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Hello everyone, I can't make a public post with NSFW images but I can put all my text from the WIP " Creambee Update Images – Sun Shine Gal and 2B (Creambee Short) "post here to tell you what I've been up to.

I've decided to publicly apologize as a way of reaching out to my patrons who might have left as a way of saying I never meant to make anyone feel neglected or ignored. I'm very sorry about everything, about not being able to make update posts more often this month and disappearing from the comments. I feel like I've let you down or worried some of you and for that I'm sorry, I never meant to give anyone a bad time or make anyone feel taken advantage of. I have been hard at work but didn't keep people in the loop and I've learnt my lesson. I should know better and appreciate that you're all on board with my work and are a part of it so I shouldn't feel like it's ok for me to disappear.

Creambee Update Images – Sun Shine Gal and 2B (Creambee Short)

Hi Everyone, I’m so sorry I haven’t replied to messages and comments. I’ve been very busy but mostly I’ve been away from the internet.

I’ve been in India for a friend’s wedding, I decided to pack my desktop into a suitcase and take it with me. I stayed there after the wedding and had a working holiday, work went well but the internet situation was not good, plus I didn’t have a connection to the desktop from the hotel room so reading comments was tricky and I just didn’t end up replying. I ended up feeling really bad for not replying and felt I should submit something first to show I’ve been working hard, as an apology for not replying, I know, I’m weird like that. I’m genuinely really sorry and I promise I won’t disappear from comments for this long again.

edit note: This post should be for the 1$ tier, I usually put WIP for 5$ patreons but I feel bad for not showing my updates often enough this month so I would like everyone to be able to see the work I've been doing this whole time.

Sun Shine Gal current progress

I started by redoing the “massage frame grid” for massaging her boobs. I’ve basically doubled the frames as you can see in the comparison image. I’ve had to re-do the boob and hand animations to fit the new number of sprites. It’s looking good and plays twice as smooth, however I can’t release it yet because as I was working on them I realized I also have to do the smaller version of boobs to match up into the oil rubbing.

(example image)

I then continued my work by figuring out how to make two types of interactive boobs without having to reanimate her orgasm and massage animations (not so easy). I then drew the three types, (clothed, exposed and nude) and also made the oily see through bikinis to fit. I still feel the exposed bikini could use a little touching up in shape. After this I realized there was a problem, I had to draw more frames for the sex scenes (boobs bouncing). I had to stop working on small boobs and start working on the sex scenes and complete that first.

(example image)

I’ve decided to add a slower start sex speed to have an over all of 3 speeds.

We have:

“insert” - “slow_loop’ - “insert deeper” – “medium_loop” – “fast_loop” – “finisher”

I’m also considering a way so you can either orgasm yourself, or orgasm with her at the same time (analy, vaginaly and futa). As you have played you now I've already made her orgasm animation, so I'll make the player orgasm animation the same number of frames and then try and find a way to combine them.

Please note: I don't want the sex animations to just be the same pose so I'm adding/animating new arm poses as well :D she'll pull her arms to her side and have a couple different hand poses for relaxed and intense moments.

(example image)

2B – Open Bar – progress report

Preemptive note: This is ExDee’s first attempt at making erotic animation, he’s never had to put the priority into his art being 100% sexy and extra bouncy. You will see in these images that they aren’t quite there yet but please remember when he’s completed the remaining animations I’ll be taking over this work, editing and adding to it.

ExDee has to finish 2 more animations and I’ll be taking it from there with editing, adding script for 2B’s second costume, audio and interaction. In flash it's a lot easier to redraw an object/instance without having to re-animate anything.

His first sketch

(example image)

Followed by animation

- breathing / chilling at the bar (none yet)

- Sex speed 1 & 2

(example image)

- Sex grind

(example animated gif)

I gotta say ExDee really impressed me with this animation, I didn't ask for a grind but he just put it in there :D and yes, I will be re-drawing and re-colouring the penis.

I’ll be editing changing

-the background

-her bathing suit, I’m using XNALara to use the original model as a design reference

-her hair, I can get the exact angles using XNALara

-also I’ll be redrawing her pussy

-I also want to make her arms a bit more toned (slightly thinner upper arm with a little more muscle definition)

So far, I’m very happy with ExDee progress and I see a lot of potential in his work.

as for additions I'll be adding a interactive futa and pussy play.

Thank you again everybody for your support, care and interest in my work, I’m so sorry for not replying for the past few weeks and I didn’t mean to make anyone worry. I can relate, one of my favorite flash animators who inspired me to get into flash was called Eggplants. I tried to email him to see if he’d like to collab, I found his patreon page was under review and he hasn’t posted anything (not even a message) in over a year. If he decided to leave this kind of work I can accept that but I can’t help but worry a little, hoping he’s ok.

Thanks again everyone, I would have loved to post something playable this time but unfortunately there’s just a lot of work and animation to add in first (boob bounce, smaller boob bounce, sex, orgasm, and better oil rub). I hope everyone is doing well and I’ll see you soon.



Thanks for the heads up!


thank you also bud, you're always here in the comment section with something nice :) I appreciate it


Don’t worry creambee. I’ll always be a patron to your work no matter how long it takes.

Anon 49

So is life. Take care of yourself first, then good work will follow! No hurry! :D

Reed Varatis

I was honestly more worried something happened to you. personally, I'll be back donating in a few days when I get my paycheck. glad to know you're still alive.


New here, but already happy to see how much you care for your support. I hope you had a great time in india and happy to see you coming back motivate :)


Same here!! TBH i didnt even noticed some time passed since last teasers/informations =)


Oh thank you bud, I'm sorry to make you worry, was never my intention, I didn't realize the impact it would have. But I know now, thank you for being understanding.


hello and welcome! Yeah, I had practically nothing before patreon. Being able to do what you love for a living is wonderful and I have you guys to thank :D

Marcus Aurelius

Don't worry about it mate, we're just happy you're back with so much progress made.


Just glad to know you're ok. Keep up the good work!


Don't worry, just glad everything is okay and thanks for the update, can't wait to see the finished work !


Thank you, thats' super nice of you to say and yes, I love my work, I'll never stop :D


Thanks very much! yeah, I can't wait either haha, I'll continue to do my best, one addition at a time :)


Hey, your content is amazing. If I can support you during your off-month, that's cool because I know you're gonna come right back and knock the next one out of the park. Thanks Creambee


Oh thank you for being understanding, and I agree, your most important asset is yourself.


and thank you Jakbo! I really appreciate the support, I love doing my work and always take it with me, but sometimes there are hiccups, I wanted to do "Fix Massage" - "Boobs" - "SexScene" but then realized through the way the game was set up I had to do it "SexScene" - "Boobs" - "Fix Massage". So in the end I couldn't put something playable this month.


Random question: what program do you use to make all of these animations. Imma guess Adobe Animate.


Might want to include a Mega link, downloading from other sources takes way too long.


You Really don't have to apologize, your work is hard and taking breaks, or just generally not wanting to work is totally understandable.


Hi, I'm old school, I use cs6. But on the down low, I have other projects in the background with other people involved so that in the future there can be Creambee games you can play on other platforms, like phones.


ok, that's good to know, thank you for sharing that :) I didn't realize


Oh thanks Khan, that's really kind of you to say. I alway's want to work though, working on this stuff as an adult is like playing video games for me when I was a kid haha.


Hi Creambee, can you give us an aproximation of the reléase date of v 1.1 ?


Hello! It's great that you are with us again! We were already worried! Great job with adding speed! You can choose the right pace. We are waiting for the continuation of updates!