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Chapter 69: A Target For the Future

Neither Enrique nor Jean had any idea that their little kiss had been captured by a hidden paparazzi.

Not that Enrique would have stopped even if he noticed the paparazzi, he had nothing to lose if those pictures went viral — quite the opposite, in fact.

Enrique enjoyed the feeling of her soft pink lips, the wetness of her tongue and the hesitant will behind her movements. His teeth bit on her tongue, sucking it out as she shivered at the moment, her back pressed against the wall now as he lifted her up a few inches off the ground and kissed her.

"T-this is enough," she quickly said and gently pushed him back.

The two of them paused, standing just inches away from one another, as he enjoyed her face turning the color of her hair.

She gulped, looking into his eyes and then away. "I- I... I didn't mean to do this. I'm sorry." Then she burst through the door and away.

"Heh," Enrique smirked and wiped his lips with his thumb as he watched her run off, her perky butt jiggling as she did. "She's delicious. I want more."

It was so odd of a feeling when he kissed her. There was an odd synergy between his dark energy and her light one, kisses felt electrifying. If he was feeling all that, he was sure Jean must have been feeling more, that's why she fled. She wasn't stupid even if she just made a dumb mistake, she knew things might have grown into more than just a kiss if she didn't push him away.

He shrugged. "Until next time, birdy."

* * *

After that happened, Enrique got a call from Tigra saying there was trouble.

Of course there was, how could there not be when five supers went out to have a girl's day out? How annoying.

At least it wasn't them who were in trouble, they just happened to get caught in a gang fight and given their powers they easily settled it. The call was just to let him know that everything was all right.

Enrique didn't worry since there was Anna, Greer, Kitty Pryde, and that new girl Sooraya Qadir. He still decided to drop by the scene, still in his business suit and boots.

"Is everything alright, officer?" Enrique came calling from the sky as he gently floated over the officer for two seconds, before landing.

Two officers were surrounding Sooraya Qadir and Anna, seemingly interrogating them. Anna wore an angry expression as she seemed to be haggling with the officers while the girl clad in a black burqa stood behind her.

When Enrique spoke, Anna smiled and pointed at the policemen.

"Enrique! Everything's fine, we took care of it. But these two keep asking useless questions, Sooraya feels uncomfortable." She complained.

Enrique took a look at the girl; the look in her eyes surprised him. Given how Anna seemed to be protecting her, he thought the girl might have been shy… but from her eyes, Anna was protecting the officers from her, not the other way around.

["Those eyes saw a lot. More than mere murder."] Explained the benevolent voice of Mut, reminding Enrique that this girl was recently rescued from a warring area in Afghanistan. ["Use her. She has a lot of faith, her kind of devotion is rare. Though she is devoted to Yahweh, what a pity. If you can convert her to my religion, child, it'll do us good. Her faith will be equal to six supers."]

'Wait, Yahweh is real- ugh, never mind.' He slapped his head internally, that was not very surprising.

Enrique focused on the situation at hand instead, turning to look at the officers. They were already nervous in front of him, though also looking a little stubborn.

"Just what's the issue," he said. "We don't mind cooperating if your reasons make sense."

"Hey, I do not agree to-" The headstrong girl with a strong accent tried to talk from behind Anna, but Enrique shot her a look. Anna quickly whispered something in her ear that calmed her a little.

Before the officers could explain, a new one quickly rushed in. He appeared to be the one in charge here, as he shoved the other two away from here and laughed.

"Haha," the tall black officer gave a polite laugh and reached out for a handshake. Enrique accepted it as the man nodded. "Hey man, looks like these two caused you some trouble. It's related to her IDs, they said." He whispered, "Though I guess it's related to her clothes instead. Some cops are disgusting like that, blockheads."

Ah, so this was a good police. Enrique smiled. "It's good now that the issue has been resolved, I am hoping…?"

"Yeah, it's all good." The policeman said. "Though, I guess I'll remind you, one of the two gangs worked for Kingpin. I think you should have heard his name by now. So maybe it might cause you trouble."

"Oh, wait," Enrique looked around his surroundings, hand around Anna. "This is Hell's Kitchen. Clinton. The devil's area."


"It's nothing. Thanks for the warning, man. But I'll be fine." Enrique gave the man a smile.

Kingpin was a low-ranking member of the Hellfire Club, while Enrique was on 'good terms' with one of its Queens. So he won't dare mess with Enrique unless he’s stupid.

A few minutes later, the situation was dealt with. Anna left.

Enrique gave Anna some love pats for doing a good job; truly, he would have scolded her too if she was the same Anna from before the Attack on New York. He didn't do that now since she seemed to have a better idea of her actions.

"Enjoy the rest of the day, girls." These were the words Enrique said before leaving the girls be.

* * *

Enrique wanted to return to his office to work on a new project but instead chose to return home to work from there instead. Being in the office would be distracting since MJ will try to initiate their planned talk there, instead of the dinner meeting planned at night.

As if on cue, MJ texted him to let him know about the time of their meeting. She managed to sound scared even in text, really waiting for the meeting to come as fast as possible so that Enrique could give her some solid reassurance about her murderous ex-boyfriend.

When it was 8 P.M, the girls returned home. Anna reported to Enrique that Kitty and Sooraya were picked up by Jean earlier and returned safely, and now she and Greer were tired and sleepy. When the two girls went off to shower, Enrique got ready.

“Let’s see,” Standing in front of the mirror he transformed his costume, which was in the form of a pair of loose trousers and a tee, into underwear and a tank top. Then he put dark lavender pants on, and then a yellow shirt over which he wore a coat the same color as his pants. He put on a pair of expensive cufflinks and put on lavish shoes. “Good.”

Anna and Greer came out a bit later, fumbling dramatically at his attire, with Greer shooting him suspicious looks, as he let them know he might not return tonight, and finally took his leave.





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