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Hey, guys. There's almost nothing left until the next update is released, right? Yeah, and we can't wait to release it as soon as possible, but we need you to be patient a little more. But it really is just little. Our team needs more time to check all the lines of code and animations, put the music in place, and conduct final tests. Friends, we want to state with confidence that version 0.26 is already on the approach to the finishing line and nothing will change this.

In the meantime, there is a small topic for discussion. Let's do this: we propose an idea, and you write in the comments, do you like it or not? What if we publish several teasers of the same scene at once, within one update? For example, first a sketch is published, and then a completely finished image from the future scene. What do you think, do you want to see more WIP stuff? We will be glad if you respond and please write what you think of the drawings. Yes, it's nice when players leave praising reviews, it charges us up with positivity for many days ahead. But don't think we ignore other reviews, constructive criticism is also always appreciated. And of course, we can not forget about you, and we are not going to. You are, as always, the best :)

Well, the laconic post has come to an end. We are off to finish the update as fast as possible, to avoid any further delays. Wish us good luck, we love our fans!

Sincerely yours,
Shadow Portal Team



Yuki G.

In your case, maybe not mistakes but designs that people might like or give suggestions about. In any case, early feedback saves effort and time.

Aarvil Kemph

I would love WIP as much as I would love to have regular updates regarding the development. Don't worry nothing too big or detailed. Take Akabur, a couple of years ago started posting every Monday updating the supporter about its life stuff and updates about development. All of that help the supporters to feel more involved or at least know how the things are going on. As one of its old supporter I can tell you that I've really appreciated the change between "I'll tell you when it's done but until then is radio silence" to "I'll periodically update you just to let you feel like a community". The frequency obviously is up to you but it would be great to periodically know how the project is coming along. Ah! Dammit the image is so good that now I can't wait to see it in game. Do you mind answering a spolery question? Do we will ever see other interaction between Sara in phase 1 and zergling? If I remember well there a lot of place holder scenes that are still waiting to be added.