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What should we do for the April polls? Stick to a theme? An era? Or keep adding our older forgotten movies from the polls? 

I'm thinking Spring could be all the fun love stories I haven't gotten to...The Wedding Singer, When Harry Met Sally? Punch Drunk Love? 


Alyssa Anderson

I think older forgotten movies. There’s a number of movies that are really good, but just didn’t get the mass viewership they deserved. They tend to be disadvantaged unfairly in the polls. The Hudsucker Proxy is a good example of this.


I'm sure you get a million movie lists, but you seem to have a genuine appreciation for the art of cinema. So I'm hoping that you dive into some classics and some odd smaller films. You have amazing taste. So I'm in no matter what.

Billy Dancel

An Affair To Remember is a classic August Rush Some Kind Of Wonderful (John Hughes screenplay)

T.J. Gengler

THE PRODUCERS (either version although I prefer the 2005 remake over the '67 original). It's a wonderful "Springtime" movie.


I've mentioned it before but A Matter Of Life and Death, a true love story, a fantasy film as such and really worth watching.


I think you can combine a couple of things here. As a theme I think you could choose a filmmaker. One that comes to mind is the Cohen Brothers since 2 of your polls candidates are Choen Brothers movies (Raising Arizona and Big Lebowski) pick 2 more and you have yourself the month of April!


There are a lot of fine films that didn't get enough votes in earlier polls. I'd keep giving them an opportunity.

Paul Cox

And someone already mentioned Hudsucker in a comment up above. My choice for the fourth slot would be A Serious Man (assuming she's seen Fargo and O Brother, because most people have).


A Serious Man is one of the most underrated movies of all time. Plus the Jewish humor is dripping from this movie! On another note I HATE Hudsucker Proxy but that's just me.