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Hello, everybody, it's... Sai'mon! Yes, I have captured the control room and can now communicate with you directly. While the Shadow Portal Team is working on another update, I can tell you about the game and teach you how to play it. Give me a second, I just need to put on this weird beard and goggles and robe... Alright, once again, hello to everyone, Dr. Simon is here and we can start.

A quick overview.

As many could guess from the name, SlutCraft is a game based on another game with some plot similarities, but also with, ahem, huge differences. In our game, the main character is Sarah Kerrigan, the Ghost who was taken prisoner and has to suffer through some "interesting" challenges and obstacles to achieve her goal. And what exactly awaits her and what difficulties she will face you can find out by playing the game.

There are two types of game events: side quests and story quests. Story quests, obviously, lead the player through the story, the main plot. Side quests are side stories mainly useful for gathering experience to progress the main story. But that is not, in fact, all they are for, and we guarantee you won't be disappointed by them :)

First chapter

The beginning is linear and simple, to speed up the events the player shouldn't resist the voice in the head in the first choice, and later agree to present breasts for Stukov. After that, the player has freedom of choice and should examine the room their hero is in by clicking on the various objects in it and choosing "examine".

The first few days you should spend doing physical (and other) exercises, which can be started from Sarah's menu (click on Sarah and choose an action). Do so until the nourishment level is at its lowest and use the tentacle, which will start the "Feeding" scene, Level: 0.

Stukov will come the next day, you should pick the "move hands away" option. From now on you will have to summon Stukov yourself using the button on the wall, to start the "Show body" scene. You should call Stukov and show him Sarah's body every day after that, as well as spend energy and get meals from the tentacles until the "Show body" scene is over, You can monitor your progress in the scene tree which is accessed via the button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

After you're done with all levels of the "Show body" scene, Stukov will be absent for a couple of days and Sarah will come into some trouble. You are supposed to just wait until Stukov returns and after the "Body and feeding scene" the tentacle will start providing enough food again. Also, at this stage, you can start the "Stuck in wall" scene. To do so you should first search for a way to escape via Sarah's menu several times. Eventually, after several tries, Sarah will find the poster and put it on the wall to cover the hole.

Note: Sarah has to first find the poster, then hang it. Try to get out of the room until Sarah finally puts the poster on the wall and you can interact with it.

After that, you will have to make a big enough hole in the wall and then try to climb through it, that is exactly when the "Stuck in wall" scene begins. Heh, I bet she never expected that. By the way, you will also be able to access two levels of the "Tentacles" scene, which is accessible by interacting with the tentacles that were used to bind Sarah at the very beginning of the game,  which are located on the right side of the room.

Eventually, Stukov will come and gift Sarah a container that you should open. You can do so via the inventory which is accessible via the button at the bottom left corner of the screen. Remember this, it'll be useful further on. After you examine the clothes in the container, put them on. And put them on again every time you are about to initiate the "Fap material scene" (by calling Stukov via the button).

After you're done with the first level of the new scene, you'll get access to the next level of "Feeding". Just don't resist the new way of getting meals.

Keep completing the "Fap material" scene, and don't forget about "Stuck in wall" and "Tentacles", also don't forget to talk to Stukov and me, Sai'mon. We have lots of useful and not so much information to share with you.

A couple of days after finishing the "Fap material" scene, Sarah will suddenly find the door to her room open wide and start a journey through the Leviathan. You want to get to the center of the labyrinth, to the Throne room, but don't hurry, there is a secret hidden in the labyrinth - a personal tentacle which might one day be of use... To be fair, I'm rather confused about this tentacle... Even I don't know why Sarah needs it... And every time I ask Arthur about it he just smirks, I don't get it.

Anyway, the walkthrough, right! Explore every part of the labyrinth before going to Mistress in the Throne room. A little tip: The tentacle is in the south-western hall named "location 17" which is here:

Also don't hesitate to ask me about the sights while exploring, although that Sai'mon is still rather primitive and doesn't know much, you can still find out a lot of useful stuff. Did you know Arthur has a magnificent cat? Don't even ask me how I know that.

