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Awesome art by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brolaren/

“It's okay if it takes a while for you to get the hang of it,” Mona said as she watched the lioness with her paw against a nearby tree.

This had been going on for a minute or so. Kaahla seemed to be in a staring context with the bark as she focused on the trunk. She didn't respond, instead choosing to focus her will into the flora. As silence fell around them, she thought she started to hear the gentle whisper of voices amid the general jungle ambiance. When she tried to focus on them they gradually fell away and her frustration grew.

The lioness's arm flexed and the claws of her paw extended against the tree's surface. When the whispers all but vanished she uttered a loud sigh of frustration and dropped her arm back to her side.

“Why the hell is it so hard?” Kaahla asked as she rejoined her group of friends and resumed their walking down the path towards the festival grounds.

“You haven't grown up in the jungle, you're not used to its magic yet,” said another woman named Miin, who was Mona's sister.

“That's exactly what Dowe said. And Haepen. And Haak.” Kaahla sighed again and shook her head. “What if the jungle doesn't accept me?”

“That's nonsense,” Mona said and gave the barbarian a friendly nudge with her shoulder. “The jungle accepts all that wish to be accepted by it. It just takes time.”

“But it's the first technique that every foal learns. If I can't even grasp as simple a concept as passing through the Eye of the Jungle then what hope do I have with anything else?” Kaahla continued.

“There's so much more to being a druid than that. And not everyone catches on to 'jumping right away, some domains come easier to some than others,” Miin explained.

“I suppose,” the lioness huffed.

“Oh cheer up!” Mona giggled. “Don't go into the festival with such a bad mood. Besides, learning magic isn't exactly the most important thing at the moment.” She punctuated her words by poking the lioness in the belly. “Have any good news so far?”

Kaahla's lip turned up and she tried to hide the pleased smile but the two clearly caught on. “Well, not yet but I've been told that it might take a bit longer than normal for me to find out. How about yourselves?”

Mona immediately turned to her sister and Miin displayed a wide, beaming smile. “Found out today, actually. Our mother senses that it's gunna be a boy.” Miin said.

“Congratulations!” Kaahla shouted. “That's so exciting. But if you're already pregnant then why are you still going to the festival?”

“As strange as it might sound, it's more than just a way for woman to get pregnant. It's a bonding experience for our whole community. Even woman who don't wish to get pregnant are often involved,” Mona explained.

“Well, that does explain a couple things,” Kaahla mused openly. For some mares it was possible to find out if they were pregnant after the first night of activities and yet over the past couple of days the numbers hadn't dwindled like she expected. In fact, she was told that the evening festivities were much more lively than the daytime ones with even more zebras present, which was why they now approached after the sun had gone down and the glowing moss of the jungle became active.

Kaahla could see and hear the Fertility Festival long before she got to it. The moss and lichen that covered the trees leading to the festival now seemed to pulse with more colors than what she would normally see them convey on any other night. It was a rather hypnotizing sight and she found herself staring with wide eyes and open mouth.

“Wow,” Kaahla said under her breath as they passed between the wide trunks that marked the festival grounds. The view from the outside barely prepared her for the one on the inside.

While it was true that many more zebra were present now, what truly stunned the lioness into silence was the fact that each of them had now taken on brilliant colors where the white of their fur would have normally been. At first Kaahla thought that the colors were just a result of being shined on by the moss, but the closer she looked the more she realized that wasn't the case.

It was like their fur had been dyed, as each body retained its hue even when they went under a different color of light or were shaded. Some zebra were a single solid color while others looked like they had been splashed with paint or had their limbs dipped with one while the rest of the body was another. The scene reminded her of the rainbow affect that was cast upon the floor of a church when light passed through its stained windows.

Kaahla didn't realize she had been standing still and staring until Mona took her paw and began to tug her forward. “Come on,” she giggled.

The lioness blinked when she came out of her daze and realized that the two sisters now had the same affect on them. Mona's upper body was a pink that gradually turned to purple as it progressed to her feet and Miin was a solid dark green. It was during this time that she looked down at herself to see that her normally golden fur had turned into a brilliant silver which greatly pronounce her stripes.

While many couples and groups were already in the throws of their fun, there were still plenty more that searched for an opening to join or each other. Some of which caught sight of the lioness as she went by and gave her a friendly wave which she returned as she continued to be pulled along.

