of war before I left. I can only hope our diplomacy has held enough for us to get there in time.”

Kaahla growled to herself and narrowed her eyes as Haepen's words stirred a whirlwind of thoughts through her mind. She almost knew exactly what to expect when they got to the tree line, and she wasn't looking forward to it at all. As it turned out, no matter how badly she wanted to leave her old life behind, it seemed intent to not let go.

The more near the two came to their destination, the more the forest changed. Normal looking trees and plants took on menacing shapes and attributes. Leaves now seemed honed to razor-like edges and branches sprouted thorns as long as the lioness's fingers. Poisonous pustules formed on the trunks of trees and vines writhed in anticipation of a looming threat.

This was what any outsider had to look forward to if they decided to lay siege to the jungle. Kaahla had heard tales of the very trees themselves coming to life to swipe at soldiers that dared enter its domain without permission. Massive beasts could be called to action, far larger and more menacing than anything present on the Savannah. The very grass itself would change into a deterrent and the smallest insects would be made to attack the unprotected eyes of offenders.

And yet, knowing all of what the jungle had to offer, the lioness still feared for its safety.

In the distance several zebra druids came into view. As she and Haepen got closer, she counted perhaps twenty of them. They all stood in an organized formation barely in view of what lied beyond the tree line. Upon hearing their approach, each guard turned with relieved expressions to see Kaahla bounding onto the scene.

“Any updates?” Haepen asked as he trotted to a stop beside the nearest zebra.

“None, they have been patient since making their initial demand,” the other druid replied.

The lioness didn't bother to stop to see what Haepen wanted to do, she barely even slowed. To the instructor's surprise, she rushed past him through the tree line to land among the tall grass of the Savannah.

Braak's glaring visage greeted her first. His eyes immediately locked to hers before he gave her one look over to inspect the robe of leaves that covered her body. He already looked furious, but somehow his expression became even more so.

“So you really are here,” Kaahla's former mate snarled. “I thought you'd perhaps be lying when you said you were going to go live with the zebras. Now I come to understand you're carrying an abomination inside of you.”

Kaahla narrowed her own eyes at his remark and curled her lip to bare fangs. “When have I ever lied to you?” she spat acidicly. “And how did you find out about my pregnancy?”

The lioness caught sight of Braak's surroundings with her peripheral vision and realized that he wasn't alone. It appeared that he had somehow convinced half of her former settlement to accompany him on this confrontation. Alarmingly, they were all wearing their war-time ensembles

“Just because you live in the jungle doesn't mean that our oracles can't see you and what you've done. They tell of an unholy bastardization of our kind, Kaahla, one that needs to be wiped from the land,” Braak said as he leaned against his unsheathed weapon, a massive sword that was twice the size of her own original, with its point embedded in the ground.

“You nor any of my old life will be touching this child. Leave us be, Braak,” Kaahla growled back.

It was at this point that Haepen and the other battle druids stepped out from the tree line to advance as far as the lioness. Their staffs glowed a misty dark green and the foliage around them followed and became menacing.

“You are not welcome here, barbarians, be on your way,” Haepen's voice called out to the horde of lions, though he specifically looked at Braak as he said it.

“There are many things not welcome here, druid, that's what we've come to correct,” Braak answered. “I've been put in charge of this war party, we will accomplish what we've set out to do, one way or another.”

“Then that's it? Are you officially declaring war on the jungle?” Haepen asked.

“If it comes to that, then yes,” Braak replied. “But it doesn't have to. Other options are at our disposal.”

Haepen snorted dismissively. “And what might those be?”

“Kaahla can come back to our settlement peacefully to stand formal trial and execution,” Braak said as easily as if he were laying down terms for a hunt. “No war will result or harm done.”

“You're a pretty terrible negotiator,” Haepen said back, his grip on his staff tightening and the greenery around him flaring slightly to life. The other druids caught the signal and they shifted into more battle ready positions. The lions similarly prepared to leap into whatever confrontation this situation was building towards.

“There is, of course, another option,” Braak continued, choosing to ignore the rising tension behind and in front of him, though the hold on his sword's hilt did tighten when he saw the zebra preparing.

“And that would be?” Haepen replied.

Braak's gaze shifted from the druid to his ex-mate's eyes and stared at her expectantly.

“He's looking for me to challenge him to a duel,” Kaahla said to Haepen but loud enough so that Braak would hear. The lion only had to smirk and nod his head to confirm that was indeed what he wanted.

“And what does that entail?” Haepen asked the lioness without taking his eyes from the barbarian horde.