After a long talk and a wash, the player finally gets back free will, but that's not that important. What's really important is that Stukov comes the next day with a test for Sarah. You may choose whatever you want in it, but some answers will influence future events. After that, Sarah learns what she will have to go through and that's exactly when the next chapter starts. BAM, WOOSH, *Disco lights*! Excuse me. But hey, you imagined confetti, right? No? Okay...

Second chapter

Choose "I'm ready" to not waste time and get to the action. And to the first really important choice in the game. I'm going to describe what I, Sai'mon, experienced next, but you might have different things happen. You'll see everything that happens anyway but in this case, Sarah chose "Physical training".

The next night, Abathur comes into Kerrigan's room. He's really cool. And while she's asleep, Abathur "upgrades" the food tentacle, but first, he has to analyze all the objects in the room: the bed with Sarah on it, the poster, the tentacle, the button to call Stukov, and the tentacles in the corner to begin the upgrade process. After everything's been clicked on once, click on the tentacle and improve it.

Now that you have the upgraded tentacle, hehe, I'll never forget Sarah's face the first time she saw it... Ahem, now you have access to the "Feeding 2" scene, it's completely different from the previous feeding scene. Another scene change is "Stuck in wall 2", you can start it right after having a meal. In it, you have a choice of what part of Sarah's body Stukov will play with. She's so funny when she's begging him. Choose whatever you want, but keep in mind Stukov will remember that (hehe).

Sarah can also take a bath. To make that happen, call Stukov and ask him to lead you to the bathroom. I also recommend you to find out about "Masturbation" from Stukov and do what has to be done without delay. After that, you just go through all the scenes - "Lovekiss", "Masturbation", "Stuck in wall 2" and "Sport is life", visit the bath occasionally to wash away the sweat and the *ahem* filth, and of course eat daily. Although who am I kidding, you know how much Sarah likes her food! Also don't forget that all of these scenes happen independently of each other, if you are stuck on one of them, open the scene tree and find out what you're missing. Or message us on Discord: *Link*, we'll be glad to help you.

Important note about the "Masturbation" scene aka "Jerkoff week": one of Stukov's tasks is to do it each day for a week. If you miss a day, you'll have to either start again or... Sarah might be able to strike a deal with Stukov about forgiving the missed day.

Also, be sure to talk to me, Sai'mon, about Sarah's connection to the Swarm in order to start training understanding it and later start controlling it. After Stukov takes you to Abathur and offers a choice of whether to take my route or Abathur's, you'll have to decide it the next day. This choice is very important since when you decide what you want to do, the other option will become unavailable in that playthrough, therefore you'll miss some interesting scenes involving Sarah unless you replay this moment, so we advise saving before making the choice. Anyway, the "Connection to the Swarm" scenes take several in-game days. But my route is much longer than Abathur's (and I'm not boasting).

Important note:

  • 1) When Sarah finishes the seven-day-long "Masturbation" event, she must tell Stukov she's done and will receive another task involving a magazine Stukov will give her. Basically, the new task is identical to the previous one but is completed by interacting with the magazine named "Dicks" in your inventory. You'll have to do that seven days in a row, but you won't have to open your inventory each time.
  • 2) In the "Sport is life scene", Sarah will have to do naked exercises on her own, which is done through Sarah's interaction menu, for three days in a row.

One day, Stukov will bring Sarah another gift - your favorite Zergling, and if you have enough experience you'll be able to immediately help him out with his "thingie" and then name him, choose whatever you like, but we'll call him Spike. The zergling is a new character with his own features and will become Sarah's trusty companion in the future.

He does require a little caring after, his actions make it clear whether he needs assistance at the moment, and if you forget about him, he might initiate something himself, at night maybe, but don't worry, the "Punishment" scene also gives you experience. It's quite fun actually, try it at least once, Sarah reacts so funnily.

