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Hey guys I was supposed to have a watch for you this week but i got hit with a crazy summer cold. I got two covid tests (both negative) so I’m just holing up at my parents’ house hoping I’ll feel better by the weekend. I’ll keep you updated on the next watch, might have to just do it with my sick voice 😅 and in the meantime Gremlins 2 hits YouTube today 🎥😁



I was wondering. I'm with everyone else: Feel better soon. May I suggest chicken soup. It helps with staying hydrated (which is especially important when you have a cold), as long as it's not too salty... it's salty, so it helps you retain that fluid you're hydrating with. And... it tastes good! My grandmother made the BEST chicken soup. Unfortunately, I don't have the recipe. When I get a cold (and, even when I got Covid, although I couldn't taste it) I don't mind the canned soup. I like the chicken and stars. (The little stars. Whoever thought making cartoonishly large noodle stars was a good idea was very mistaken.) Feel better, Little Girl. Take care, and we'll look forward to the next one!