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Hello! Yes, for a short time only I'll be attempting to keep this first release less obvious because I feel that even though I've taken the time to test it, there might be some bugs maybe with audio or the futa option. I'll be releasing this for everyone (with any fixes) some time before the end of the month. In addition I do have a question I'd like to ask...

Marina's Splootoon was scripted so that you'd have to wait for her dialogue to unlock 'next buttons' . This forced players to know that she had something else to say, other than moaning.
Instead, in CyberGalStreet you'll just have to watch her moan for a few seconds to hear her dialogue bits.
Should I also make it so the 'next buttons' don't appear until after her dialogue bits? To me it makes more sense that in "Free Play" you should just let her dialogue come naturally and not wait to unlock buttons.

To test it out of course, here is the first release! ❤️

---Download Cyber Gal Street---

how to play?
Download the classic stand alone Flash player
for PC: Click this Link
for Mac: Click this Link
-or for phones or Chromebook-
upload the file at https://ruffle.rs/demo/

Please note that a goal in building this game was to have more playable content in the long run by building a base for three characters. We have now completed that task so adding in Zelda and Jessica and more options will start to pick up pace 🙇 Most importantly thank you for your patience! I understand it took a little longer to build the base for this project but I hope you'll feel it's worth it.

We have also started work on Zelda and have built her poses. She's just waiting to be animated and voiced. 

I'll be scripting the BJ/HJ scene.
And Yes I've decided to make the BJ scene more HJ inclusive 😊 That means, due to some good suggested ideas, there will be internal (BløwJob) and external (HɑndJob) options with HɑndJob voice clips. This means instead of just sucking sounds for the BJ scene we can also have teasing and more eye contact in the scene.

ɑnal options? trans/no 🐈 futa option? Yes they're planned, they'll be made for each sɛx position. Most likely as soon as we have the voices for Zelda and Jessica. But we'll play it by ear as we continue to progress and gather more assets like voice clips and animations. There's always the possibility of voting for ɑnal or vɑginal options first in the additions to come, and naturally ɑnal options provide the ability to add no 🐈 option.

Genitalia angles? Yes these can be added for angles where you don't see the 'goods', for example POV døggy style and POV Bløwjob angles hide their genitalia so I want to add a corner cam with a 'better view' 😉.

I really want to add an option for the pov player to have boobs too, but let me look into the animation for that first.

What is Story? Story is when you go through dialogue and interaction with the gals in order to unlock scenes. We currently need dialogue from Jessica and Samus to complete the Story build but here is a sample of our work for story...

Accents, it's planned that Zelda will have a posh English accent like in BotW and Jessica will have her classic deep voiced accent. Samus is caucasian looking, however she was raised by an alien race and is both voiced in Japanese and American so I felt in terms of accent I let Cinder have artistic control. Ultimately I'm happy that it will provide variety when Zelda and Jessica have their lines as well.

A special thanks to Tchouki and CinderDryad ❤️
Cinder Dryad
voiced Samus, I was very happy with the dominant tones she put in, I feel they suit Samus' character. Cinder has always come through with great results and I recommend you follow her twitter
Tchouki has been crucial in the character design and colour vibe for this project. She designed Zelda, Samus and Jessica not only to look like their original designs but also to match for the project. She drew every pose you see for us to build into our animations.
I also highly recommend you check out her works.

Most of all, a major thanks to you! 💖
I understand it has taken a while to build the base for this project, I do feel confident that more content for Cyber Gal Street will be flowing out faster now but I really want to thank you so much for your patience and support.
Mac, Aika and I (plus Kato, Cinder and Tchouki) would not be able to do any of this work without your involvement, your contribution and over all desire for us to create more content like this. Thank you so very much for being a huge part in making this work possible. I feel motivated and very lucky everyday to get to do this for a living.



Bruh man from the 5th floor

Yea, even after playing enough that I think I heard everything I'm still scared I've missed content. Would 100% prefer a toggle option so we can still have that locked mode without making the majority upset.


Would absolutely love an option for the player to have feminine features (like breasts). That would be a dream come true from a creator/studio that already does so many of the things no one else out there is doing. If that were the case, would there be a possibility of any voiced lines referring to gender being affected? (as of now I can't see that there are any that reference the player's gender, nor do I think there have ever been in any of your games, which is also great!) Is there a place that y'all like to receive possible bug reports to?


is there going to be a final scene with all three of them together?


Thank you! just commenting here if you find a bug is great for me, I check the comments when I have time. So far for all the nick names for the player have been what I feel is gender neutral, stuff like 'babe' etc. However I do have planned in the Zelda script the use of 'Daddy' in a couple lines. Let me go over the script and look into making some variants.


Well that has not been planned, it's not impossible, and even though I do want to make a 4way game at some point, let's see how everyone feels after we've completed all scenes for CGS, after all, when we get there I feel there's a huge chance that we'd want another trio for something new.


Absolutely amazing work so far, feels like the quality has really been amped up while still giving the freedom akin to Sunshine Gal (which made me become a patron). Keep up the amazing work, and I very much look forward to Jessica being implemented!