At this point, you should've already finished the following scenes: "Connection to the Swarm", either route, "Bath day", "Lovekiss", "Feeding", "Stuck in wall 2", "Jerk off week", "Sport is life" Level: 4, Zergling's "Punishment" and "Satisfaction", in order to move onto the final training.

After you get access to a couple of scenes such as "Final" levels 1 to 3 and "Sport is life" Level: 5,  Sarah will call Stukov to her room by herself, and that will be the start of the first level of the "Final" scene. The idea of the scene is rather simple, it's a kind of duel, a sexual one, between Kerrigan and Stukov where the player tries to win. Choose whatever outfit you desire, but I think piggy fits Sarah best with how she squeals.

After you're done with the first round, you can immediately go again! You just have to call Stukov and choose the "Begin duel" option. Don't forget about "Sport is life" though, a nice mini-game awaits you in that scene!

Now that Sarah has shown Stukov his place, another scene becomes available, "Last request", it marks the end of the many trainings and the journey into the unknown. This scene includes a minigame which in turn includes two parameters: Speed and Depth. Monitor them closely and don't let any of them drop too low. Returning Sarah to the neutral position will help get more sperm for finishing the mini-game. But don't be hasty, go again, after all, Stukov couldn't have been satisfied by just that (and Sarah too), so I'd recommend repeating the mini-game until they are both exhausted.

After the scene in the bathroom, you have to just wait for a bit, during this time keep eating, caring after the zergling and sleeping. Soon, Stukov will visit you. That's when Abathur's final checkup will happen, you don't have to do anything during it, so just lay back and enjoy.

The next day Sarah will be taken to a new room where the chrysalis is located since she is finally ready to change. Oh, the art, the music! But something unexpected happens, the Protoss attack the ship and Sarah meets a new character that tries to persuade her to leave that horrible place with. Kerrigan faces a difficult choice that defines her fate. I advise saving before making a decision since both options lead to interesting things but only one truly advances the story.

If you leave with the Protoss, Sarah will join her rescuers and that leads us to the ??? ending. It does feature a delightful scene and an epilogue describing Sarah's future adventures. But that is also an ending so you'll have to load a save to keep playing.

In the true route, Sarah refuses the Protoss' offer and takes her prisoner. She also remembers that Stukov owes her so she makes sure Lizzara is her personal prisoner. After all that, Sarah heads to the chrysalis.

Several days later Stukov will check up on Sarah and try to get a good look at her. The player will have to examine Sarah's body by clicking on the three hotspots on it: her face, breasts and vagina. After that, many scenes and dialogues follow where no action is required from the player, so lay back and enjoy! When they are done, the second chapter is over. *POOW* *more disco lights* See that, see that?! Oh, the music! Anyway, we are almost done!

Third chapter

After lots of compelling scenes and dialogues, you are finally back in control over Sarah and she is in another location where she will spend the rest of her time before conquering the universe. From that point on you'll see "New dialogue" tips appear which will help you get used to the new place. Also, you'll have the ability to go anywhere on the Leviathan freely, for example, the "Lair", where Abathur resides as well as leaders faithful to her and available at the moment.

Remember how previously in order to finish a day, the player had to interact with the bed? There is no bed now, but the principle remains the same. Starting from chapter three, the player will need to click on Kerrigan sitting on the throne and click on "end day" to refresh the game day. Nothing complicated, right?

The next day Sochus, as promised, assembled all the leaders at the Ghost's behest. You won't need to interact here - just sit back and enjoy another cool battle scene - there's been a bit too many of them lately. When the battle is over, you'll have some fascinating dialogues with active characters with whom you'll have to interact to get their essence in the future.

Tired of all the fuss, Kerrigan boldly jumps into her rightful role, but Lizzara doesn't let her relax. At this point, an event with the Protoss hostage starts that requires no intervention from the player, unlike the last scene, your hands are completely free! After all this, the player can safely end the day, because tomorrow a pleasant surprise awaits them...

