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Awesome art by: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/wyebird

It wasn't long before Oliver began to notice that the bull god barely ever left the flat. On rare occasions he would go out to eat meals, but he barely went grocery shopping at all. In fact, it was rare to see Alode consume anything save for the occasional alcoholic drink and any food that the tiger decided to make.

Alode cursed himself for his lax disguise when he picked up on these concerns. When confronted about it, he luckily had the time to think up a simple enough excuse.

“I just hate cooking,” Alode said after what was an evening of exhaustive fucking that left the tiger panting and whimpering while aftershocks stroked his form. The topic only came up when Oliver had mentioned ordering a pizza and if the bull god would want something as well.

“Y-You...always eat out?” the tiger asked as he slowly sat up on his bed. Alode had since shifted over to he bed's edge and dangled his legs over it.

“Mostly. I do go on dates on occasion,” Alode lied.

“Uh huh,” Olive rumbled incredulously. “And that's the other thing, how do you afford to live here? As far as I know you don't have a job.”

“I don't need a job,” Alode laughed a bit too heartily, making the tiger quirk a suspicious eye brow. He quickly composed himself. “I mean, I have a series of investments that are carrying me pretty well. I haven't had the need for a real job in quite some time.”

“So you're wealthy?” Oliver pressed, not quite as convinced as the bull god had hoped.

“You could say that.”

“Then why did you move here with nothing of your own?”

“I have plenty of my own stuff. It's just not here.”

“But why didn't you move here with any of it?” Oliver continued.

Alode sighed slightly and watched the tiger from the corner of his eye. “Sometimes it's nice to have clean starts and to not be so burdened with...things. I have enough money that I can pick up and start over wherever I want whenever I want. It's freeing. And I don't much appreciate you prying so much,” the bull god grumbled irritably.

“I don't mean to, it's just so strange to...well you don't go anywhere and you don't ever seem to eat anything. You show up one day telling me that you're my new roommate and fuck me into having a bed to sleep on.” The tiger folded his legs into a lotus position. “It's just all so strange.”

Alode couldn't help but grin to himself at hearing those last couple of phrases. “Just because you don't see me go anywhere or eat anything doesn't mean I don't. Haven't you noticed that I contribute enough to the dirty dishes in the sink?”

“But that's only ever when I make something,” Oliver retorted.

“And I thank you for that. It's nice having something prepared for me,” Alode nodded and offered his roommate a warm smile, hoping it would go the distance to close this topic of conversation.

“I...guess. I just worry about you a bit. You're very strange,” the tiger relented.

“Oh I'm the strange one?” Alode teased. “We could talk about how you keep begging me to come fuck you on camera. Seems much more strange than me choosing a hermit lifestyle.”

“Ugh, I can't think about sex right now,” the tiger sighed and flopped back onto his bed. “All I'm saying is, it might be healthy for you to get out every once in a while. If you're all about freedom to come and go as you please, then why not do more 'going'?”

“Because then you'd miss me too much. Besides, I'll have you know that I have a couple dates set up that will get me out of the flat. Then you won't have to worry about me messing up your bed all the time,” Alode lied, much more convincingly this time.

It wasn't really all a lie. Sure, Alode didn't actually have any dates lined up when he first told Oliver of his future plans, but he had been browsing various dating apps and sites. One of which had a promising selection of lithe males that piqued the bull god's interests quite a bit.

All it took was a few private messages with some of the more local matches that he had, a few exchanged pictures, and a date was all set up for some fun. While it wasn't going to be any kind of romantic affair, Alode wasn't looking for such a thing anyway.

Oliver was pretty surprised to find that his roommate wasn't actually joking when he prepared himself for his choice encounter with a cute stranger. The last thing the tiger shouted after Alode as he left the flat was “Be safe and wear a condom!”

As if the bull god would ever do something as ridiculous as wear a condom. Or worry about his safety. It would actually be quite an amusing experience if this was all a set up to take advantage of him in some way. Any would-be robbers would get a rude awakening.

These thoughts persisted all the way to his destination, casually driving along the well lit streets of the city to an apartment that was on the opposite end from where he lived. It was a soothing ride, one that was filled with the calm music of the radio. Given that he didn't drive much it was nice that he got to experience what music had become in the past eleven years. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he liked it.

Alode pulled into the parking lot of this new apartment building and casually went about sending a text to his partner for the evening that he had arrived. Hardly a moment after he sent it that the front door of the complex opened, revealing the beaming face of a cute red panda. Alode recognized him right away and gave a friendly wave.

