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Hello everyone, it's Shadow Portal Team here again!
And we've got what you've been waiting for - solid news about update 22!
Yes, we know that the announcement was a bit delayed, there were a few things causing this, we were unsure how to implement the player's interaction with the Queen of Blades, or how many scenes we have to do with our favorite Zergling, but it was worth the wait. Many of these tasks were global rather than concerning a specific update, but only by solving them can we finally get the missing puzzle pieces. But we are more than sure that you will enjoy our solutions to these problems, it will be very interesting and entertaining, but unfortunately you will be able to see the full picture only a little later, after a few updates. Now, let's get back to 22, this version will be interesting, so have a seat and we'll get started.

You know that we started a new chapter in our story which means we had to approach with great responsibility the development of the game from now on. Now is a very important time to guide the story in the right direction, so that it would be interesting and would not let you get bored, and we aren't even talking about the leaders. That's why we came up with a number of new scenes, which will be discussed below, but we haven't forgotten about the old ones, which we've updated. 

Approximate release date of version 0.22: second half of October.

Achtung! - spoilers lay further below so if you'd rather not get spoiled, click off right now. 

So, what's 0.22 going to bring in:

**High priority**:

  •  Continuation of the story
  • Scene: Tentacles levels 2-3 (updated)
  • Drone essence Sarah's route (new scene, mini-game)
  • Lizzara's infestation (new scene)
  • Addition of the shop (new interaction)
  • Addition of Stukov to the bridge (new character in the room)
  • Scene: Jerk off week (levels 2-3) (updated scene)
  • Scene: QoB's hunger (zergling route levels 0-1) (new scene)
  • ???...

**Medium priority**:

  • Gallery rework 

**Low priority**:

  • Bugfixes

That's all we've got planned for the 22nd update, which is almost ready. There'll be lots of content and we're eager for your comments, since one of the scenes contains… Well, we aren't going to say what, but you'll recognize it when you see it. 

You might've also noticed that we now have scenes involving Lizzara, she is quite important in our story, which means lots of content with her. We hope you like it.

So, what do you think awaits Sarah in the future? Who's stronger: Kerrigan or Queen of Blades? What power will our protagonist gain? Do comment, we read everything and always try to respond. Our main task right now is to make the new chapter intriguing, detailed and interesting, with many scenes involving the zerg leaders, many updated scenes and many new opportunities you might not even realize exist. So, dare to expect other, future updates, we still have much to surprise you with. 

Thanks for supporting us, we value that. 

Shadow Portal Team


James Nguyen

sweet cant wait...

Alexey Stratulat

It seems to me that Sarah's personality will become part of the Queen of Blades personality. Well, or depending on which side you look at.


It’s good you see the team updating older scenes as well as adding new ones. Main goal is adding exotic kinks and keeping the storyline with a air of mystery with Starcraft lore as a backdrop 👍🏾


Nice! hope the updated scenes have New SFX as well as the new scenes. more sound variety the better.