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Hi everyone, it's so good to see you all! And let me start right away with the most important thing, we're all fine! 

Damn, it's too bad we don't have a shadow portal to go in and wait this stuff out in a nicer place until it's all over... Instead of constantly running to the shelter at the sound of the siren...

It's been 10 days since this hell started, the lack of sleep at night, the constant awakening by the sound of sirens, gunshots and other things. But we are beginning to get used to it, the other day I noticed how the genuinely uncomfortable conditions are becoming a little more acceptable, that sleep is becoming more satisfying, in the current situation,this could definitely be called a pro. But in the longer term, I don't know how it will all affect us, but as they say in our team, a big elephant is eaten in pieces.  We'll deal with that a little later.

Well, now it's time to tell another "great" story that happened to us just recently. Remember how I told you about my friend and I seeing a rocket flying over our house? Well that was just cute compared to what happened just a couple of days ago, it was night, I was falling asleep, that day I decided to spend the night at home for the first time in some time, the day was rather quiet and I was ready to run to the shelter at the first sign. And then in an instant, first comes a bright light, followed by a staggering rumble... *BAAAAAAAM!*
Guys, words can't even describe it, it was almost like the climax scenes in our game, only in the game, the screen shakes, and then it were the walls that shook! The walls were really shaking. I also had my balcony open (you can't close the windows because you won't be able to hear the sirens), and after the sound came the wind, a warm wind enveloping my whole body... I remember it like it just happened, these sensations are impossible to communicate, they are debilitating. You can't comprehend what's happening in the moment, and it scares you, scares you so much that you don't know where to go. In that moment I realized, it was a shockwave that reached me, it's pretty cold outside right now where I live, but the shockwave was so warm that it managed to warm me up a little bit. You just imagine, I really knew NOTHING at that moment, where it exploded, what it was, or what to do at all. Or rather I knew what to do, I immediately got my loved ones up and we went to a safe spot, we already knew that single explosions are rare, it's always several rockets fired together. And so we all got up and stood in the safest place of the house (we did not risk running to the shelter), and then the sirens began. At this point, thoughts pop into my head that the siren won't always be able to warn me of a threat. But just after the siren, another flash happened, it seemed even brighter than the previous one, it seemed so because we were preparing for one, we already knew it was coming, and that intensified the fear many times over. And again a couple of seconds after the flash the familiar humming began again, the sound wave belatedly telling us how terrifying man-made weapons can be... Again the familiar warm air enveloped us. I live by the principle of not worrying if a situation is beyond your control, that is, if you can do something to change the situation, do it, if it is beyond your control, then there is no need to get caught up in it. At this point, me and my family were standing around each other and doing the best we could, just waiting it out, we knew it would be over soon, we just had to SURVIVE! During this, thoughts started to creep back into my mind, how powerful must the explosion have been, that it was so warm INSIDE MY HOME, it didn't really sink in, but then the answer came in another way, how close to the house was the explosion? Could it be literally on my street? Could it be somewhere nearby? There were no answers to these questions, between explosions we were discussing this among ourselves, mostly to distract ourselves, to occupy our heads with something a bit trivial. One of my relatives saw the engine trace of the rocket that caused the first explosion, and even showed it to us, but none of us knew exactly where the explosions happened. The explosions stopped after the fourth one, we knew that it was likely the last one, two of us had served in the past and were familiar with some basics of rocket-firing, but it was still only a guess. We stayed in a safe place for a while longer, and then we started to go around the house and look for possible blast craters. But we didn't find anything. The house was clean, no traces of explosions, nothing. It was no use looking for anything on the news either, the first videos appeared only an hour later. And we didn't learn the location of the explosion until the next day in the evening...
Honestly, when I found out where it blew up, I was fazed, there is no other way to say it. It turns out that our guys shot down these 4 rockets, literally 100 meters from our house. Where they were going, we can only guess, you know, when I saw the place where the downed missile was, I was shocked again, because I have walked there so many times before (before all this hell) and I almost couldn't comprehend it, it seems as if it's not real, not real life... There's no way something like that can happen in 2022...

Also, just the other day I was able to witness a shooting literally 200-500 meters from my house, but all I could hear was gunfire. But no one is surprised by this anymore, it seems to be already becoming a common thing...

I think that's the end of our broadcast and it's quite a long post, I hope you get my feelings and what we're all experiencing here. Heh, there's even a video of it going off and it really shows the rocket exploding in midair, I don't know if I can or can't leave a link to the video but I think it's better not to, if you all are already so interested we can post it in our discord.

Once again, I was glad to see all of you and hope that soon this hell will be over! Thank you very much to everyone who supports us, it's really very nice and important, especially at a time like this, every time I feel warmer when I read endless well meaning messages, and of course we have no other choice but to do it! WE LIVE!

Shadow Portal Games



Anarcho TV

I pray for yours and your family safety


Wow.. I know this war is going to change your view on life once its over but I hope you all keep your positivity and motivation.


What's going on in Ukraine, I wouldn't wish on anyone. In any country. Ever. Reading this update really helps me understand what it feels like in that moment. It helps me appreciate how precious life is, how precious peace is. I hope the violence ends as soon as possible.


Thank you for the update. My best wishes for you and your family.


i remember when i talk about this in the past.. and people come at me like "you are inventhing things" just to make things clear.. putin only want the gas.. he is only surrounding the gas positions.. he allready take the south.. now he goes to the north.. this is al a monopolly game for him.. and taking in consideration germany takes over 40% of their gas from russia.. europe is not helping.. i really hope you guys are ok.. and from argentina.. a country who supports russia.. imagine my rage..


There's a whole lot more to this politically which I'm not going to get into, Including the ways that the two sides are fighting. however to you Good luck and Godspeed!


I think you have to try and evacuate. Watch this when you can. There is a hind how to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ9c6NObaoc&t=35s&ab_channel=CryptoExposed


I'm praying for your family and everyone in Ukraine. Hopefully this insanity will be over soon.


I didn't see the original post, was sad when i didn't see the new update, then saw this and while sad that no new update i totally understand. ultimately its a shame if the game ends up never being completed because of this but it would be a tragedy if something happened to you or your team. stay safe -Ian


I will also pray. I didn't know you were in Ukraine. I'm very worried that this has happened. I hope you're safe!