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Awesome art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gizmo0sue/

The Divinacticon. A grand name that fit the grand machine it was for.

Through tireless daysand nights of exhausted mages and artificers constantly working, it was finally done. Ren couldn't tell if he was moved to tears because of the machine's beauty or if it was because he was so overcome with relief. And it wasn't a moment too soon, as almost exactly after the last bolt was tightened and the last enchantment was in place, the rumble of a divine planar crash shook his old bones.

“O-on!” he gasped, everyone in the room reeling from having felt the same disturbance. “Turn it on!”

The head engineer, a red skinned goblin, startled at the grand bishop's booming voice and jumped into action. From the outside, the main body of the Divinacticon was smooth and without any seems, save for the runes that inscribed its surface. All it took was a brief mental command from an appropriately bestowed person and the machine would do the rest. As was the case now when the goblin pressed his palms to the tetrahedron's belly and mentally uttered the key.

A thunderous hum vibrated the room, not unlike what they had just felt but much more palpable. The runes across its surface bloomed to life with a brilliant indigo and suddenly an image of the city leaped from the machine's surface. Like a magnificent map stretched before the room's eyes, every building, landmark, and citizen was on full display with remarkable detail.

Then the map suddenly shrank and focused in on a region of the city. It was on the outskirts and amid one of the many shop districts that the city was known for. A red haze overtook the blue topography, flowing to make a circle that must have been ten blocks wide. The map stopped there and Ren was left staring at a massive swath of buildings.

“I-is that it?” he growled, his anger building fast.

“Something's interfering with the machine, it won't go any farther,” the goblin strained to say as he concentrated.

“What!” Ren roared furiously and turned to the black robed tiger and seized him by the the shoulders. “You told me this would work! We were told to expect pinpoint accuracy!”

“I-it will!” the tiger stammered in his hoarse voice. “It just needs to be adjusted, I promise it will do as I promise. Just give us a little time.”

“Time?” the grand bishop snapped. He was about to strike the tiger across the cheek but stopped. Calm yourself, the voice of his old master thrummed in his head. The wolf drew a steady breath through his nose and released it from his mouth. He let go of the tiger and turned to the rest of the room, a new look of determination coming over his face.

“Send word to every available mage and soldier in the area to occupy that district. We're going to be going door to door and doing mandatory inspections of every residence within that red circle,” Ren commanded and gestured towards the still floating map.

Immediately every person in the room leaped into action. Artificers rushed for their flying devices while the various sorcerers conjured teleportation and telekinesis spells so that they could inform their underlings. Ren similarly stamped his staff on the floor and became enveloped in a glowing circle that had him instantly transported to the appropriate shop district.

A few bystanders startled when he appeared but he paid them no mind. He stared around hastily with a keen eye, expecting to either see the results of a rampage or any further sign of a planar breach. Neither was the case and his frustration bloomed anew. He refused to relax one second until this matter was taken care of.

Fae couldn't quite decide if she should have been amused or concerned by the sudden rush of mages and soldiers that now occupied her district. What should have been a well kept secret was becoming unraveled it seemed, something had clearly happened to allow the city's mage guild to tell where it was that her angels and demons were coming from.

“What should we do, mistress?” Zakk asked softly. The two of them had just got done having sex. Zakk had elected to cuddle himself against the mare's chest while his equine cock still rested within her, and together they peered out through the nearby window while resting on her bed.

Fae had hoped that she could have simply enjoyed a quiet night with her apprentice after the hard day they had, but it seemed that was no longer going to be the case. By whatever means the mage guild had implemented to find where the planar breaches were occurring didn't seem to be very accurate, no doubt because of some of her protective enchantments that adorned her residence.

“It seems as though our plans will have to be pushed up,” the mare replied and gingerly shifted to push the femboy away. Her pussy leaked a substantial amount of his cum once he was free, but she didn't pay it much mind. Only a brief levitation spells to clean herself of the milky seed was all she cared to do. “Gather yourself, phase two of our operation starts now.”

“But is that wise?” Zakk asked as he jumped from the bed and rushed to gather his clothing and hastily pull it on.

“We have no other choice,” she replied as she strode purposely from her room and down the stairs to her workshop.

“But we do, mistress,” Zakk pressed as he rushed after her.

“Oh?” she called over her shoulder and paused.

“We could banish them and begin the project some other time. Perhaps in a more secure location,” he explained as he came to stand beside her.

“That is not an option we can entertain. By whatever way they have found us out will likely keep us from ever summoning a divine being again. It's either now or never at this point,” Fae said and continued on into her shop.