“Anyone interesting you?” Miin asked as the trio came to a halt in what seemed like the middle of the whole festival.

“A few,” Kaahla said as she turned in time to see a group of studs approach. She didn't recognize them but the sisters seemed to.

“Aren't you supposed to be studying?” the nearest one asked in a deep, commanding voice. Mona turned to see who addressed her and her face immediately lit up with a wide smile.

“Professor! What a pleasant surprise,” Mona replied and strode up to him. The two embraced and shared a quick kiss.

The other males came to stand nearby, one of which eyed the lioness with a hungry gaze while the other seemed to successfully garner Miin's attention. Kaahla shared the stud's sentiment as she narrowed a playful smirk to him. She found his light blue torso and dark blue arms quite appealing.

“I love your color,” he said to the lioness as he stepped closer.

“Thanks. This is so new to me, I don't know what any of it really means,” Kaahla said as she made a show of looking down at herself.

“It's the jungle's way of showing your comparability with the other zebras,” he explained and reached out to take her paw in his hand. “Neutral colors like yours show that you're compatible with everyone.”

“I see. So is the goal to pair up with like colors?” Kaahla asked.

The zebra nodded. “That's right. Though it's merely a suggestion. The jungle accepts all for who they wish to be with, after all.”

Indeed, even as the lioness looked around at the various other couples there was the distinct pattern that many who were together shared quite a few colors and shades. Of course there were also many groups of zebras with clashing colors. Even Mona and Miin had colors that clashed with the males of the group that had approached.

It was as Kaahla noted this fact that she realized her friends had wondered off with their perspective partners, leaving Kaahla and this new stud alone. Well, as alone as being in the midst of a jungle wide orgy could allow.

“They're going off to that ridge over there. Wanna join them? It makes for a stunning view of the festival,” the male said as he came up behind the lioness. His chest pressed to her back and his arms wrapped around her belly. Though he was smaller than she was, his breath at her nape sent an excited shiver up her spine. Combined with the sensation of his hands gradually advancing up to her breasts and she was reminded by a jolt of aroused determination as to why she was there to begin with.

“Absolutely,” Kaahla giggled and suddenly bolted from his grasp but not before grabbing both of his hands and pulling him along.

The stud gasped as he was aggressively pulled forward and nearly fell flat on his face. Luckily he was dexterous enough to recover but continued to stumble along up until they had rejoined Mona and Miin as they settled down onto the uplifted ground.

The stud thudded against the barbarian's rigid body once she came to a stop and felt a bit dazed from the whole experience. He was barely given any time to recover before Kaahla suddenly threw him to a the ground with his back landing against the soft grass. By the time he looked up she was already standing over him with a hungry grin adorning her face.

“Careful there, Zain, she might be a bit more than you can handle,” the professor laughed as he and Mona settled into their own fun where she was on her belly with him bucking into her pussy from behind. Amid her cooing moans she couldn't help but giggle while she watched the lioness take control.

“Don't worry about me,” Zain called back and sat up. Then he looked Kaahla in the eyes and smirked. “Promise not to go easy on me?”

“Not even if you wanted me to,” the lioness replied and sank down to her knees. She straddled her suitor's knees and reached both paws to pet down over his belly and hips. She drank in the sight of his stunning, fit body and the handsome features that adorned him. She could feel herself growing more arouse by the second, culminating to when her paws came together on his manhood.

Blood had been filling his length gradually up to that point, so his cock extended significantly from its sheath. But there was still so much more to go, as Kaahla was intent on bringing it all out.

The lioness aimed Zain's soft tip up towards her mouth and then abruptly sank it between her lips. His musky tip filled her senses with a luxurious, saltiness that had her tongue quickly stroking its ebony sides. She could taste his history of other mates, a mixtures of at least three other woman had a taste of him so far and Kaahla was intent to add her own to the list.

With motions that she had become an expert at performing, the lioness pushed him far into her mouth to the point that he began to edge down her throat. All the while she did this, not once did her tongue relent on its back and forth sway against the underside of his shaft. She could feel the beat of his heart through the spongy flesh and it was already rapidly picking up pace. With the added blood flow and the equine dick was already growing to an appreciative firmness.

Kaahla had so far worked the cock to the farthest reaches of her throat. It got to the point that she struggled to breath when her lips kissed at his pelvis. Nothing new there, of course, but what was new seemed to be the lack of sound from her lover that she was used to.

