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Dear players, we have pleasant news, the update is only a few days or less away from release, and this means only one thing - it's time to wish our beta testers good luck!

Brave players are helping our team fix bugs and inaccuracies that managed to sneak into the latest update! If all goes well, it will be released very soon, the average beta test takes only about a day.

That's the news, we're just a little bit away from the next update. We're looking forward to showing you the work we've done. See you later!

Shadow Portal Team

P.S.  Friends, we also want to say that we're always looking for brave players to join the ranks of beta testers! So brave that they will help us test future updates, not sparing themselves, taking the ruthless blows of bugs, encountering Russian in the English version of the game, and getting traceback after traceback and more... All so that the other players are able to enjoy the game! Thanks to these fans our project improves, and the latest updates become a thousand times more enjoyable.

Do you like the sound of that? Then we would gladly accept you because we need you! All you need to do is tell us on Discord if you would like to participate in beta testing, if you are ready to help our project, we are eagerly waiting! Beta testers have access to a special channel in our server and don't worry, we will get you up to speed and fill you in on all the important stuff. Your main job is to respond quickly and point out the problematic areas in the game. We appreciate our players and listen to our testers because thanks to them we can quickly fix the found bugs. Thank you to everyone who wants SlutCraft to prosper.




Good luck. testers!


Do you provide them with energy drinks while "testing"?