Unexpectedly for everyone, the power of the Queen of Blades inside Sarah Kerrigan begins to increase dramatically and it's happening faster and faster - obviously, something must be done about it. Sarah quickly jumps into the remarkable Nidus Worm, which takes her as far away from her room as possible in a short time - just to piss off the Queen of Blades as much as possible, but she still manages to take control of their body.  But it doesn't end there. QoB picks up someone's pleasant, yet so strong scent and rushes towards it - her hunger is making itself felt.

After another scene with our little friend, the player gets control back and now you will be introduced to a new mechanic, namely transformation. In the current version of the game this system is still not fully implemented, so for now, there is its counterpart - the system of manual transformation. Using the "transform" button in the upper right corner of the screen, the player can forcibly summon the Queen of Blades, or change back into Sarah. Each of the characters has their own dialogues and their own events, be vigilant and use your abilities fully.

Note: If you can't finish the day, you haven't done everything as one of the characters that day - transform and look for active dialogues.

Now that you know about the temporary transformation system, use "Queen of Blades mode" and talk to Lizzara, which will start a new chain of events, where the main character will be our unsophisticated protoss. She has yet to taste the fruit of complete pleasure, but I'm getting ahead of myself; you'll see it for yourself. Switch back to Sarah and complete the "hunger" scene once more.

On the fourth day, Sarah will have another talk with the Queen of Blades in her subconscious - there she will learn of some of the mischief that has been planned for her. After visiting her "mental chambers," the player will have a dialogue with your trusty assistant, Sai'mon, who has been keeping an eye on everything that's going on. At this point, I'll tell you more about Lust points and how to interact with them.  As the developers themselves write, "There are two kinds of actions in the game, safe and dangerous. Safe actions are those that have no chance of releasing the Queen of Blades. Dangerous actions have a chance to release her. Each successive dangerous action increases the odds." Now Sarah needs to keep an eye on her lust and quench it with sex with the leaders in order to get safe action points. Each leader is different and will please Sarah in different ways, giving a different amount of "safe action" points. This system is designed to work together with the ability to transform. You can be the goody two-shoes and suppress the Queen of Blades, choosing the thorny path that will lead to Kerrigan's success, or, conversely, embrace the dark side and sow the fruit of chaos (not directly, but... who knows, hehe) - you are now the one at the helm and entitled to choose your fate.

Note: The Lust system is still in debug mode and has not been fully implemented. We will be collecting your feedback, and we are going to release the final version of this feature in the coming updates. Thank you for helping us improve our game.

Let's get back to the game, because I'm done with the theoretical part and it's time to get to the really interesting part, because Sarah's hunger for dicks is already getting worse. Not finding anyone better, she decided to take advantage of Spike, who was sleeping peacefully, not bothering anyone. From that second on, Sarah really embarked on the hard path of fighting her lust, which would not give her peace in the future. The hunger caused by the Queen of Blades had indeed changed Sarah's attitude toward sex, causing her to react extremely acutely to any source of arousal. - The satisfied zergling left Sarah alone and continued to doze off as if nothing had happened.

Don't hurry to end the day - the fun part begins! Now you can start getting the essence of the leader of the workers. To do this, select Sochus and press "essence" to start the scene. In this event, you have to satisfy all the needs of your partner (however, Sarah doesn't even mind - hehe), by masturbating his dicks. Yes, that's right, because he's got three of them! But it's not that easy: you will have a limited time to complete the task. Try to be as quick as possible, otherwise, you'll have to start all over again. If you're having a hard time, use Sarah's mouth, no one forbids it, and this practice is even encouraged by additional progress in the task. That's it! You come to the finish line and successfully "get" the essence of the first of the leaders.

Feeling the tiredness in her shoulders and cheeks, Sarah feels finally free of some burden and can finish the day by resting on her throne. The next day is momentous! It's time for the battle - I've been waiting for this! The long-awaited battle between the Mistress and the Queen of Blades!

*a few hours and buckets of popcorn later*

Yes, it was an extremely poignant spectacle. The first half-hour... maybe... a little more? Okay, enough about that.

