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Chapter 70: The Redhead's Dilemma

Mary Jane Watson didn’t have the same enthusiasm for this meeting date that he did, because when he went to the location she provided, her clothes and expression didn’t match the grandeur and classy surroundings.

When Enrique entered the restaurant and walked to the corner table, he found her sitting with her head down and her heels tapping. She was impatient. Her clothes weren’t bad, she was actually in her office outfit, and Enrique only allowed the finest clothes for his assistant. Still, she hadn't bothered to change her clothes after a day of work where she wasn't focused and so her clothes were all wrinkly. Her fashion choice was usually much better. Clearly, the impatience and anxious nerve made fashion the last of her worries.

"Miss Mary Jane," Enrique called and saw her startle up to look at him, her fright vanishing and replacing with relief. "My bad, looks like I've made you wait."

"Oh, uh," she quickly checked the time on her wristwatch. "No, aren't you ten minutes early? It's my fault for being here much earlier."

"You look troubled," Enrique said as he took a seat opposite her. "I am worried seeing how much this is bothering you. He is not a danger, you know?"

"You don't know," she frowned while he lifted up the menu on the table and went through it. "He is… scary. And dangerous. And so much more. You saw him, he was about to blow up our office."

"And he failed. Because he fled seeing the Chitauri aliens." Enrique countered, talking while a waiter walked over to him to take orders. He made orders for both him and MJ and continued. "You know, you are scared of a coward, Miss Jane. That makes you almost pathetic."

"I-" she started, looking offended but he interrupted her.

"Almost, I said." Enrique laughed. "You still completed your day's work and are now here, despite knowing that the Green Goblin might come and attack the building again. That's courageous."


"I am saying I understand your reason for being scared but," Enrique snapped his finger. The entire floor's electricity blitzed out, as a lightning symbol formed on his chest to light up the table. "You are not an ordinary citizen, Miss Jane. You have me by your side. Would I ever let you get hurt?"

"Oh…" MJ gulped, staring into his eyes. "But I thought you were…" she started and then stopped. She was about to say he was taken, but she didn't know that for sure. Even so, it was bold of her to assume he was implying he had feelings for her when it might just be a statement he made because she was his assistant, and he was just a friendly hero.

MJ calmed down a little at that, but at the same time she lowered her head and new thoughts popped up in her head. Thoughts that she shook her head and shoved away, as electricity returned.

"Food's here," the waiter returned with food and wished a good time to the two of them and left.

"Let's eat."


MJ took the knife and fork and began to slowly eat the steak. Time passed at a rate that she didn't notice, her head busy and… hesitant. After finishing her meal, she looked up to ask him something.

"What are you going to do about him? When are you going to do it?"

"Not unless he comes after me again." He said as he dried his lips with a tissue. "I know it's him who's the Green Goblin, but I don't have enough proof to go hunt him down openly." He lied, he didn't need any proof. He just didn't care to bother with Green Goblin when his presence was going to be helpful if anything. "So we can only wait."

"What if… he attacks me when you are not around?" She said with a gulp.

Enrique called another waiter to take the plates away and order some wine. "You down for some?" He asked as MJ gave him a frowning look before sighing with a nod. Only when the wine came did he reply after taking a sip.

"Miss Mary Jane," he said. "You'll be fine. He's not the type to directly kill his main target. He'd rather torture you."

"...That's not very reassuring," MJ replied while taking a sip too. "Will you come to save me if he captures me? Before I go through any torture?"

"Will I?" Enrique locked his fingers and leaned his chin on them. "Miss Jane, I-"

"Just call me MJ," she replied. She took another sip, a big gulp, and then slowly reached out a hand, her face a little rosy thanks to the wine. Her hand touched his, pulling away from the interlock and locking it with her own fingers. "I… want to be safe. What do I have to do for it?"

"You are talking like you're asking me for a devil's deal," Enrique chuckled, his hand not shying away as he squeezed her hand as if to reassure.

"I heard you're a religious fanatic, so it's not that different." She said she held his arm and then pulled it closer to her chest. She clasped his hand between hers, pressing it against his chest as she did that. "I don't mind that."

"You don't have to go this far just for my protection, MJ." Enrique said with a small smile, but the look in her eyes didn't change. "You're drunk."

"I am not drunk enough to be senseless," she replied. "I am not just doing this for protection, I am not that cheap. It's just… a gut feeling of benefits, you know? I'd have never thought to think this way, but recently after the revelation that the world is much more than what meets the eye, that there are aliens… Gods… you can say I am just a lot more cautious yet greedy now. You have a strange aura of success and protection around you, Enrique. I just feel like sticking with you will be good. Plus, you're handsome."

He was handsome, a hero, her boss, and he saved her from getting harassed back when they met. There were a lot of reasons she would have a crush on him, but that's not good. While Enrique had a thing for his assistants, he didn't like to have an official relationship with them. That would ruin work greatly.

"I can't date you MJ," Enrique told her.

"Ah…" MJ blinked, her grip losing. She let go of his hand and he stood up. She almost thought he would leave but he walked over and nudged to the side on the sofa seat she sat on.

"Though," he put his left hand on her waist and his right went to clasp the side of her neck. "We can have some sweet secret between us. I don't want you to think this is some kind of sick deal where you sell your body for protection, though. You like me and I like you, and we are doing this because we are sick adults."

MJ just stared into his eyes, suddenly a lot more hesitant than before. Being his girlfriend was one thing but what he was proposing right now was odd for her. She couldn't be sure what the right decision would be.


"Shh," Enrique put a finger over her lips. "Did I allow you to talk?" He looked into her eyes with a mixture of mischievous glint yet seriousness. "Listen, MJ. My company will be the thing that Apple and Microsoft want to become. The single power holder of a dystopian sci-fi world. Fifty years into the future, everything will be owned by me. The world will be mine. Our company. Becoming mine is the key to you being one of the owners of this world. Do you understand?"

'What gibberish are you saying?' would have been her normal reply as she would off his words. But the situation at hand, as he squeezed her waist and made eye contact with her, and as the electricity blitzed back and forth.

Enrique, naturally, had planned to have MJ for himself since the beginning. She was talented; an assistant, a model, and a photographer were just the bare things she could do. She was tailored made for corporate slavery, he needed a greedy person who'd do everything for him, and she was perfect for that. So here he was pursuing her, giving her hope and making her weak on her knees.

"…" MJ closed her eyes and parted her lips. She blamed the alcohol. And Harry. She wasn't like this, back when she was still in university. The real world really did change her, for her to give in to a silly idea like world domination.

As he pushed his lips over hers, his arms around her waist and pulling her into his body, she felt her body shiver, her mind unsure if this was truly a smart decision, before she moaned into his mouth in a strange sensation of pleasure.

This was fine.





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