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Welcome, supporter! This page is meant for those like you, who just became a patron of ours and didn't yet have time to dive into the worlds of our games and endless fun! Thank you for your support, we really value it.

If you have any questions, or they arise in the future, message us here, on Patreon, via e-mail specified below, or on our Discord server that has many helpful players besides us. Together, we'll quickly solve any problem you have or answer any questions you have, we are always pleased to read your messages.

E-mail: ShadowPortalGames@yahoo.com

Now, your supporter rewards are as follows:
  • Access to a new update 8 days after initial release;
  • Patreon-only feed access;
  • Access to Slutcraft walkthrough (here);
  • Unique Discord role (Zergling).
These are all the bonuses you have access to at the moment.

Additional information:
Also, here's something you might like: Our sister team Lust Portal is developing a remake of Camelot: The Game - it's still the same game about the future king Arthur, who is learning under Merlin.
You check it out here.

If you've encountered an error of any kind, please follow the instructions in this post on how to report it to us.

Finally, just two more sentences and we'll leave you alone; we are eternally grateful for your support, we really do value it, and you too. ;)
We wish you luck and much enjoyment from playing our games and once again thank you for your support.
Yours respectfully,
Shadow Portal Team.

Added: 2024-02
Welcome, supporter! This page is meant for those like you, who just became a patron of ours and didn't yet have time to dive into the worlds of our games and endless fun! Thank you for your support, we really value it.

If you have any questions, or they arise in the future, message us here, on Patreon, via e-mail specified below, or on our Discord server that has many helpful players besides us. Together, we'll quickly solve any problem you have or answer any questions you have, we are always pleased to read your messages.

E-mail: ShadowPortalGames@yahoo.com

Now, your supporter rewards are as follows:
  • Patreon-only feed access;
  • Access to Slutcraft walkthrough (here);
  • Unique Discord role (Drone).
These are all the bonuses you have access to at the moment.

Additional information:
Also, here's something you might like: Our sister team Lust Portal is developing a remake of Camelot: The Game - it's still the same game about the future king Arthur, who is learning under Merlin.
You check it out here.

If you've encountered an error of any kind, please follow the instructions in this post on how to report it to us.

Finally, just two more sentences and we'll leave you alone; we are eternally grateful for your support, we really do value it, and you too. ;)

We wish you luck and much enjoyment from playing our games and once again thank you for your support.
Yours respectfully,
Shadow Portal Team.

Added: 2024-01
Welcome, supporter! This page is meant for those like you, who just became a patron of ours and didn't yet have time to dive into the worlds of our games and endless fun! Thank you for your support, we really value it.

If you have any questions, or they arise in the future, message us here, on Patreon, via e-mail specified below, or on our Discord server that has many helpful players besides us. Together, we'll quickly solve any problem you have or answer any questions you have, we are always pleased to read your messages.

E-mail: ShadowPortalGames@yahoo.com

Now, your supporter rewards are as follows:
  • Access to a new update 4 days after initial release;
  • Access to upcoming content polls (1 vote);
  • Patreon-only feed access;
  • Access to Slutcraft walkthrough (here);
  • Access to the bonus code (here);
  • Unique Discord role (Hydralisk).
These are all the bonuses you have access to at the moment.

Additional information:
Also, here's something you might like: Our sister team Lust Portal is developing a remake of Camelot: The Game - it's still the same game about the future king Arthur, who is learning under Merlin.
You check it out here.

If you've encountered an error of any kind, please follow the instructions in this post on how to report it to us.

Finally, just two more sentences and we'll leave you alone; we are eternally grateful for your support, we really do value it, and you too. ;)
We wish you luck and much enjoyment from playing our games and once again thank you for your support.
Yours respectfully,
Shadow Portal Team.

Added: 2024-01

Dear supporter, we want to express our huge gratitude for your support of SlutCraft on Patreon. Your subscription helps us to continue creating high-quality content and we really appreciate your support.

We will try our best to justify your trust and provide you with the best experience of the game.

Now, about your rewards:

Get an update 8 days after early access release

Patreon-only feed access

Access to Slutcraft walkthrough

Exclusive Upcoming Update Teasers (sketches, at least 2 per update)

Unique Discord role (Zergling)

Download the current version of the game for you:

SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm [ver.0.34.1] 

Game guide:

ENG | RUS | CHI (Outdated)

Bonus code: *******

Join our DISCORD channel: 

Connect with like-minded people and get your unique role in our Discord server!

Read SlutCraft FAQ here

You can watch the game trailer here:

Our more projects Shadow Portal Team:

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our other project Camelot: Reborn. This fantastic story takes place in ancient times. Times of magic and mythical creatures.

If you have any suggestions, requests or comments, then do not hesitate to contact us by email: shadowportalgames@yahoo.com

In addition, if you encounter any bug or error in the game, please let us know - we will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Thank you for choosing us - your support is really important to us.

Best wishes,

Shadow Portal Team

Added: 2023-07

Dear supporter, we want to express our huge gratitude for your support of SlutCraft on Patreon. Your subscription helps us to continue creating high-quality content and we really appreciate your support.

We will try our best to justify your trust and provide you with the best experience of the game. 

Now, about your rewards:

  • Get an update 8 days after early access release

  • Patreon-only feed access

  • Access to Slutcraft walkthrough

  • Exclusive Upcoming Update Teasers (sketches, at least 2 per update)

  • Unique Discord role (Zergling)

Download the current version of the game for you:

SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm [ver.0.34.1] 

Game guide:

ENG | RUS | CHI (Outdated)

Bonus code: *******

Join our DISCORD channel: 

Connect with like-minded people and get your unique role in our Discord server!

Read SlutCraft FAQ here

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our other project Camelot: The Game. This fantastic story takes place in ancient times. Times of magic and mythical creatures. CAMELOT!

You can watch the game trailer here:

If you have any suggestions, requests or comments, then do not hesitate to contact us by email: shadowportalgames@yahoo.com

In addition, if you encounter any bug or error in the game, please let us know - we will try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Thank you for choosing us - your support is really important to us.

Best wishes,

Shadow Portal Team

Added: 2023-07
Thank you very much for supporting us! 
We really appreciate you helping us, and we value every single patron of ours. Stay with us.

Contact us if you have questions or if you donated for a bonus that requires you sending us additional information.
E-mail: ShadowPortalGames@yahoo.com
Or via Patreon's private messaging system.

You can find FAQ here.
You can find bonus code here.
You can find the full walkthrough:
  • Camelot: The Game here
  • SlutCraft: Heat of the Sperm: here.

If you have encountered a bug please refer to this post for instructions on how to report it.

If you've liked our game it's likely you'll like our other project, Camelot: Reborn. It's a story about a prince who was sent to be an apprentice to a young and sexy witch.

Also, could you please take part in a quick poll about the way you've found out about our game here. This would really help us.
Thank you one more time.
Added: 2023-04