Then go to the Lair, you'll talk with the leader of the Guardians as Sarah and then with Lizzara, our hostage on the Leviathan, as the Queen of Blades. Now you're in for a sea of fun with the following scenes involving her. But don't think that's all - not at all! You'll find yourself back in Kerrigan's body and check on Lizzara. "Why is my friend suffering again, perhaps she is hungry?" - was on Sarah's mind now.

Also, the player now has access to a scene involving Sochus which will become replayable later - the player chooses when to pay attention to the smallest leader. Ah, what pleasure! -  when Sarah's bouncing on the drone's penises, I can feel it deep in my soul, so good, wow!

Remember how I said "Also, the player now has access to a scene involving Sochus"? Well, I lied... Because there are two scenes with Sochus! Don't forget the Queen of Blades who was her own plans for the poor worker.

Oh, Sochus, don't die from the pleasure, dear friend, you'll be needed in the future. You'll be used again and again and again... And you won't even be against it, that's the problem.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, right, end the day.

The next morning, our Terran has a strange dream and is looking for someone to discuss it with. Here it is enough to just talk to whoever Sarah herself mentions in order to continue this storyline. After discussing the selfcest scene, talk to Lizzara again, but as the Queen of Blades. Now the player is treated to another vivid act of debauchery with the Protoss, which I'm obsessed with. After this scene, Sarah will have a talk with Lizzara, the last one for that day.

Then head to the Zergling leader to get the second essence. Talk to him and you'll find out what he wants from Sarah. He offers her the unthinkable, to walk through a lair crawling with zerg. But that doesn't scare Sarah, find the right path in the Zergling Lair mini-game! On the way you will meet a lot of enemies that will be aggressive to Sarah - try to sneak unnoticed. If you do get trapped by zerglings, pretend you're dead, which gives you a 50% chance of being ignored by the zerglings for one turn. "Sense show*" lets you know that there's still an enemy or item within a small radius of Sarah. "Relieve tension" - allows you to remove 35% of accumulated lust, but spends one turn. So good luck!

Sai'mon Tips column: I recommend playing with the "skip mode" option, that way the animation of playing a turn will be suuuuper fast. But who am I to tell you what to do.

Don't be afraid to lose the minigame, because all progress is saved. If your lieutenant Kerrigan gets banged up pretty good, just continue from the same level and gradually you'll reach the finale. Also, your little helper has a present for you! I've got my tentacle on the map of all levels of the mini-game and I'm sharing it with you to help you find the path to victory! Use as you please: *Link*

After completing all five levels you'll have one more scene with the Zergling, which officially ends the hunt for the second essence.

Satisfy your "Hunger" with Lizzara and finally pay attention to Spike! You can access a new level of scene with this cutie, don't miss the opportunity! After finishing that scene, the player should end the day, free of burdens.

Time for the next hunt, the Hydralisk essence! Go to the lair and talk to Shluss, the Spawn Guard who has his own quirks and preferences regarding Sarah, heh. Unlike the other leaders, this one wants something bigger, more tactile and voluminous, if you know what I mean. Talk to him and head to Abathur. In the growing boobs event, you are faced with a choice - it has no lasting consequences. But I personally prefer the injectorlings, such fun little guys, haha.

Sarah completed the leader's task and can finally get her reward,  the tasty and power-filling essence. Talk to Shluss, the Spawn Guard again to get what you deserve! Time for another minigame. You'll need to be patient here, the goal is to keep the slider in the green zone. Use Sarah's mouth and tits to speed the process up! Take a step towards nigh-divinity!

After receiving the essence from the hydralisk, Sarah returns to her routine, Lizzara's "Hunger" and zergling's "Anal". Next, as Alt-Sarah, the player starts the "Kiss" scene with the blue girl who recently gained some sexy orifices. After that, there's not much to do, so go to bed.

Oooh, is it time to continue the show, the grandiose fight?! That’s right, our purple warrior challenges her old rival again! And what follows, oh, if you only knew… Well, you’ll find out and you’ll enjoy it.

