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Hello! Thank you for an excellent start of the year. We started work on a new project at the beginning of this year and we have most of the base work down.

What I'm hoping for Cyber Street Gals is that we will be able to create more sɛx scene/positions and save time by having the base scripting already finished and working for multiple sɛx scenes. The same can be said for the lip syncing script by having the moans and sɛx dialogue scripted but used for multiple different positions. This month has been about setting the foundation and we're almost finished and ready to move onto sɛx scenes and hiring voice actors.

What we have completed this month:
-The majority of the game build with functioning script. 😁
-The entire voice actress dialogue script for all three characters (Jessica, Samus, Zelda)
-Main background drawing finished
-Zelda Idol animation (hip swaying animation in the main screen)
-Zelda clothing, animated and scripted to turn off and on individually
-Jessica Idol animation (hip swaying animation in the main screen)
-Jessica clothing, animated and scripted to turn off and on individually

Almost finished/currently working on:
-Samus Idol animation (hip swaying animation in the main screen)
-Samus clothing, animated and scripted to turn off and on individually
-Samus dialogue/talking scene
-Zelda dialogue/talking scene
-Jessica dialogue/talking scene

We should be finished with the above work soon and we will then move onto:
-animating Samus cunnilingɑs
-animating Samus sɛx scene 1
-animating Samus sɛx scene 2
Then with those animation references we'll be able to hire voice actresses for all characters and continue from there.

Also please note that I plan on releasing playable segments as soon as I can, as long as there is an ŏrgasm scene and VA audio with sfx and the music is finished then I'm happy to release it, and more than happy for you to play it. 🥰

Thank you so much for the support, for being involved with your considerate and motivating comments. The team and I are hard and work and we understand in this first month of development we can't expect to release any new sɛx scenes be we really are looking forward to when we can. We're very lucky to do this work for a living and I want to thank you so much for making that possible.

OH! I also wanted to thank you all so much for helping us create not only a fun game in my own opinion but a very popular game as well.
You as supporters have the latest version available with ɑnal and xray etc. But on Newgrounds Splootoon v1 has had really high scores and it really feels amazing, having been inspired by newgrounds artists as a kid. 

Thank you again, so very much! 💖



Happy to see Splootoon is so popular! ;D


That's awesome Cream! Looking forward to your next project!


You're the one putting in all the awesome work! All I'm doing is supporting a super talented artist!


Thank you Haillo! I'm happy about it too, but also surprised, I didn't expect as much for a single sɛx position, thank you for always motivating us with your positive comments.


Thank you Chaka, I am too, I just finished dressing Jessica in her dialogue pose and Aika is working on Samus' hip swaying idol pose. I'm looking forward to showing the progress.


That's more than most people on the internet do CH33KL4PP3R69, you and everyone's support is more than I could of ever imagined. The least I could do is work a job I love 😆 ❤️


The game looks like it'll be awesome! Not sure if this would be chosen by the majority but is there any chance there will be any futa variation performing autofellatio? Looking forward to the new game!


been ages since i replied on here...i should reply more...either way can't wait to see how this end up!


Cyber street gals is really an awesome porject, can't wait to see the first version !


Thank you Blackheart! sorry for the late reply, It's a little tricky in these early stages planning out the workload for our illustrator, animators and voice actresses, plus my own. Reply anytime you feel like, it's always a pleasure to read comments when I can.


Hi Eric, I've planned this project in a way that we can release playable segments in the form of shorts so if I do come across a scene where autofellatio is a possibility I'll be keeping that in mind. But in all honesty I didn't plan for autofellatio originally, so let me have a look at the possibilities when I can. cheers!


Thanks Smithingblacksmith! This time we are trying something slightly different, a larger project that can also be composed and released in segments/shorts, so technically the first version will take quite some time to fully come out but the first playable segment will come out first, followed by one scene after the next.


As it is a bigger project I didn't think of a full 1.0, I understand that it will take some time, and wouldn't like it to come out unfinished, love the project !