“Each side gets to make a demand of equal measure. Whoever survives the duel gets their demands met,” Kaahla explained evenly.

“A one on one fight?” the druid pressed, alarm rising in his voice.

“Yes,” she replied.

Haepen was about to protest such a thing but her voice quickly cut him off. “I request a formal duel, as is my right under barbarian law,” she shouted to all of the other lions in attendance.

A dark grin curled Braak's mouth. “And your demands?”

“No harm comes to the jungle or its inhabitants,” she stated concisely. The floor was open for anyone to accept the challenge who had the appropriate authority to meet those demands, which only one of them did.

“I accept,” Braak laughed merely. “I counter with a promise that this jungle will burn and its people hunted down.”

“I accept,” Kaahla sighed loud enough for him to hear.

“Wait a second!” Haepen demanded and stepped around Kaahla to face her while standing in front of her. “We don't have to follow any rules or adhere to decorum. We will not throw one of our own out like this. The jungle fights as a collective, lone acts of combat is not how we work.”

“The alternative is that I go with them to be executed to spare the jungle. Which isn't a bad choice given the circumstances,” the lioness replied.

“We wouldn't allow that to happen either,” Haepen said angrily.

“I know. Which makes this the best option.” The lioness locked her eyes with the zebra's. She could see the fury building within his gaze which made her heart hurt. “Please try to understand. I know that I've revoked my barbarian past to be one with the jungle but let this be the last thing that will allow me to truly sever me from my former domain.”

“But you don't have to risk your life like this. The jungle is one of the most dangerous and formidable entities in the world, it can handle defending itself from the likes of...this,” Haepen gestured to the horde. “You know it to be true.”

Kaahla did indeed know it to be true, however she also knew that another of the world's most dangerous and formidable entities was a barbarian war party. Having foliage as sharp as knives and trees that could batter meant nothing when what they attacked couldn't be be cut or crushed.

“The decision is final, Haepen. I have to do this,” Kaahla said as calmly as she could.

Haepen continued seething. Though some of his anger was certainly directed towards the lioness and her brazen stubbornness, the vast majority of it was still for the other lions that sought to destroy his home. He reluctantly nodded and stepped aside.

Braak, seeing that some kind of conclusion between his former mate and her new one had been reached, spoke out. “I'll give you the courtesy of one day to prepare. Until then, I'll be waiting right here.” Deeming his word to be final on the subject, the lion lifted his sword from the ground, placed it back in its scabbard, and turned to walk back to his horde.

Haepen and Kaahla watched him go before the lioness did much the same. She went back into the jungle less energetically than when she came out, but then again she wasn't expecting another barbarian horde to be waiting for her.

When Haepen was confident that the barbarians intended to keep this momentary respite, he signaled for the other druids to return to the jungle but to keep up their guard. For the time being, these twenty zebra would make up the first watch and be the instructor's primary line of communication. As soon as his orders were being followed, he quickly dashed to be by the lioness's side.

“Kaahla?” he asked softly as he settled in by her side and kept her pace.

“I'm sorry that this has happened,” she sighed, frustrated. “I shouldn't have been so naive to think my past wouldn't come back to bite me.”

“An attack against one of us is an attack against all of us. How do you expect the entirety of the jungle to not come to your aid during this duel?” he asked.

“Simple. I don't intend to need it,” she replied calmly. “I will win and my terms will be met.”

Haepen couldn't help but crack his first genuine smile of the whole exchange. “Your confidence is something to be admired. All right then, what can be done to help?”

“I just need my sword and a good fuck to get me in the right head space,” she explained with a wry smirk. “And probably a good bout of meditation. Think you can help me with any of those things?”

The zebra's ears fell against his head somewhat. “I can help with at least one, but not the others.”

The lioness's smile faded. “What do you mean?”

“I'm sorry to say, but your sword is...no more. The jungle's magic consumed it to rust within a few days of you being here,” he said hesitantly.

Kaahla froze on the spot and her eyes stared wide at the druid, making Haepen stop as well and watch her with concern. Her mind spun like a top as fresh panic wound through her. “Well...shit,” she groaned. “Guess this duel is going to be much harder than I expected.”

“Speaking of,” the zebra interjected. “What are the rules of such an engagement? What's allowed and not?”

“There really aren't any rules, just that the duel is between those that have accepted it,” she explained.

“So magic is permitted? Devices? All weapons?” he pressed.

“Everything that those involved can call their own,” she confirmed.

“Then that means I have a full day to teach you some potent druid spells,” he chuckled. “Certainly doable if you're prepared for the world's most intense training session.”