Thank you Spenser! I really appreciate that amazing comment, it's very motivating for the team and I. With the speed of Zelda's build and that fact that we already have Samus animations as examples, I think we might be able to start with Jessica's voice actress and animations sooner than anticipated.


POSSIBLE BUGS #1: 1. Buttons on oral / fingering pose: a) Launched game, clicked a few of the "Work in Progress" areas (specifically around Jessica). Upon first time selecting Samus, at the oral / fingering pose, the [1X] and [2X] buttons were not present. All other controls and panels were available. After switching to another scene and returning to the o/f pose, the [1X] option was available and then the [2X] option became available. So far unable to replicate. b) Launched game. Upon first time selecting Samus, on oral / fingering pose, both [1X] and [2X] options are available from the start. This has happened each time launching the game since the time mentioned above. I don't know if this is the intended behavior or if the [2X] is only supposed to become available after the [1X] has been selected. Able to replicate. Appears to be the norm for each subsequent game started. 2. Voice lines : Launched game, proceeded through gameplay. Once Samus reached 3rd orgasm and ahegao option was activated, it was no longer possible to get any scripted voice lines to play with ahegao turned "off". This specifically included when proceeding to the third pose, with ahegao "off", having not yet entered that pose in the playthrough at all. Returning to the menu and re-selecting resulted in "favorite customer" dialogue and all worked as normal. Unable to replicate.


I know it would probably add a whole extra layer of complexity for you (I assume, I know nothing about flash), so I wouldn't be disappointed if it couldn't happen, but I'd be over the moon if I heard a "Mommy" line from Zelda.


Oh thank you for this, yes, this helps a lot. I feel I messed up the game design more than put in a bug: the oral scene has all speeds available because in story mode you have to choose slow and then fast to build up her edge-meter (orgasm build up). That way both x1 and x2 are available, but just for the player to figure out to start slow, then build up. But in free play there isn't a need for that so there's more sense for a x1 then x2 progression, I'll fix that up :D


It's a good idea, but I feel like the toggle concept already exists, as the Free Play and Story versions. So maybe keep the way Free Play is now and have Story mode the version that unlocks buttons as you progress.


I'm not going to lie. I wasn't expecting much from this release, and I kinda figured it'd be just an average porn game. This demo blew my mind. The polish and attention to detail is fantastic. Like you can see her ass flattening as it contacts the ground during the first vaginal sex pose. Like who the hell does that?? That object/object interaction is just not something you see often in animated works, much less a game. Bravo, Bee. Looking forward to all the other stuff you have in mind. Also, that voice actress for Samus? Incredible. She knows her shit. Hope you give her plenty more work in the future.


This demo could pass for a full-fledged game and most people wouldn't bat an eye, great preview for what's to come CB and Team! ;D


So far, I'm impressed. The concept is still a little weird, but the art is better than I expected, and the game runs more smoothly than most of your previous releases. My one suggestion would be to increase the voice volume. Unlike previous releases, I had to turn the music off to hear her clearly, and even then it sounded more like I was eavesdropping from around the corner than like I was right there. And one thing from multiple releases that I haven't mentioned before: some of the buttons are so obscure that it takes me a while to figure out what they even do. Like here, the two little buttons on the bottom left to toggle eyeliner running and her tearing up. It seriously took me a while to figure out what they did, especially since if you just started neither one of those really apply yet, so toggling them doesn't actually do anything. Anyway, I was thinking that you might try having a text settings-type menu for things that are more like options than actions. I was also confused by the "In" and "Out" options until I tried them. But I'm not sure how you could make them clearer. "Creampie" and "Facial"? Or maybe just put the words on top of a stylized cum spray instead of a circle to convey the concept. I absolutely loved the Ahegao mode. The way she stopped talking and just gave in to the experience really worked.


This gonna be NSFW GOTY 2022!

Tobias Apples

Yeah this is really impressive. I really like the dialogue implementation and waited for longer than I would usually wait to hear more.


Thank you so much SaludFingers! "I wasn't expecting much" is a good phrase to never be disappointed haha, but seriously we do try our best. I always try to make stuff that I would be able to 'complete' to, so dialogue, moaning, finisher animations, etc. are always a must. Thank you so much for your support and kind feedback.


You're too kind Haillo! Thank you so very much! We're already building in Zelda poses, expressions and clothes now.


Great feedback David, Thanks very much! I'm glad you're happy with things so far and yeah, I didn't realize In or Out would be a little confusing so I can easily fix that, same goes for the tears and eyeliner, I just wanted to save space but I agree with you on that, I'll be adding text. The audio I tested with my Sennheiser headphones because my speakers are cheap. Thank you for letting me know about the dialogue clips, I'll go back and see what the issue is and how to fix that.


HAHA! yay! Thanks KommissarKush, much appreciated. Thank you for the hype, it's very motivating and also of course, thank you for your support.


Ah yeah, the dialogue might be a little tricky for now, but I'm pretty sure it's best to have 'Story' be the version that unlocks voice clips and freeplay be the version that has it all available already. I will in the next post however write a dialogue guide so people know they haven't missed anything. Thank you very much Tobias for your feedback and support!