“Hey! Tim, right?” Alode asked and trotted closer.

“Yeah, and you're Alode? It's nice to finally meet you,” the red panda replied and offered his paw. The bull god shook it gently and returned the warm smile.

Tim, much like Oliver, was a small framed femboy. He was about a head shorter than the bull god, sporting short cut hair and big brown eyes that accentuated his overly cute visage.

“Likewise. I'm sorry that I'm a little late, I'm still getting used to the city,” Alode chuckled as he was lead in. He followed Tim up two flights of stairs and down a hall to his front door.

“It's no worries. How long have you been living here?” the red panda asked over his shoulder.

“A little over a month I guess,” Alode replied. Once inside the apartment, the bull god was given a brief tour of the rather small living space. It was a studio apartment, so he could pretty much see everything once he was through the front door.

“Here's my little slice of paradise. Not much but it keeps me cozy on these cold nights,” Tim explained as he and the bull god shrugged off their coats and draped them over a pair of nearby chairs that were partially pushed under a small kitchen table.

“I really like it, actually. Minimalistic living is very appealing to me,” Alode said while nodding to himself. As he ventured farther into the flat he was able to admire the more fine, personal touches that Tim had set about to make the space really his.

“It's the dream. When I can earn enough to buy my own house I hope to have something that's like this. But with a big yard so I can have a pool,” The red panda laughed and meandered over to his bed and sat on the edge.

Alode followed as he listened, continuing to nod along in agreement. He came to stand right in front of the red panda, his groin nearly level to the other's face given their difference in position. “Wouldn't some place a bit warmer year round be more fitting for a pool?”

“Probably. I'm not exactly that picky though,” Tim said under his breath as his eyes fixated to the front of the bull god's pants. Alode noticed the change in atmosphere right away and he smirked knowingly down at his new friend. A brief moment of awkward silence picked up between them before the red panda quickly broke it.

“I don't mean to be so forward... given all the...dirty texting we've been doing. I'm really eager to see the real thing. Do you mind?” Tim asked softly and glanced up at the other as he reached a hesitant paw towards Alode's groin.

“Of course not. It's why I've come all this way, isn't it?” the bull god replied, his smile filling his words.

The red panda nodded slowly, shedding some of his hesitancy as he added his other paw and went about clumsily unclasping the buckle around Alode's waist and undoing the button and zipper of his jeans. The bull god was content to stand back and watch as his pants were pulled down to his knees, leaving just his underwear in the way.

Tim bit his bottom lip and a blush noticeably grew over his cheeks as he stared at the bulge in front of him. He could barely contain himself, but he feared rushing things even more so might put off his guest. Those notions were dispelled when Alode reached out and set a hand to the back of the other's head. He encouraged the femboy closer, which he did with more enthusiasm than the bull god expected.

One of the big things that Tim made sure that Alode knew about him was his fetish for underwear. Something about nuzzling into them and breathing in their musky scent got him in a horny rush. Now was no different, which was why the bull god made sure to not shower for a couple days leading up to their first encounter. Not that deities ever produced much of their own musk like mortals did, but there was still a scent of their own to be had.

Tim was more than appreciative of the consideration. He buried his nose into Alode's groin, feeling the limp bovine cock within and the impressive set of balls that it rested atop. He hugged the other's hips as he pushed hard against the soft fabric, his deep breaths easily heard above the gentle huffs and whimpers of pleasure.

It tickled somewhat, and the bull god could only grin as he watched the excited display. A minute or so of this went on before the Alode finally spoke up playfully. “If you like my boxers that much, you'll be really happy about what's in them.”

Tim broke from his reverie and laughed nervously as he realized how occupied he had become. “You're right. Got so preoccupied with the appetizer I almost forgot about the main course.”

As Alode chuckled at the comment, the red panda hooked his fingers under the underwear's hem and pulled them down. While nuzzling into a pair of somewhat musky boxers was certainly fun, nuzzling into the sizable package within was even more so.

Upon seeing the bull god's large, limp cock, Tim couldn't help but let out a gleeful squeal. The plethora of pictures that Alode had sent didn't do the real thing justice, even if they did show it from nearly every angle. Much like before, he couldn't keep from burying his face against it.

This time, Alode found the sensation much more agreeable. The red panda happily brushed his lips along the spongy flesh and then stroked his tongue on the return stroke. His paws reached up and took the thick piece of meat by the base with one while the other cupped those big orbs underneath with the other. He gradually stroked its length as best he could while continuing to lap over its surface in an attempt to coat it in as much saliva as he could. He even resorted to spitting fat globs onto his palm and across the top to make stroking it easier.

