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Hi everyone! I just wanted to say sorry for being too busy to post recently.
The team and I have been hard at work getting Samus ready for release.
That's why I currently don't see any need to post visual updates. (Why give anything away so soon to release.)

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your patience.
We've built a lot more 'reusable base assets' into this work in hopes that Zelda and Jessica, scene character swap options, ᶏnal options, trans/newhalf options, etc. will be added and updated in much quicker, making the "content vs build time" ratio much better for this particular game.

Even though our audio person, Kato, got a covid scare (turns out it was non-covid flu), he's finishing the background music soon.
Right now it's just touch up's, tweaks, some final audio additions like BG ambiance and SFX, a thank you page, and a few additional facial and lip-sync animations to add.

So in short, without any major issues turning up, Cyber Street Gal should be released this month 🤞

Cheers everyone, and thanks again!


Big Daddy

I don't mean to be that guy... But wasnt it cyber street gals?


lol, thanks for pointing that out, I keep making that mistake in my head but you're right, it's Cyber Street Gals. In my head they're the gals on Cyber Street, which is a sci-fi red light district.


I can't wait ! 🤤

Scumstango (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 22:15:19 Always worth the wait, you & the team do some of the best work around!
2022-05-14 02:12:08 Always worth the wait, you & the team do some of the best work around!

Always worth the wait, you & the team do some of the best work around!