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I have the $100 tier for the end of July, the John Cusack winner and let's get this vote going for early August! More polls coming with the picks from our YouTube live. Excited about so many of those. 


Paul Cox

This might be the toughest 2-way poll you've ever posted.


I know! It's like one is back to the beginning and the other, I know will be SO fun. I sense we're definitely going to be doing both for sure haha


Please vote for Inglourious! It’s my all-time favorite movie and it’s about an hour longer which means more time with Shanelle! Then we can watch Reservoir Dogs which is absolutely incredible too!


Tie, tie, tie!

Joe Hoy

So, I voted for Reservoir Dogs, but hear me out - the reason I'm really interested in seeing Shanelle take this on first is because it was the first feature by a writer-director whose approach to the medium was unique and controversial at the time, and even the lesser imitations of his approach were forever associated with his name. Because it was his first feature, Tarantino let everything hang out, even if it could be a bit rough around the edges (especially given the very modest budget). I guess I'd be super-interested to hear Shanelle's point of view as a post-Tarantino film school graduate!