All of Tim's efforts got him the result that he so eagerly sought. Blood quickly flowed into the shaft and it steadily become as hard as a rock within seconds. As soon as it was able to stand on its own, the red panda leaned his head back, aimed the tip to his mouth, and proceeded to shove as much of it in as he could.

Alode stifled a moan as his length became encapsulated by the other's warm, wet insides. Tim's deft tongue washed back and forth across its throbbing surface and he was surprisingly able to get most of it in. His ability to deep throat sizable members wasn't something they had really talked about among their dirty texting. That seemed to be on purpose, because Tim grinned deviously up at his guest when he saw the mix of pleasure and surprise cross his face.

He didn't stop until his lips kissed the bull god's pelvis, every centimeter of cock fit snugly in his mouth and down his throat. When Alode craned his head slightly to the side he could even see the indent of the red panda's esophagus.

“Holy shit,” the bull god moaned as Tim started to bob his head. He drew away to about the mid point before delving back. One of his paws held onto Alode's hip while the other continued to massage his balls and even pull on them as he repeatedly sank the whole thing down his esophagus.

Alode had to control himself or else he risked grasping the red panda's head and brutally fucking his mouth like a beast. He really didn't have to, as Tim was an expert at suckling while beating out a steady, fast rhythm. Each time he would pull back there came a wet slurp, quickly followed by an audible gulp as he would sink all the way back down. He expertly timed his breaths with the motion so that he would stay comfortable through the entire display.

Each light moan that Tim provided caused the bull god's member to vibrate. The titillating sensation had Alode groaning deeply while arching his back and tilting his head up. His hands flexed at his sides, somewhat unsure of where to go as he feared he might accidentally hurt his lover if he tried to interject himself.

After a few minutes of the fervent suckling and right when Alode thought he might lose his mind, the red panda suddenly pulled off. His lips were covered in a sloppy mix of his own saliva and a bit of the bull god's precum. In fact the entire surface of his cock was soaked in the slippery concoction.

“Having fun?” Tim asked with a smug grin.

Alode was panting and slightly taken aback by the oral treatment so he didn't respond right away. What he did instead was suddenly take a hold of the red panda's shirt and forcefully yanked it over his head.

Tim was startled by the abrupt, aggressive move and didn't know how to react. He simply stayed still as the bull god stripped him down with impressive speed and precise motions. In no time at all he was laid bare and entirely at the much stronger male's mercy. After having fawned so much over his guest's member, Tim's own cock stood up from his lap like an excited salute.

“Down, now,” Alode demanded, his voice thunderous and powerful. The red panda dared not to question his guest or reply, he simply did as he was told and slipped from the edge of his bed to kneel on the floor.

The bull god quickly did away with the rest of his own clothing and stepped out of the pile at his feet. He advanced on the red panda and leaned down. He gave Tim a gentle yet firm shove to his back while grasping him around his knees. He heaved Tim's lower body up to the point that the only part of him that made contact with the floor was his upper back and shoulders.

In a show of great flexibility, the red panda's legs splayed wide and bent so far back that his ankles ended up behind his head. This part had certainly been a topic of discussion between them amid their texts, and the bull god was curious to see just how far the much smaller male could contort.

With Tim's ass now sticking straight up in the air, he was right where his guest wanted him. All the bull god had to do was angle his cock down and lower himself. The well lubricated length pushed into the incredibly tight hole without too much trouble. It was a full, effortless penetration all the way to the point that the only thing that remained outside was the bull god's hefty ballsack.

A satisfied groan rumbled free of Alode's mouth as he let the warm sensations draw through his member. The red panda seemed to be in a similar state, as his face was even more flushed than before. He could barely keep himself contained when the bull god began to move.

Alode had to make sure to not cause any harm to his lover. As he bore down with a steadily growing pace, he gradually seeped his divine energy into the other's body. Any pains or aches Tim might have experienced in such a state would be warded off and replaced with pleasure. The affects of which were immediately seen when the feminine red panda gasped and moaned even louder.

The bull god grinned as he watched the mask of pure bliss form over Tim's face. It reminded him so much of how Oliver would look in the same kind of position. It also told him that he was good to thrust even harder.

His powerful hands held Tim by the inside of his thighs just under the crook of his knees to keep him steady. The firm smack of their forms coming together soon filled the room as prevalent as their combined moans. It grew to become harder as the minutes of relentless bucking continued at an unfaltering pace.