“I'm more than happy to take you up on that, but my first priority is to find a weapon that I can suitably use. Not just any sword will do, barbarian steel is forged with the ability to sunder anything it clashes with.” Kaahla was already thinking of ways for how she could come into the possession of such a weapon. She knew of some nearby cities that might have shops selling barbarian quality blades but that was a hopeful guess at best, and one that might not be worth spending her entire preparation period seeking out.

“I can see what I can do about that,” Haepen mumbled after a couple moments of thought.

“Are you sure? Don't know if I've ever heard of a druid blacksmith before,” she half teased.

“You might be surprised. I'm sorry, but I have to leave you to convene with the council and inform them of what we've learned. No doubt they already know of the barbarian horde knocking on our front door, but they will likely be seeking specifics,” he said quickly.

“Where can I find you when you're done?” she asked as the zebra suddenly charged for the nearest tree.

“Meet me in the training grounds in an hour. Hopefully by then I'll have some answers as to where we can get you a weapon,” he called over his shoulder before disappearing through the jungle's eye.

Left alone and with her head still buzzing with thoughts and strategy of her upcoming fight, the lioness had a tough time keeping herself under control. She'd have preferred to fight a hundred gigatiles than one barbarian bare handed. She needed to lower her stress otherwise she would assuredly be ruined. After a couple steady breaths in through her nose and out through her mouth, she decided that what she really needed right now was a nice, hot bath.

The scent of the enriched water had an immediate calming affect on the lioness's mind. It was even more so when she gradually sank into its depths. Whenever this happened, her body relaxed in ways that she didn't even know were tense and pains that she had been unconsciously holding onto were similarly released. From the time that she first dipped her toes in to when she fully settled on the bath's seat, she felt like she was experiencing an orgasm through her whole body.

She could have really gone for a real one though. That would certainly come in time.

Kaahla sighed as she splayed her muscular arms along the bath's ledge and let herself sink even more. The only thing that stayed above the surface now were her arms, breasts, and head. She closed her eyes and simply concentrated on breathing in the damp air while tuning out the various conversations of other zebras in the large room that were enjoying their own baths and quality time together.

She didn't know how long this might have gone on for, but it didn't seem like much time had passed before a surprisingly welcome voice came to her from behind. “Do you mind if I join you, Kaahla?”

The lioness opened her eyes and turned to see Meeso crouching just over her shoulder and equally as naked. She wore a warm, inviting smile that held a hint of concern.

“Of course not,” the lioness chuckled.

The councilwoman easily slipped into the bath next to her friend and scooted to be even closer once she was submerged. Once she was comfortable she leaned her head against the much larger woman's shoulder.

Kaahla smiled affectionately down at the zebra and bent her nearest arm so that she could gently drape her fingers over the other's shoulder. She lightly stroked the short fur there, finding it to be so much more nice to be touched and cuddled into like she was.

“I really hope I'm not bothering you. I'm aware of your predicament regarding your former tribe. I wanted to discuss it with you if you don't mind,” Meeso said just loud enough for only the lioness to hear.

“Hm, word travels fast in the jungle it seems,” Kaahla commented.

“It does, but I was actually there as it all went down,” the councilwoman said.

“Really?” the lioness said surprised. “I didn't see you there. You're quite a bit more stealthy that I gave you credit for.”

“Well, I wasn't there physically. Council members are afforded special abilities and permissions that aren't available to other druids,” Meeso explained.

“That's pretty handy,” Kaahla said while nodding her head. “How would someone go about getting on the council?”

The zebra giggled. “It's not a position that you can apply for, the jungle itself chooses individuals that it deems appropriate. It's a bit of a process that I'd love to tell you about, but I think we have other things to discuss right now.”

“Indeed,” the lioness said and lost her momentary, jovial mood.

Meeso shifted in her spot to face the lioness. “I probably don't have to tell you how strongly against we are to letting you fight a duel on your own, but we recognize it as the last remaining connection you have to your old life. We will allow it to proceed.”

“Thank you,” Kaahla sighed in relief.

“Haepen said he will train you as best that he can so that you're prepared as much as possible for it. We convened with the jungle to see what more could be done but were told by the spirits that it all lied with you now. I'm sorry there isn't more we can do or say,” Meeso said with an apologetic smile.

“That's more than enough for me to go on. Haepen told me where to meet him as soon as I'm ready, all I want to do now is soak and get a little bit of relaxation in,” Kaahla said back and winked at her friend.

