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Hey everyone, I was able to get to my PC today for the first time in days. 

Wow... This is honestly unusual. I have so much to tell you, there's all kinds of stories about people panicking, seeing rocket salvos live (flying right over my head) and many other things that have happened in the last few days, but I'll try to tell only the most important things right now. 

As you might know, I'm a resident of Ukraine, more precisely of its capital Kyiv, a fact I've never concealed and many of you know, but several of our team members also live in the same city. 

And we're going through a very hard time, I don't want to get into details, but our country is on fire, we were attacked... I am not saying this to complain, I am saying this to inform you that I am alive and well and am keeping all my promises. In such a difficult situation, I was forced to make the decision to postpone the release indefinitely until everything calms down.

There's fighting in my city, martial law in the country, air raid sirens are howling regularly, but obviously I like living so I always head straight to the shelter. (heh, I think I've even succeeded at that).

Hah, the shelter is becoming my second home, we take various things from home there so it's not so horrible.

I'm thankful to everyone who has supported me via direct messages, I'm very pleased to read them, many people have offered to send me necessities, thank you very much, but at the moment it's not possible. You really have no idea how nice it is to know that our community is so close-knit, that we care about each other, that we need each other. Wow... I am just so proud of you! Thank you so much for being there.

What we can do now is just wait, I really don't know when it will be over, I've been through a lot these past few days, but I tell you, I'm fine, I'm not in a slump, I am doing my best to stay alive and keep creating great games with you all, and I sure wish it would be over soon so we can go back to developing games and keep making content that makes you happy.

I think that's the end of my post for today, it's already huge!

Thanks again to everyone for your support, and of course I'm very sorry that we had to postpone our update.

Best regards,

Shadow Portal Team


Goin' Anonymous

My thoughts are with you. I have friends there and am hoping they are all OK.

Supreme Overlord Llama

Well damn. Wish you and the team best of luck and stay safe!


I had no idea you were in Kyiv! I wish you the best and I hope you can stay safe.


<p style="color: #008600;">You should only think about your safety right now, it's definitely not the time to work. Take care of yourself and your family!</p>


I also did not knew you were in ukraine. I was under the impression you lived in honolulu. It is though for everyone. I had a very heavy fight with a stupid scot today as his daughter defended ukrainian side and i the russian. She sacrifised her father to go to jail over you. But reading how you live i feel bad and will refrain from expressing my oppinion. For anyone wondering external policy of Russia since ww2 is to prevent neibouring countries to ally to hostiles who can attack them aka Nato . Obviously Russia neglected this policy for the past decade seeking non military intervention but now this is abruptly about to end. All i have to say is do not put yourself in the way of the bear for the interrsts of weapon companies, media provocators and brainwashers because they safe and far away. West wont even send army and ukrainians bleed young lives.


Hope your guys' forces can beat those fucking russians back. I'm from america and I'm ashamed of the leadership here that won't send help. Hope you guys get through it safely. I haven't been here long enough to know you were based in ukraine so this post was a shock.

Alexey Stratulat

Good luck, stay alive. There are people in Russia who are against the war, and they are not few.

chad monk

Iam praying for everyone in Ukraine stay safe my friend


Please, stay alive. War is loose loose situation. And we will figure out how to continue once peace reigns again. My thoughts are with the team.


Take all the time you need , this WILL still be here and so will we!


We keep our fingers crossed for you! Surely everything will soon become good and peaceful in your country, we really want this!

Goin' Anonymous

My thoughts are with you and the people of Ukraine have my respect.