Tim's eyes began to roll up in their sockets as the treatment wore on. He wasn't so used to lovers that could last for more than a few minutes, so this was something to be treasured. Not to mention that the way the bull god would drive down had his cock striking hard at his prostate and sending far more powerful waves of ecstasy through his core. Little did he know how much of the treatment was due to Alode's targeted influence.

In a way, the bull god feared a bit for the red panda's sanity, and really many of the mortals he would come to have sex with in the remaining months of his stay. It must have been hard experiencing such a thrilling thing to then possibly never get it again. That everyone they would ever have sex with again would only be able to hold a distant second place to what a deity could provide.

The thought of Tim forever longing for the touch of a being such as Alode for the rest of his life brought conflicting emotions to the bull god. On one hand he was proud of who he was and what he was able to give. On the other hand, it was indeed quite cruel. He had a personal philosophy of never wiping the memories of mortals that he would have sex with, but he wondered if he might break that rule this time around.

Upon the briefest of reflections he decided that he wouldn't.

Amid all the intense, rough thrusting, Tim barely had to touch himself at all to feel tingling within his member. Each time Alode would push the entirety of his length deep into his bowels, he would reflexively grip him and his cock would flex. His small body had become so overly excited that precum spilled from his tip with surprising volume. And given his doubled over state, the clear strings fell over his face and open mouth.

Tim barely noticed such a thing happening though. Fireworks were going off in his mind and his vision frequently blurred as he lost focus on what was right in front of him. At one point he did actually reach up with one paw to take a hold of his member and start stroking it. It was slippery to the touch and the added sensation of his palm was almost too much to handle in that moment. But he didn't stop, instead deciding to pump his cock even faster.

Alode watched his lover with a careful eye. He continued to pour his divinity into every motion but it was gradual and steady. It allowed the pleasure within Tim's body to build to a crescendo that had him getting closer and closer to his end. The bull god could taste the blissful waves that continued to play through the other's body as he experienced the very same.

“I-I'm gunna cum...” Tim warned pitifully, his eyes now screwed shut in concentration.

“Do it,” Alode demanded through heavy breaths.

The red panda's body shivered and his muscles contracted as strongly as they could. Despite the grip, Alode didn't relent on his thrusting.

A desperate cry of ecstasy tore through Tim's mouth as he strained to be closer to the towering male. Intense pleasure rocketed up his length as he pressed his paw against the base of his shaft.

A burst of cum splashed free pf the red panda's cock and spattered his face, though much got in his mouth. Each thrust from the bull god had a fresh spurt dribbling free as his cute little sack desperately emptied itself.

Just as Tim's climax hit its peak, Alode's came in with the force of a runaway truck. He roared through grit teeth as he buried his entire length deep into the other's tailhole, very nearly shoving his balls inside with the effort. Those large orbs clung tight to his groin as he unleashed a powerful deluge of thick jizz. He was so deep that his length indented the red panda's belly with its size.

The two shared in the powerful moment as their bodies entirely released themselves. Tim's jizz petered out long before the bull god's did, but then again the volume between them was substantial. When Alode finally pulled his cock free, he left the red panda's asshole stretched wide and filled to the brim.

Tim groaned softly as the pressure within him released. When Alode let go of his legs, his body sprung back and he collapsed on the floor in a heap. He cradled his belly slightly as he rest on his side, still trying to catch his breath.

The bull god smirked as he watched. His stepped away just enough to give his lover room to recover, which he seemed to greatly appreciate. Once enough time passed, Tim slowly unwound himself and gradually stood up on wobbly legs. Alode stepped in to help him up and to make sure he was stable. He thankfully leaned into his lover's rock-like form.

“That was fucking amazing,” Tim said through shallow pants. “Can we do it again?”

“Again?” Alode laughed. “You sure you'll survive another round?”

“Oh yeah! I'm much more durable than I look,” the red panda said confidently.

“No doubt,” Alode agreed. “How about we get some food first and then we can have another go?”

The mention of a break seemed to disappoint Tim for a moment but the mention of food caused him to suddenly realize that he was starved. As it turned out, having sex with a deity really drained you of your energy.

“Fine. But as soon as we get our food I intend to get on you right away,” Tim threatened.

“That's fine by me,” The bull god replied and gingerly let go of his lover so that he could find his phone hidden among their discarded clothes. “Have a preference for what we get?”

“I could go for pretty much anything,” the red panda sighed as he rubbed his belly and was reminded of the cock indent it had a couple minutes ago. “What are you craving?”

Alode thought for a moment and was suddenly struck with a previous conversation with Oliver. “How about some pizza?”



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