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Hello, people! It’s Shadow Portal team. In the first teaser of update 0.29 we talked about how the trash collection scene will start. Now, we’ll show and tell how it’ll play! Yep, that’s right: we made a whole mini-game for this scene which you’re sure to like! Let’s get to the business.

You might know that SlutCraft is a project with a soul (playing SlutCraft you experience bits of our souls, hahah). And sometimes we get truly driven to create something that we could only dream about before. And yeah, you guessed right: this is one of those cases. Some of us are great fans of oldschool pixel games. You might even know some of them: The Lost Vikings, Metroid, SlutCraft - truly legendary games, with established spots in our hearts for them. We grew up on them! We are sure, many played classics like those in their own childhoods and get what we’re saying. So, we wanted to pay tribute to these games and make a mini-game resembling them, experience a bit of what the developers of old did, so to say, and also to test ourselves! And... we decided to make a space shoot’em up! Sounds interesting, no? Sarah connects to an advanced neuro-interface and finds herself… in a pixelated space shooter. Rather strange, but that’s the point! Surprise is our thing.

About the mini-game:
Let’s talk a bit about the mini-game itself now, pilot Kerrigan will have two tentacles at her disposal. Using them, she will have to smash asteroids up and collect resources. It’s simple: red objects are dangerous and must be attacked to avoid losing precious HP, while blue ones are the opposite and should be collected. Don’t worry, it’ll be hard to lose too early, and your ship will also have some unique abilities to help you effectively clear the path forward.

Well, there’s lots to talk about regarding the mini-game, but you’ll see it all yourself pretty soon. And for now, we bid goodbye, and get back to working on the next update. See you later, here on Patreon! And, as always, thanks for supporting SlutCraft!

Shadow Portal Team




Ooooh!!! When SC2 first came out I remember there was a arcade unit and there was a similar retro game.

Rolo Clint

Yeah it was called "Lost Viking" in reference to the old lost vikings game. Here it looks like we'll have the "lost leviathan", or "lost guardian", or whatever Zerg it is :D


doesnt it looks more like the old martian atack? you know.. the one your ship cant move and the martians cames down by time.. and at the end there is a boss figth


Yeah, that's right, that was also an inspiration to us, we wanted to make something similar too.