“Indeed,” Meeso agreed and her face brightened a bit more. Silence fell over them in that moment, the topic of fighting and war more than happy to have been forgotten about for the time. The councilwoman pushed herself back into the other's side and resumed using the lioness's rock hard shoulder as the world's most uncomfortable head rest.

Kaahla closed her eyes, intent on picking up where she began with meditation but was interrupted once more. This time it wasn't Meeso's voice that broke her concentration, it was her hand gently stroking along the lioness's inner thigh.

Kaahla glanced down through the slightly murky water to see and feel the small fingers gradually venture up and down in a petting motion, each time they came ever closer to the barbarian's pussy. She shifted to draw her legs open more and encourage the zebra's wandering limb.

Given the invitation that she was looking for, Meeso reached and fully placed her hand to the other's groin, her palm cupping the lioness's outer lips with her fingers aligning to the slit and entrance. She shifted herself once more to face towards her friend as she did this and even looked up to meet Kaahla's eyes.

The lioness let out a soft moan under her breath as she felt two fingers gradually work their way inside of her cunt. They delved deep and curled up to trace against the rough patch of flesh within that made up Kaahla's G-spot. As they concentrated there, they similarly worked back and forth at a leisurely pace. It all caused the lioness to huff a little bit louder and tilt her head back slightly. This was by far better for her mind than meditation at the moment.

Meeso watched on excitedly as the mood changed quite drastically for the better. The more she saw the lioness enjoying the treatment the more effort she put into the action. It got to the point that she was digging her fingers into Kaahla's pussy so hard that she had to change her posture again. She shifted off of the bath's ledge and came to crouch between the other's legs.

Kaahla's moans steadily grew louder as the treatment went on. She grasped the outer ledge of the bath and pushed her hips out to meet the grinding digits. She was lost amid the pleasure of the moment that she almost didn't realize that the zebra had come to be closer until she felt Meeso's mouth suddenly latch to one of her breasts.

The lioness opened her eyes and grinned down at the other woman as she added a third finger into the pumping motion. Kaahla's pussy was stretched sufficiently by this point and her groans become more begging as her body craved greater attention. The swirl of the tongue across her sensitive nipple was a step in the right direction with that regard.

“How are you feeling?” Meeso asked sensually as she leaned her head back for just a moment to look up at her lover.

“So much better,” Kaahla moaned and shivered as the councilwoman's fingers dug into her cunt as far as they could go.

“Good. That means I can move on to the really fun stuff,” Meeso said as she withdrew her fingers from the lioness's pussy and drew both of her hands up to hug around the other woman's breasts. As she did this, she planted her face between them and grinned playfully up at the barbarian.

“Oh? There's even more?” the lioness laughed. “I was already enjoying myself until you stopped.”

“Oh, but I've got something way better in mind,” Meeso said and slowly began to sink into the bath. A look of curious concern crossed the lioness's face as she watched the druid dip entirely below the water's surface and dive to place her face against the wanting cunt. Her hands followed down as well and grasped the muscular thighs so that she keep stay where she was without worrying about bobbing to the surface.

The first firm lick to Kaahla's outer lips caused the lioness to  moan longingly and arch her back. While the firmness of a few fingers was certainly nice, the sensation of a long, zebra tongue making its way into her was equally as good.

The slippery appendage stroked the lioness's sensitive insides. It pulled and pushed within like a small, deft cock, its tip stroking some of her more needy places.

Kaahla reveled in the pleasure, her hips churning slightly every so often. It was nice to be able to sit back and be serviced like this. Getting ravaged by multiple large zebra dicks, while plenty fun, didn't afford her much tranquility. Though her breathing was heavy and often filled with blissful moans, it was still steady.

Meeso found the frequent squeezing of her tongue enjoyable as she'd slip it as far as it would go. It told her how good of a job that she was doing and spurred her to do even more.

After a few more deep licks, the councilwoman withdrew her tongue and trailed her mouth up to the lioness's throbbing, hard clit. She wrapped her lips around it like it were a tiny cock and began suckling at it. The tip of her wiggling appendage ground against it in tandem and traced its circumference.

Meeso could hear the renewed moans through the water, though muffled. She'd smirked deviously to herself and made the suction stronger to get an even louder reaction. At the same time, she let go of the lioness's thigh and set her hand to delving three fingers into the empty pussy once more. She resumed the pumping intensity from before and in no time Kaahla's legs twitched with ecstasy.

The lioness began to rethink this as a calming, tranquil experience. Her mind was awash in euphoria and her moans similarly drew out in long, exhaustive breaths. She reflexively ground her claws into the bath ledge as she struggled to keep herself from suddenly grabbing onto the back of Meeso's head or wrapping her legs around her neck. Doing so would certainly cause the adventurous zebra to drown and that was the last thing that she wanted.