She glanced up to see the zebra looking down at her with a pleasure stricken gaze but the loudest thing that came from him was the gentle huff of his breath. Oh, he was going to be tougher to tame than the rest, she realized, and would have displayed her own grin had her mouth not been entirely occupied.

Kaahla grasped the base of his ebony shaft with one paw and his balls with the other. She gave the large, velvety orbs a playful squeeze, just enough to make the male jump slightly with the barest hint of pain. A gleam of determination crossed the lioness's visage and the zebra seemed to catch it as his face turned from one of pleasure to slight concern.

Without warning she thrust her mouth down over his cock, sending its entire length down her esophagus and making her throat bulge. She drew the tightest vacuum that she could and began bobbing her head. She managed his entire length from base to crown upon every stroke while grinding her tongue to its sensitive surface. Her saliva covered the shaft and made it glisten in the multi-colored light of their surroundings. Each movement that she made caused a loud slurp to ring out each time she would draw her head back.

Kaahla was pushing down onto the thick cock about as much as she was pulling his pelvis to meet her lips. In fact, it seemed that her extensive effort was showing promise as his breathing started to hitch. He still wasn't moaning though, and so she needed to try harder.

She couldn't quite push him deeper than he was already going, but she did have several more tricks up her sleeve. Once she would gather enough breath in her lungs between dives, the lioness would push her mouth down to his lap and hold still. With practiced motions, the lioness's throat would convulse and milk the throbbing girth in a way that no other part of her quite could.

To her pleased ears, there would often come the elated snort and nicker of pleasure, but it still wasn't up to her expectation. Not how like Miin and Mona's lovers were carrying on with blissful neighs and rough grunts as they rode the women. A stray glance up to her own suitor's face showed that he seemed to be right on the edge of letting his more enamored side be unleashed. All he needed was just a little push.

The paw that held the stud's balls released as she came down on another arch to gulp over his cock. As she held her face down, her fingers dipped low beneath his sack and came across the ebony tailhole that was just underneath. Upon her first digit gracing the sensitive hole, the male gave a slightly startled twitch and his mouth opened in surprise.

This was it, Kaahla excitedly thought and slipped her paw farther down. She began by tracing his rim with her middle finger, feeling it twitch and wink at the light touch. Then she gingerly dug her tip at its center and began to ease inside.

The Zain's legs flexed and his entire form gave a shiver. His eyes gazed down into hers with a wide, worried expression that had her amused beyond everything else. This is what you get for playing hard to please, she thought playfully as she sank the entirety of her finger into his hole and pressed up on the slight bulge that was his prostate.

The zebra's first moan of their fun rumbled free of his chest and his back arched. His backside also pushed closer to her paw and if she didn't know better, she'd have guessed that he loved this feeling quite a lot. Good, it meant she could add a second digit.

Once she had, the zebra was braying as frequently as he breathed. Kaahla didn't let herself stray too far from her suckling though. In fact, she found a good compromise between sawing her fingers in and out of his pucker while she fawned lovingly over his cock. She got so good at the motion that the stud quickly became almost too excited as he feverishly bucked into her mouth while squeezing down on her fingers. If she didn't know better she'd have guessed that this wasn't the first time he had something like this done to him. Though, more likely with something quite a bit larger.

To the stud's dismay, Kaahla withdrew her fingers and mouth from him in a simultaneous motion. He shivered at the sudden pleasure relief that he was given but the lioness didn't intend for it to last for long. When he opened his eyes and looked up he was met with the barbarian's body come over his.

Kaahla sat hard on his lap with his cock sticking up between her thighs. She leaned her back against his chest and turned her head enough to look into his eyes from over her shoulder. “If you fill me full of cum then I'll lick your asshole for as long as you like,” she purred and made a show of sticking the two fingers that she used to pleasure him into her mouth and slathered them with her tongue.

Her lover could only muster a stunned nod in agreement. Kaahla flashed a wide, toothy grin and reached beneath herself to grasp his cock and angle it to her cunt. Then she lowered once more and force his throbbing, precum sputtering dick into her tight depths. From how soaked the lioness was the male slid in easily but that didn't mean it wasn't an exceptionally tight fit. A renewed moan neighed loudly from the male and the lioness's hunger grew.

The stud's hands lifted from their place on the ground and hugged around her body. Each grasped her large breasts and squeezed while she started to churn her hips and bounce.