“But there's no way the mana battery will have charged by now. It could be a disaster if we don't get enough of their power drained,” he pleaded.

“Do not lecture me on the dangers of our situation, Zakk,” the mare snapped and leveled a hard stare at him. “I'm well aware of the risks. We will have to accelerate the drain and draw a new power spell to compensate for the fusion.”

The rabbit opened his mouth to continue protesting but he stopped and simply nodded. A smile crossed Fae's mouth at his resignation and together they moved on to the room that held the angel and demon.

“Time to wake up, subjects,” she announced and clapped her hands. Both stirred tiredly and turned just enough to look at the naked mortal that crossed the room to be between them. Both seemed to have a look of concern, possibly from fear, but more than likely because even they could sense that things weren't going according to plan, which meant desperation.

Desperation was right. Fae's visions of grandeur would not be put on hold or interrupted, that much was for sure. “Zakk, gather all that you can from the battery, I'm going to construct a mana charge.”

The rabbit nodded and went to work finding the appropriate enchantment and drawing the divine energy that had so far been gathered from it. Once located, he held his paws in front of him and concentrated. A yellow point of light started between his palms and gradually swelled.

As her apprentice went about his duty, Fae hastily went to work on her own. From the shelf the dual containers of angel and demon cum summoned to her hands and their toppers popped off. She had hoped to save this raw material for another purpose, but for now it would have to do. So fitting that their own magical potential would be used in this fashion.

From each flask an amount of nearly half the fluid within snaked out and floated in the air before she cast both containers back to their places. She kept their materials separate as she recalled her knowledge of the powerful spells that she needed to pull this off.

The liquids turned into hollow wheels that then connected like a chain with the edge of one occupying the center of the other. Then they began to spin, rapidly picking up speed and changing from white to blue and red. A strange wind started to flow towards this new creation and the mare started speaking in an old draconic language.

It took a couple minutes of her reciting phrases with hardly a breath between each before the charge spell took effect. The wind had picked up to the point that loose papers were fluttering about on shelves and one or two even escaped their binding to fall to the floor and then draw to the spell's epicenter. Before they got too close Fae made sure to stomp on them so that they didn't interfere.

It didn't take Zakk long to drain the battery, not much had been gathered after all. By the time he was finished it seemed that Fae was finishing up on her own as well, a rather shocking accomplishment for such a devastating spell.

The angel and demon roused from their stupefied states and stared with wide, terrified eyes at the mare and the glowing rings that she continued to pour her will into. They were still much too weak to move, let alone escape, but that didn't keep them from trying. The tentacles that held them were still far stronger than either could manage.

When the drawing wind seemed to reach its zenith there came a collective cry of agony from the divine beings. Their struggle grew more frantic but remained as pointless as before, even as their very flesh started stripping from their bodies.

It was a horrific sight to behold, particularly for the rabbit as he watched it happen. Each chunk of their body that became pulled away was sucked into the charging spell and compressed down to a point that he couldn't quite see. The divine pair gradually lost more of themselves in equal amounts, the flow soon turning into a steady stream made up of their blood, muscle, and organs.

“Get ready, Zakk!” Fae shouted above the howl and spared a glance in his direction. The femboy nodded and swallowed hard, still holding onto the meager amount of mana by comparison.

The angel and demon gradually disintegrated down to their bones and their cries stopped, though only because their lungs and vocal cords were no longer there. The tentacles still held firm to whatever it was they could grasp, but soon there was nothing at all. In a flash of powder even their skeletons were absorbed and the writhing appendages were left confusedly wiggling.

As soon as the last piece from both beings flew into the charging spell the wind abruptly died and a deafening silence consumed the room's occupants. The spinning rings had now fused to create a purple disk that shined with a mirror-like polish.

The look on Fae's face was a mixture of mad exhilaration and shock, like she didn't quite expect things to be going this well but refused to doubt her own prowess.

The mare splayed her arms wide and the disk expanded to the point that it nearly touched the ceiling and floor. Then, with one final command from the sorceress, the entire shape bulged and shivered like the churning surface of a lake. Its flat surface suddenly bulged outward to form a bubbling sphere and then it congealed into a roughly humanoid shape with a head, two arms, and two legs.

It was colossal in size, easily twice as tall as the rabbit and five times his mass. At this point Zakk wasn't entirely for sure what he was meant to do, so at best he could only stand there and watch as this new monstrosity took shape. Which it seemed to do quite rapidly as more details refined across its surface.

