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Hi everyone!! This is just a quick post, I just wanted to let you all know we are hard at work and trying our best to finish V1 of Splootoon (Marina)

we are almost there, and if you ever wonder why I get quite sometimes it's because I'm just focused on getting all the bits finished, this usually happens before the release of v1.

It's mostly finishing up and tweaking, such as:
(here is my current list)
✔️Boobs bounce out of Clothing (only once and if still fully dressed)
✔️tweak nipples being too close in sex1 animation
✔️add tear script during org*sm
✔️side panties animation in Deep sex speed was 'clipy'
✔️after restart breath moan wasn't playing
✔️add tissue box to appear after b*kkake
✔️tissue box script and animation
✔️Deep sex button takes too long to appear, make it show up a little sooner
✔️insert animation needs to be extended to match audio
✔️x2 speed moan and x1 speed moan need to swap from one to the other when going back or forward in speeds
✔️Internal restart dialogue plays during external restart dialogue (swap em)
✔️Make sure all animations play the correct audio and have accurate script to stop playing previous audio if needed.
✔️face c*m disappearance during restart
✔️animate speakers to the beat
✔️make the background music button and script it
✔️Button disappears between Grind and x2Speed
✔️during 2nd go the x1 moan doesn't play
Aika is currently working on the 3rd frame of buk*kke
Mac is currently working on the internal c*m shot flow out animation.

I really hope you like the Music Track that our sound guy Kato made for us, it's a parody of Acid Hues from Splatoon 2, I wanted a track that would work better as background music, not to stand out to much but also to be catchy.

Thanks again everyone for your support! I'm really doing my best to get this v1 finished this month.



Creambee - SplootoonTrack

v1 coming soon. For now, I hope you can enjoy Kato's parody track of the original Acid Hues. more of my works on: https://creambee.newgrounds.com/ more of Klimspree's illustrations on: https://twitter.com/klimspree more of CinderDryad's voice acting on: https://twitter.com/cinderdryadva I rely solely on the generosity of supporters on Patreon to continue making these works, if you'd like to see works as soon as they're out, check out works in progress, vote, etc. feel free to visit: https://www.patreon.com/creambee



Can already tell V1 is going to be an absolute banger of an App


I'm just vibing to this music.


This project gets better and better each update! ;D Also would it be possible to have her mention her cock when turning on the futa option, or is it too late for that?


Damn, managed to sneak some nice areolae onto YouTube! 😜 The music and her voice sound great! Gonna be lovely to listen to when I treat myself to this after NNN! ❤


Offf, so much pressure haha, just kidding. I really hope it turns out good too.


Nice! I was surprised and really happy with what Kato delivered this time ❤️


You know I started thinking that when testing it in Futa mode! It would be a lot to add in though, cause it would have to be a proper work order with more than just a couple lines from CinderDryad, plus I'd have to animate the face animations and balance the tracks, get back into the script and buttons that affect the lines... I'm thinking this is more for when I make a new game and make sure I have futa lines added in. Truth is I went overboard with the dialogue in this game, she has two swapping lines for every speed plus 5 lines for sex1 and 5 lines for sex2. I'm happy I did it but looking back I didn't need to do so much. Lesson learned for the next project.


haha Nice. Yeah the areola, didn't see that at first. "pause at 0:00 you're welcome" 😆


Always learning and improving, I'm glad you at least thought about it and now the next game you work on will have even more quality! ;D

Rhys Davies (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-25 16:17:05 my be last minute would it be possible to add her sexy navel piercing she wears and maybe a matching pair of nipple barbells as an option?
2021-11-25 13:53:44 may be last minute, would it be possible to add her sexy navel piercing she wears and maybe a matching pair of nipple barbells as an option?

may be last minute, would it be possible to add her sexy navel piercing she wears and maybe a matching pair of nipple barbells as an option?


oh my GAWD, I totally didn't notice she had a naval piercing. tsk tsk, I'ma have to tell Klimspree off for not drawing her with one (jk). No worries, of course i'll add it in, it would be easy enough to. Also, I'll add matching nipple barbells, also easy to do since the nipples are just one symbol, so I just draw in the barbells and add a on/off button. Barbells + Piercing + script to turn em off n on, shouldn't take me more than a couple hours. Thank you for bringing it up!! I almost missed her naval piercing entirely