The almost-to-the-death fight is over, but I still want more! What’s going to happen next time? Well, time will show.

For now, you once again control Sarah and should lead her to the Lair, to the fourth leader, perhaps the most cunning and… annoying one. Yeah, he’s not great news for Sarah. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Talk to him, then go back and think hard about his request. Pregnancy shouldn’t be considered frivolously, after all.

Now, after you… Ahem, Sarah is pregnant (for the first time),  you’ve got two days to wait until it’s over. For now, just do the daily routine and don’t forget about Lizzara!

While the eggs are doing their thing inside Sarah, you should prepare to get another essence - the Guardian's. Talk to him and find an assistant for his unusual task. Seems like something uncommonly serious, huh? Wel... It is SlutCraft, of course it's something naughty!

Return to the Guardian with Lizzara in tow and begin a whole chain of new content. It's rather unusual, but as hot as ever! Shadow Portal Team promised me that, and I personally believe them.

Now, talk to LIzzara a couple times, then to Spike, and go to sleep.

A small note from the developers, in their own words: "Sai'mon, tell the people that in one of the next patches we will implement an automatic replay system for scenes. Thank you." Hmm... Sounds intriguing...

The next morning, Sarah goes to the Defiler again, where she can finally get rid of her stuffing as well as experience more than 12 orgasms in a row. For the Swarm’s sake, Sarah, you can barely stand 3 in a row, what were you thinking? Ah, nevermind my humble thoughts.

Then, the most juiciest scene in my opinion awaits you - Queen of Blades totally dominates the hydralisk leader! Oh, the poor guy… Wait, how is that bad, he enjoyed it so much! But to be fair, even I wouldn’t dare cross such a Queen of Blades and would rather follow her suggestions.

Did you forget the training sessions with Stukov involving alien crystals? I didn't! The authors didn't either, nor did they forget how much that scene was liked and prepared a present... Interact with Spike to begin the "Shenanigans" scene which begins with talking about the alien devices. Next, Sarah is faced with a hard choice: to submit to the voice amidst her thoughts or to keep a cool head. Well, the player is the one making the choice, of course, but nevermind. Canonically, Kerrigan chooses the path of least resistance, like the shocks that the devices emitted and follows the voice's lead.

Switch back to the Queen of Blades. The last scene for now is "Fatal climax", which focuses entirely on Lizzara once again. This time, the situation spirals out of control, but the Queen of Blades won't let that go. Then, complete the "Hunger" scene with Lizzara, then finish the day.

That is all the available content for update 28 so far. If you started the "endless" mode, you've missed the essence of some leaders, pay more attention to that. If you have seen all the scenes that are in the game, you'll be presented with a message telling you that.

That is all for now, but this walkthrough guide will be updated occasionally, guiding you through this thorny path with Sarah and me, Sai'mon!

Thanks for reading, and your patience for new updates <3. More is to come!




Sai’mon’s commentary within this walkthrough is hilarious 😂 good work

Wild Bill

I wish it was less linear, and rather than having to do everything we could just raise her corruption by doing the scenes we actually *like*.


I Like the linearity Here.


We get that, but making the corruption satisfying and nonlinear is very hard. So in order to have the game be at least alright, we had to add some linearity. Of course, we always strive for perfection and maybe something might change eventually. In fact, the new chapter with the QoB will give the player quite a lot of freedom, there will be lots of side storylines, but the main storyline will still be somewhat linear - you have a single goal of collecting all the essence, after all. The side quests will be a nice distraction though, we can't wait until you can play them all!


Спасибо за полноценный перевод на русский язык.


Dr Sai’mon’s outfit 😂


I am unable to collect essense on android. I am stuck


Hi, what version are you playing? Have you downloaded it from our Patreon page or some forum?

Matthew Daley

I can't find out how to start making the hole. I have the poster


Sarah has to first find the poster, then hang it. Find the poster by "search for a way to escape," you'll have to repeat this action several times until Sarah is sure to hang the poster on the wall