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Big amount of text here, so brace yourselves!

I managed to finish the secret bonus scene of the upcoming episode during the weekend. Now all that's left animation wise is some small tweaks. After that, the final render begins.

Now the test render itself with the lowest samples took more than 5 hours, and that wasn't even with all the footage there is to render. So you can expect the final render with the proper quality to take several days. Honestly I have no idea how many. While that is happening, I will start working on the audio and editing the two previous parts together with this one. 

I can not guarantee a release for this month, but it won't be too far anymore. We're almost there!

Now here are some numbers:

- Parts one and two (which you have most likely seen already) together are 10 minutes in length

- This part that I've been working on, combined with the bonus scene is 8 minutes and 40 seconds of footage

- These clips combined with the opening and closing credits, plus some small additional footage in the beginning, means this entire episode's total runtime will be more than 20 minutes

- I have made all of this in under a year while it took me two years to make Special Delivery, which was a little over 30 minutes long (granted, it contained more unique and time consuming animation)

This was never meant to be a project this big to begin with, but then again neither was Special Delivery. The difference this time was that I worked on AI-Curious in smaller chunks and took a bit of time off in between them to work on something else. 

This change of focus kept my mind from burning out on a single project and it's why I'll keep doing AI-Curious this way. I slice the episodes in smaller parts and release those parts when they are finished. Then once the final part is ready, they all get joined together to form a single episode.

Now this doesn't necessarily mean I won't be making more big long movies in the future. I can do the same thing with them as with this series. Work on it for a month or two, then do something else for a bit and then come back to it. A refreshed and inspired mind works a lot better, that much I have learned.

Anyway, after this episode is released, I'm going to take a short break and then work on the giant Liara project for two months. She has been waiting patiently for too long now and desperately needs some work done!

Lastly, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you people for your endless support! You are making it possible for my dream projects to come alive and I think you are going to love what I have in store for you for the future!

Stay safe! -BJ


alexis d

you're welcome :) tx to you for all of this ! Take care and see ya

Rob Jones

Cant wait to see the finished video! You are hands down the best futa/dickgirl creator out there right now. Your stuff is always worth waiting for! Thanks gor the hard work!


Well, I definitely like your approach to work. It is absolutely correct to take a short break after completing a project, rest is a restoration of strength and a rethinking of everything you have come to and achieved!


Great to hear the giantess Liara project is still in the works! I absolutely loved the WIPS of that one. Take your time, bud.


Awesome to hear the update, can’t wait! Also really hoping a sequel to special delivery is on the eventual to do list as well. Thanks for the hard work!


Sweetness! Thanks for the update.

Hans Peter Bak

Thank you for the update. ^^


We'll be waiting. And little present for you ;) https://www.deviantart.com/dr-none/art/Asari-Normandy-866437804

Rob Jones

Hey no offense but why did I have to read about the release of the full video on 4chan? As a patron it would have been nice to receive at least a notification of the tweet you released the video on. Not cool.


I agree. I didn't even know the full release was out until I accidently stumbled upon it on another forum. As patrons you'd think we would get the first word that the release is here...