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Reservoir Dogs Watch Along!


Tom Evans

During that last scene with Mr. White and Mr. Orange you made a comment like it was taking a long time -- there's a reason that scene drags on a bit like that. There's sound in the background of what was happening to Mr. Pink outside. First you can hear him trying to start a car but the car won't start, and then the cops show up and catch him.


Soooo, are you writing a Tarantino style teen movie?


yesss I didn't get that at all on the first watch. I feel like in the edit I realized haha


MAYBE?! hahah I am actively trying to use his "drop you into it" method. and there is a super bloody sports injury sight-gag. I guess only time will tell 😂


Haha! Teen sports movie, classic drama. Keep us posted, even if you scrap it.