Four large bumps grew from its back and a set of dull horns stuck up from its head. As soon as the fingers of its hands formed it suddenly leaped into a jarring, animated display.

Fae and Zakk watched as it tore at its own skin, or more accurately, this membrane that covered every inch of its body. With a sound like tearing paper, giant chunks of purple fell away to reveal a dark red, almost black fur underneath. Each piece fluttered to the floor, at first being small pieces before progressing to entire sheets once big enough holes were made.

As soon as the abomination pulled away the piece that covered its face it let out a roar that must have been a combination of rage and pain. Two sets of glowing white eyes stare out from its distinctly equine face. Long white hair billowed from the back of its head, falling between a pair of angel and demon wings that flapped uselessly from its shoulder blades. It had an incredibly muscular figure with broad shoulders and a rippled stomach of abdominal muscles that were revealed when it yanked away the remainder of its oppressive coat. Between its legs sat a pair of soft, equine cocks and a hefty ballsack that promised enough stored cum to supply both.

This was the feature that garnered Fae's attention the most and her eyes lit up with renewed awe at the beautiful sight. She became so focused on the abomination's manhood that she didn't notice the thing draw his fist back and aim it right for her head.

The blow would have been powerful enough to shatter her entire body and turn her into a red splash against the far wall if not for the sudden intervention of a black chain. It wrapped around the creature's upper arm with the deftness of the other tentacles that now writhed forward to latch around his body and limbs. More chains soon followed the first, constricting the abomination's legs and midsection before yanking it backwards and slamming its back against the floor.

A wry smirk crossed Fae's face and she glance up to see her apprentice having put the mana battery's potential to good use. These new armaments for subjection were a part of a grand spell that had once been used to bring an archdemon to heel. Given that the abomination was still half demon Fae figured that the spell would be just as effective, and if it wasn't then the original tentacles were still there to pick up the slack.

“Excellent work as always,” Fae complimented and leaped to be between the abomination's legs.

“I...aim to please, mistress,” Zakk grunted as he held his glowing paws in front of him. “I fear they won't hold for long. The battery didn't give much, I can feel myself slipping.”

“Do as best you can, I'll try to be quick,” Fae replied and summoned the jar of bliss honey to her and began scooping out thick dollops of the stuff to smear over the abomination's dual cocks. The reaction was immediate with both equine lengths swelling fast and growing rigid.

The more she looked over them the more she came to realize how truly rare this sight was. It was enough to trigger a streak of fury to rush through her mind, as she would only get one chance to extract a meaningful sample before she'd have to banish him. This undertaking should have resulted in many, and it was deserved from how much effort she and her apprentice had put into it.

She pushed the anger from her mind as best she could and took a steady breath. She quickly reminded herself that despite these circumstances that it would still be a good extraction and she should be grateful for that at least.

As soon as both members were at a decent enough size, the mare hastily climbed on top and positioned herself over them. With one hand set between her legs from the front and one from the back, she gradually lowered herself and made sure to aim them appropriately.

It was going to be a tight fit, she knew that from the start, but nothing quite prepared her for the intense pressure that she felt when both tips entered her at once. It was a considerable pinch of discomfort but at the same time it was quite the euphoric rush. Precum sputtered from both cocks at once and she became awash in their divine intoxication. In a motion that should have been slower than it really was, Fae let gravity take her all the way down both pyres.

She screamed out lovingly as her body became stretched to its limit. This wasn't the first time she had been doubled fucked by two males, even two horses, but this abomination was in a league of its own. She imagined that it must have been similar to being mounted by a dragon.

The abomination gave a growling huff and snort as it struggled with a wide range of conflicting emotions. At no point did it stop yanking at the chains and tentacles though, making Zakk noticeably grunt and shudder with every substantial pull. It was like the constraints themselves were attached to the femboy and their stress translated to his own body. In many ways it was exactly like that.

Fae could see the strain on his mind and body, so she thought to work fast. With a shuddering huff, the mare began working her body back and forth. Slowly at first, her motions quickly grew in pace and strength.

Her stomach noticeably bulged with every shift backwards that she made. She often went down so far that her backside became flush with the abomination's pelvis. His hot precum oozed within her depths, coating her every surface entirely and further enveloping her mind in the addictive essence.

Fae's mouth slackened and her eyes gradually became unfocused as the riding motion turned into a more aggressive pace. She braced both hands against his rock hard stomach which allowed her to push back as fervently as ever.

