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This is a message to everyone on my patron/follower list.

Just wanted to give a heads up and let you know that I posted some info about the games "Finding Him" and "The Secret of Zombolia" today. Some of you have been asking me about these by e-mail and PM here on Patreon, and it's been a while, so I figured it would be best to send a PM to everyone on my patron/follower list so those who are interested can take a look ^_^

Public post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/79424896

Patreon post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/finding-him-and-79422249


Best regards,
Published: 2023-03

This is a message to everyone on my patron/follower list ^_^

The surreal exploration game "Finding Him" was updated today, with the remaining scenes in the Cockatoo Pub ^^

Public post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/86631281

Patreon post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/86630402

Best regards,
Published: 2023-07

This is a message to everyone on my patron/follower list ^_^

Today, the official website for the surreal exploration game FINDING HIM has been opened, and the first PUBLIC UPDATE is available ^_^

You can play it here: https://findinghimgame.com/main.html

Best regards,
Published: 2023-11

This is a message to everyone on my patron/follower list ^_^

Today, the first Monster Love Hotel game (MLH) has been completed!

Patron post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102589183

Public post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102590203

Best regards,
Published: 2024-04