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Hi everyone! I’ve been working my but off to get something playable out but it’s still going to take another week at least. I’ve made several new animations and new boob bounce frames for sex animation. I’ve also taken a little time to start tweaking 2B’s look as well. For SunShineGal I’ve plenty more to add in terms of script and adding objects onto animations such as the cum landings on her different boob frames and that’s why it isn’t playable yet. I’ve put together a few animated GIF’s to show only a taste of the animations.  

Animations finished: Sex Start/Insert, Sex 01 loop (slow), Sex 02 Start, Sex 02 (medium), Sex 03 Start, Sex 03 (fast), Orgasm Male only (3 cum shots inside and 3 cum shots out side), Penis Wetness changes upon insertion and depth, regain control of penis (grab-able) after pulled out while still coming, All these animations done for both asleep and awake, new arm animations for awake position. 9 new boob shapes drawn to animation frame by frame for fast sex. Animations for shoes on and off also done. New pussy for insertion, animated with Inner lips, outer lips, hole and clit as separate objects for better/sexier looking animation. When awake her new arms animated from up to down and back when finished. 

After this I will be able to reuse and adjust the animations for anal sex and thus have the futa option available for sex. After that will be x-ray. and new animations for smaller boob options, etc.

A quick look at some tweaking work on 2B’s design. Ultimately ExDee did grate work on most of the animations. After SSG is playable with sex scenes I’ll take a little time to finish up 2B.

changes: Hair (not finished needs shading and more tweaking), eyes, pussy shape, bathing suit design, right upper arm, general shading and line art adjusting. Also you can't see this but ExDee's animation process involved a lot of "graphics" instead of "MovieClips" and he also groups a lot, where I almost only use MovieClips and never Group, so I have to convert a lot of symbols from "graphics" to "MoviceClips" add in the necessary script and un-Group everything.

Here is a little sample of SOME of what I’ve done, (GIF speeds aren’t the exact same speed in game)

side note: I can also see the back of her hair needs a little tweaking in some positions and I'll gladly fix that up no problem. Also I'm considering adding frames of animation to her side hair.

I’m sorry I can’t spend too much time writing on this post. I really would like to get back to work in hopes to make something playable as soon as possible. I’m truly thankful for all you support and I always remind myself that it’s because of you that I’m so lucky to have a job like this. I do spend as much time as I can working on these projects and I feel bad when I can't show everything because it isn't playable yet, however I'm doing my best :D I do see my work as a kind of fun art that there isn’t enough of in the world. Not only does your support help but it also tells me you want the same thing, it feels great to share this drive with all of you :D For any question you might have, ll do my best to check the comments in the chat often.  





I say Creambee, yours and Exdee’s work just keeps getting better and better!


big oof :)


Looking forward to it all, great work so far! Will there be penis options in their more natural not circumcised state at any point?


Excellent work, animtations look awesome and 2B work looks very promising too =)


I understand the art styles are different. I still think 2B doesn’t look like 2B. The rework is a lot better than the initial version but she still doesn’t look like herself. It’s her eyes, nose, face shape and mouth. I would feel more satisfied to rework it again to get it right.


Can't wait to give her some good lovin ;D


pretty off topic, but was summer dreaming just a trial run? Or is it gonna be updated again?

Marcus Aurelius

These all look incredible, clearly you've been burning the midnight oil to produce so much stuff. Take the time you need to finish, your work is always extremely polished, so the extra wait is worth it. My one request is you release us the swf. files here, as that itch.io site link never seems to operate properly.


Your work is some of the most detailed and in-depth work out there. Taking the time not only to create so many possibilities, but also making those possibilities interact with each other is far beyond what other creators are doing. Your dedication shows clearly in each of your creations through the outstanding quality they display.


Howdy TC! thanks very much for your kind comment, I'm glad you think so


that would be an interesting to add in/animate with the interactivity. I'll have to put that in the list but it'll have to be added later on with other additions


aw thanks Gian! that's really nice to hear, I'm happy you think so and I'll be doing my best for 2B after SSG


yup yup, I guess it's ExDee's style, I'll be tweaking her face as well, but it'll have to wait until after SSG


oh Summer Dreaming was used for a test run for development in unity, something is happening in the background somewhat related but more will be revealed in a couple months. as for the assets of Summer Dreaming, at some point we will have to decide weather to continue to fix up the game or will I take the assets I've animated and make a flash short. either way, nothing is wasted.


Oh thank you very much Marcus, you always have such lovely comments, I really do appreciate what you've said, I've never been a classically trained animator or even cartoonist but I do plenty of research and always try to take a step back to see if my work is up to par. I do always release a download .swf file with an itch.io link, just in case people do want to play on itch. but yes I always put a .swf download link. please let me know if I haven't or it's hard to find the link. I also leave a link on the front page of patreon to a free .swf Player.


WOW that's a wonderful comment, haha thank you very much MrSinn. I do put as much as I can in the work. I guess I look for something I'd like in the game and do my best so it makes sense as an erotic experience, I try my best to make it without the player falling short at some point. Unfortunately it does take time and I do struggle with keeping playable updates regular.