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HO-HO-HO ! What's up guys ? 

I know you're all busy in the office with a busty secretary right now but here are some good news about the Xmas FFFM project : despite the legendary difficulty in making foursome animations, things are progressing well and poses are almost done ! I'm currently working on sounds and I should start shooting the video this weekend !

Quick info about the project : 60+ poses. Only 3 narrative poses, the rest is pure sex. 😜Christmas spirit, when you hold us...

Since the poses are already done, I thought making a XXXmas Advent calendar with the new poses instead of chocolates could be a cool idea ! One day, one pose till december 25, official release date ! And the rewards would be released on this date. What do you think ?

The only thing I have to do is charge you on december the 1st instead of december the 25th. It doesn't change anything to you because your money will be taken only on early January 2021 anyway. (I'm just telling you this in the interests of transparency.)

So what do you prefer ?



I do like the idea of these non-narrative pose packs to supplement what we already have. I think it would be nice to also have a pack of some generic, non-sex poses that can be used in other rooms that help with story telling. Just small, 4-8 second loops of people sitting and talking, using their phone, sleeping in bed, watching TV etc. I know that wouldn't have much appeal for people who don't like to make sequences/videos but it would be highly appreciated by those who do.