Sudden realization dawned on the lioness in that moment and she frantically looked down at the zebra. It had been several minutes of this oral attention, was she going to be okay? How was she holding her breath for such a long time? Kaahla shifted her hips slightly to see if she was somehow accidentally keeping the druid submerged against her will but she couldn't spot that she was. There also wasn't any signs that she was struggling to surface, as was evident by the fervent suckling and fingering that she continued to provide.

As time went on the lioness's concerns waned as no sign that anything was amiss occurred. She still couldn't fully shake the feeling of unease though, so she kept one eye open while the other fluttered shut. Her moans resumed, soon climbing to a volume that had the other nearby zebras taking notice. While it wasn't uncommon for sex to happen out in the open like this, let alone in the baths, the lioness never disappointed putting on a good show for anyone that wanted to watch.

Kaahla was more than happy to provide the entertainment, or more accurately, she didn't quite realize the spectacle she was putting on. The pleasure had been steadily growing more intense as the minutes ticked by and she had gotten to the point that her body jerked and writhed uncontrollably. Her breasts splashed at the water as she would churn her upper body with deeper, more powerful growls seeping through her clenched jaw.

Her fortitude showed itself well through this experience as she was successfully able to keep from locking her legs around Meeso's head and crushing it like a melon. That didn't mean there weren't a couple close calls as she couldn't help but frequently kick at the water and bend her knees.

The councilwoman could tell how close the lioness was getting, as could everyone else that watched. Still, no matter how hard her lover writhed, the zebra kept her lips firmly around the sensitive clit and her fingers vigorously pumping as she had even added her forth one to the motion. Now it really did feel like a male zebra was pounding the lioness's cunt and she was brought to orgasm just as fast as if it had been.

Kaahla's body clenched down on the workings digits so strongly that it actually surprised the zebra. The rigid nub in her mouth even seemed to swell just a little larger in that moment, accompanied by a muffled roar from above her. The lioness convulsed and added a substantial volume of her pussy juices to the bath, almost indistinguishable from the similarly hot water but Meeso could feel it flowing around her digits.

Powerful climactic waves coursed up through the barbarian's core and the muscles along her belly flexed, showing each individual bump of her core. Her arms and legs similarly strained, the thick bands beneath her flesh showing through. She continued to growl and yowl as the pleasure lingered, while Meeso had stopped ramming her fingers into the flexing pussy, she had not relented on her task of playing with the still throbbing clit in her mouth.

It seemed like a full minute passed before the lioness's groans subsided to weaker huffs of bliss. She breathed heavily and still writhed as stray bolts of ecstasy struck her. The councilwoman seemed relentless in her attention as she still didn't relent on suckling.

Kaahla was convinced the zebra would have remained down there until she had another orgasm, which was something she couldn't quite indulge in at the moment. Though she would have loved to.

The lioness carefully dipped her paws into the water and gingerly pried the councilwoman from her tentative task, as much as neither of them wanted it to stop. She surfaced with a giggle and grin as she and her lover locked eyes.

“Hey, I wasn't done with you,” she griped playfully.

“I'm aware,” Kaahla said back, her own grin splitting her mouth. “You probably would have been down there all day if I'd let you.”

“You think so? Maybe we could test that sometime,” the druid shot back.

“Perhaps. And speaking of, are you all right? How did you hold your breath for so long?” Kaahla asked, though her question was somewhat answered when she noticed that bath water was streaming out of the zebra's nose.

“Druids can breath the jungle's water without getting hurt. It's a somewhat useless ability except for times like this,” Meeso laughed.

“I never knew such a thing existed,” Kaahla replied in awe. “I can't wait to learn how to do that. If I end up learning any druid magic today, that is.”

“It's certainly not the priority at the moment,” Meeso agreed. “Any idea on what you think Haepen will teach you?”

“Not at all,” Kaahla sighed. “Though I should go ask. We've soaked long enough and I'm in a much better head space now thanks to you. I should start preparing for my big day tomorrow.”

The zebra nodded and slowly drifted back as the lioness moved to stand up and step out. Once she was up on the ledge, she gave a savage shake to flick off the lingering water of her fur and smiled lovingly down at the council woman. Meeso beamed back and watched as the lioness gathered her robe and made her way towards the exit.

Her mind freshly relaxed, it could now be keenly honed to the task ahead. The rejuvenating waters had done the work of sapping the stress and pain from her muscles, now it was up to her to properly use these gifts and opportunities to to her advantage.



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