In a not too dissimilar fashion that she had been doing before, Kaahla made sure to work his cock from base to tip with every motion. Her pussy juices spilled down his length, mixing with the coat of spit that was already there. His hefty sheath and balls were awash in her essence in under a minute of her riding.

Kaahla sighed deeply with satisfaction as she acclimated to the zebra's impressive size. He often bucked up to meet her downward stroke and the resulting clap matched their combined moans in volume.

As time went on the stud began to take on a more dominant roll as Kaahla relaxed back against his form. Her legs splayed wide and her feet gradually lifted from the ground as she transitioned from riding to being fucked. Now every time he thrust into her there would come a returning spatter of her juices over his crotch and the ground. His balls slapped her inner thighs like an open palm and her whole body jostled rhythmically.

The lioness eagerly let herself become lost in the moment. The bliss that came with her cunt being stretched over a size like his was what she craved all the time and now that she had him right where she wanted, she didn't want to think about anything else. The added sensations of his fingers continuing to play with her nipples and his mouth nibbling at the side of her neck were just icing on the cake.

From beyond, Mona and Miin watched the lioness with ecstasy stricken gazes. Their own lovers continued to pump away, both nearly on the edge of an oncoming climax and yet even they watched the display right in front of them. Something about the barbarian being enjoyed by one of their own always drew many curious eyes from the druid population and this show was no different. Even far away eyes and attentions were drawn to the sound of the powerful predator yowling her pleasure to the jungle.

Kaahla didn't much care who watched or even participated. She wouldn't have minded if another stud came over to take her ass or if a mare wished to have a taste of any part of her body. There was no limit to the ways that she wanted to participate or be a part of druid society, and the jungle itself seemed to know this.

The stud's neighs and grunts steadily grew louder, matching the pace that he had been steadily picking up for the past few minutes. It was this vigorous motion that had the lioness squirming and crying out as her body was awash in climactic bliss. Her cunt frequently convulsed and clenched down on the rutting pyre as it spilled her essence in a waterfall down its sides.

The two struggled to maintain their positions but as their pleasure became almost too much to handle, it quickly became a losing battle. To the lioness's elation, the stud let out a guttural neigh and buried every last bit of his cock inside of her. His balls clung tight to his pelvis and her stomach noticeably bulged from his size.

A burst of virile zebra cum painted her womb in an instant and quickly filled her hungry insides to the point that she felt like she were already well along into a pregnancy. Even still, as his cum continued to gush she didn't dare let a single drop spill free. Or at least as best as she could manage.

There came a couple lingering pumps as the stud struggled to empty himself entirely. The outside of Kaahla's pussy was painted white and dripped the male's viscous fluid by the time he finished. Even as his throbbing cock rested within her pussy, she never let up on trying to milk more from him than what he had. At this point she simply thought it to be a reflex of how eager she was to be full of something more than a thick cock and slippery seed.

It didn't take long for Kaahla to have recovered from the intense climax. Once she caught enough of her breath she slipped up from his lap and allowed his shrinking member to flop free of her gaped pussy. It trailed a thick line of white as it smacked lazily against its owner's belly.

“What a good start for the evening,” Mona said from her spot as she crawled out form under her own lover, his cock coated in a similar layer of cum that trailed from her well used hole. Not too far away was Miin and her stud cuddling amid their shared afterglow.

The young mare joined the lioness with an excited smile. “I see a group over there with some lonely studs, I bet they could give us a nice ride,” she continued and nodded towards where she had her focus.

“You think so?” Kaahla laughed and looked down at her friend. Truly a woman after her own heart, no single male would be enough to satisfy her.

“Definitely. See? They've noticed us!” Mona said and grasped the lioness's paw and charged off but was stopped when the barbarian stood her ground and refused to move. The mare turned back and cocked her head confused.

“You go along, I'll meet up with you later,” the lioness said with a warm smile.

“Are you sure?” Mona asked slightly dejected.

“I'm sure. I don't think I'm quite done with this one yet,” she explained and pivoted enough to look down at her recent lover. He was still splayed on his back and had just now recovered enough to hear what the lioness was saying. Upon hearing her refer to him, he looked up and met her hungry gaze.

Fear and exhilaration fought for supremacy over his mind in that moment. It was only when the lioness approached him again and knelt between his legs that fresh arousal sparked to life between his thighs. No rest for the weary, it would seem, especially when the lioness intended to make good on her promise.



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