A pleasured growl erupted form the abomination's chest that vibrated the mare's entire body. It also caused her to whimper blissfully as it translated through her ass and pussy. The smack of her body coming down over his similarly sounded through the room, mixing with the rattle of magical chains and his snarls.

It was easy for Fae to become lost in the moment. Her body soaked up the intense divine potential of his precum, made so much stronger by the bliss honey. Her pussy frequently convulsed and spilled her juices down the cock therein and her ass squeezed down on its own shaft with all its might.

Her muscles flexed and her hair began to stand on end as she bore down on her lover with as much force as she could manage. Her long, drawn out moans escaped with every breath, escalating to such a volume that it competed with the abomination's own grunts. Her breasts bounced excitedly, the rings of her nipples tapping at her sensitive flesh with every sway that she made.

She was invigorated to go faster and faster. She pushed her body to its limits as best she could. Though her eyes stared forward in their half lidded states, they didn't see much but a blissful white that soon eclipsed her every thought. Though that could have also been from the odd glow that they began to steadily emit.

An odd crackle like static began to build between the mare and her subject. It caused the fur of her body to bristle and soon manifested as small arcs of red lightning that danced between them. It oddly felt like the mare was being tickled as they would often strike at her lower belly and pelvis. Little did she realize that a seven pointed ring was gradually etched into the flesh there.

Given all that she was going through, it made sense that Fae wouldn't have noticed this occurring. It wouldn't have even made sense that Zakk would have noticed this as well, since he was on the verge of passing out.

Never before had the rabbit been so battered, physically and mentally. He gasped through an open mouth, his eyes trained on his mistress but unable to focus. He often swayed where he stood and sometimes even having to catch himself and reposition his feet. Each relentless struggle from the abomination caused him to retrain his concentration on every binding so that they didn't break. In a sense, he was much like the very links that held the monster down, perhaps the weakest one.

Fae's moans took on a shuddering echo as she howled them at the top of her lungs. Her braid floated from her back and her entire form had gone rigid with her back straight and her head tilted towards the ceiling. Her pupils and irises were gone, replaced by a pure void that mimicked the abomination's own eyes. Her hands had since grasped her breasts and she tugged fervently at the rings of each, nipple seeming like she were trying to pull them off.

But not once did she relent on her grinding. Her body milked his cocks with every rapid stroke that she made. Her hips were a blur of motion, the smack of her ass coming down onto his lap like an applause that added to the cacophony of the room. Her moans had since transformed into a maddened, high-pitched cackle with saliva falling down the front of her chin.

“M-mistress...” Zakk gasped feebly, utterly lost amid the other sounds. It was the last thing he could manage before his body collapsed and his mind went blank.

In that instant the abomination's struggles ceased to be.

Even as lost as Fae's mind was in the euphoria of the moment and how loud she and her subject were, she seemed to recognize that something was terribly wrong. That became all the more apparent when a distinct metallic pop sounded out, snapping her from her reverie. A shot of adrenaline cleared her mind enough to look down just in time to see a colossal hand wrap around her neck.

Her screaming laughter immediately halted, no longer permitted to breath breath. Her hands flailed at the wrist and forearm of the abomination, her mind reeling and struggling to conjure a spell that would help her. Moments ago she was so powerful, completely unstoppable and on top of the world. The tightening hold on her throat reminded her of where she really was.

With a roar the abomination sat forward, the tentacles around his shoulders snapping like taffy. The chains that secured his chest and other arm strained and finally broke as well, leaving him bound by nothing but his own hatred and malice.

The mare feebly glanced towards her apprentice, mouthing “help” as best as she could manage. The femboy's crumpled state didn't give her much hope that it would come.

In a jarring thrust, Fae's back slammed against the floor and her world exploded in an array of brilliant colors. She could only see sparkles for what felt like a full minute, wherein everything else around her fell away. To her surprise she did find that she could breath again, if not shallowly.

When her view finally cleared, she was met with the abomination's glaring visage. He stared down at her from a new looming position with his knees gathered beneath him. As his face hovered only a couple inches from her own, she could practically feel the mixture of disgust and hatred that he had for her. She could hardly blame him.

But to her greatest surprise of all, he didn't crush her, like he so easily could have. He didn't suffocate her like he was a few seconds ago. Inf act, both of his cocks still remained lodged deep within her body and her splayed legs were even hooked around his hips.

Fae didn't quite know if she should have been more fearful or relieved as the abomination began to thrust into her. But what she did know, quite bitterly, was that this was one of only two times in her whole life that she wasn't in control of her situation.



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